
The Black Coliseum

welcome to the world of Athimasoni--an ancient Rome like culture with a group leadership called The Council whose a strict policy send those who rebel to the Black Coliseum. There they await execution either by an opponent in the ring or put up against an impossible beast. From the outside, the country looks like a peaceful nation; but when one of the Royal guards finds out the dark truth between the Council and the Black Coliseum after being sentenced to the coliseum, he vows to bring it down. First, he must enlist allies and Friends to succeed at his quest and bring to light the dark past of their country.

lukethorn810 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Opposite Twins

"Well well, how the mighty have fallen. In good spirits I hope, brother?"

Cole's head panned upwards towards the voice: first the feet, then to the pair of light leather trousers that covered barely visible sandals. The trousers stopped just above the waist giving way to a shirtless body with well-toned muscles riddled with scars from battle at the Coliseum. Cole's inspection continued upward to see the mert face of the person who called him brother.

"Well, of all the incompetent bootlickers to visit me, it figures it'd be you! Enjoying the view from the outside, Randall? I haven't been sentenced yet, so don't celebrate until the deed is done!"

Randall's fists clenched tight as Cole finished his snarky reply. The two were twins but had nothing in common. They even looked completely different. Randall's long silver hair, pale complexion, and green eyes were a stark contrast to Cole's short flame-red hair, dark tan, and heterochromatic gold and brown irises.

"You enjoy this don't you, Cole, you insubordinate leech!"

Cole's eyes narrowed and his anger deepened. He lunged towards the bars of the cell door latching his hand onto them as tightly as possible and putting his face to them.

" I'd ought to pull your tongue right out of your head for that, and don't call me brother!"

A smile appeared on Randall's face as he backed away from the bars and stepped aside to let Justus through whose black hair and Navy blue eyes could be barely seen in the dark tunnels of the underground prison.

It's time for your sentence to be dealt with you. I'm truly sorry, Cole, but this one's on you and you alone. He and I are here to take you as your escorts, so don't try anything funny!"

The softness that once filled Justus' voice was gone now as he unlocked and opened the cell doors, grabbed the two chained gauntlets off the wall beside the cell, and reattached them to Cole's wrists.

He pulled Cole along with one arm.

" I see is this his idea of a joke. That snake! Once I get my hands on him, I'll tear his head off!"

Cole muttered to himself as they walked down the dark, narrow passageways by candlelight. He stumbled over tree roots and corpses that were lying in the way. The prison wasn't very well kept up since it was only a place for the damned. Suddenly a sharp pain whipped from the back of Cole's head forcing him to the ground.

His head now pulsed with agony as Randall picked him back up.

"Don't ever threaten the life of someone on the Council again, you twit, or I'll kill you right here and now--disregarding what Sister asked of Lord Rollin!"

Cole turned his head and sneered at Randall before retorting.

"Mama's boy! Don't talk to me about Sister! You, Mom, and Dad sold her off to that freak just to get a little higher in the world!"

Randall raised his fist and again slammed it into the bridge of Cole's nose, making him stumble backward.

"Do you have any shame? You don't know what was going on, do you? You were too busy playing "catch the bunny rabbit" with everything in a dress--especially that tavern maid, isn't that right!"

Randall's words stabbed Cole's ears and Cole became more furious. He pounced at Randall coming down on his twin's head with his shackled hands, knocking Randall down; and he continued to smash Randall's face before Justus dragged him off.

"I'll beat you to a bloody pulp If you say that again! That's not true and you know it!"

Randall lay there a second before trying to get back to his feet. Unsteady, but able to stand again, Randall burst out in an antagonistic laugh.

"What? Are you angry with me calling a plaything by what she is--a toy?"

Cole's palms started to bleed with how tightly his fists were clenched in anger

"How dare you! That's it--you're dead! She's my friend, you bastard!"

Cole launched forward at his twin again before feeling a blunt pain. As he collapsed on the ground, everything went completely dark.