
The Black Coliseum

welcome to the world of Athimasoni--an ancient Rome like culture with a group leadership called The Council whose a strict policy send those who rebel to the Black Coliseum. There they await execution either by an opponent in the ring or put up against an impossible beast. From the outside, the country looks like a peaceful nation; but when one of the Royal guards finds out the dark truth between the Council and the Black Coliseum after being sentenced to the coliseum, he vows to bring it down. First, he must enlist allies and Friends to succeed at his quest and bring to light the dark past of their country.

lukethorn810 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

blackout. sentence to the Colosseum

Light pierced Cole's eyes as he opened them and he reared back in pain. as He gripped the back of his head and assumed he'd been knocked out with the butt of Justus' sword.

He took a second to scan his surroundings: the stone chair he was tied to, the long rows of people lined up yelling all sorts of curses and insults at him (his mother and father at the forefront), the large white walls of the ceremony halls, then the twelve great pedestals decorated in all manner of flowers where the 12 members of the council sat. In the center of the council was Rollin with that sarcastic "I've won" smile on his face.

"For the crime of treason, Cole Dila Thatcher-- son of Marcus Lex Thatcher--is brought before the Great Council today to be righteously judged!"

A man dressed in a red and black toga read a large scroll, before handing it up to the eldest and wisest of the Council, Mordred Claudius. He softly stroked his short, gray beard as he read the scroll himself then passed it to the next member, his green eyes burning a hole through Cole's forehead the whole time. Next was Martius, then, Justus' father, Francis Talba. The scroll continued its rounds to all members of the Council: Regis, Dracus, Roderick, then to Avila Cornelia-- the customary single female on the Council.

Avila's long wavy black hair which was usually falling to her ankles was now put up in a tall and elaborately decorated ponytail. Her ivory complexion and tawny eyes perfectly complemented her rich sapphire black hair. She looked at the contents of the scroll and closed it again, passing it to Rollin, who didn't even read it before passing it. At last, it reached the end of the line.

"So it's this type of case I see," began Martius. "Do you, Cole, have any defense or reasoning to justify your actions? Answer truthfully and honestly and we just might let you go!" he said with a sharp tone.

"Oh give it a rest, Martius, he's guilty." Rollin interrupted with an impatient flourish intended to provoke his brother-in-law. "Let's just get it over with and skip to the part where I get my way."

"Oh so annoying let's just hear him out first maybe he's got a good explanation for his conduct towards you." Avila rubbed her temples as she spoke.

"I agree knowing you Rollin you just want him gone because he pissed you off," Mordred Said skeptically towards Rollin. "Answer me this young man how do justify yourself do you have a difference?

"Other than the guy's face pisses me off no not really even though if I did you wouldn't believe me you on your high thrones!" Cole's nonchalant manner and rash answer made the council recoil and unbelief; as he strained to yawn and stretch as if he was tired.

"Well I see no need in dragging this out any further we got a direct confession from him so let's finish this already; because I'm obviously in the right" Rollin again purposely spoke.

the rest of the council agreed so his sentence was handed to the prosecutor who spoke out loud.

"hear ye hear ye by order of the 12 council members who all in agreement the former castle guard Cole Thatcher is sentenced to the black coliseum for misconduct towards the council!"

Cole was then lifted and turned towards the crowd by Randall.

"If you have any last words to you're friends and family now is the time to say them, Cole,"

Rollin chuckled loudly after saying this as if to gloat over his victory.

"Yes matter of fact I do; you all dislike me for not falling in line with a system that favors nobility over ability. but hay doesn't bother me any because to be absolutely blunt the feeling's quite mutual I hate every last one of you."

Cole's response shocked and silenced the audience of Nobles.

Cole then looked back at Rollin and gave sarcastic smile.

"especially you coward who thinks he beat me into submission by sending me to the Coliseum,Ha, don't make me laugh!"

Rollin stood up and slammed his fists on the table "I will not take this from you; you filthy commoner!"

Randall then used his helmet and hit Cole's face making his face a bright purplish color; then Randall stepped forward and started taking him away leaving the shocked audience behind them Justus going soon after.

"Well, that was a thing!"

Avila said bursting out into laughter as she finished her remark

"Hahaha," have you seen your face, Rollin. You look so idiotic right now!" she continued laughing

Much to, Rollin's, dismay and his shock.

"Ahem" Rollin cleared his throat "Ok I think it came to a favorable end the trader is sentenced to the Colosseum so all is well that ends well I always say right Avila?"

As the doors closed behind Justus.

"You say that since you got your way not because something he did although what he did was wrong that's not the reason you wanted him gone isn't there" Avila's face became sterner now that most of the audience had gone. Rollin lurched backward disgust as if she had just thrown shit in his face.

" Are you sleeping with him or something, because you shoreside with him a lot" this was not the first time Cole and Rollin had been in a fight and Rollin had always come take it out on his maids often in front of Avila or one of the other members of the Council who would always side with him in exaptation for her and Mordred, Avila mostly though. she stepped back in astonishment at him even suggesting that. although he was right, she had; had him come to her chambers in the middle of the night once in a while. but she would never tell Rollin that.

"Hu how could even suggest I do such horridness act as to sully my body with a commoner" it was dark truth that the Woman of the council had to keep their bodies for whoever noble she was betrothed to although if she was to sleep with another noble before marriage, she could claim he was a consort if it was with a common man, he could get put to death.

As the door slammed behind the three men walked back to the holding cell where he was to await trance fore.