
the birth of the second mandalorian jedi

death. rebirth. The Force Jared a normal person in life meets a rather dull death of literal boredom after being quarantined for a year and travels to the star wars universe and becomes the second mandalorian jedi. Another boy in another world will still continue this is just something I wanted to do.

reddragon98 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

chp 1

" Hello anybody there?" I yell into the void to receive only silence in response and as I look around only thing in the this black void is a desk and chair that is empty a few feet away. "sighs to think that one can actually die of boredom damn I bet my friends are having a hoot out of this. I turn back to the desk and see a man wearing a white vest reading a newspaper. ' fuck it ' I think to myself as I walk up to the desk, " uh pardon me..." I start but get cut off by the man saying " Take off your shoes." I tilt my head to the side and just bluntly say " why?" this gets the man's attention as he folds up his newspaper and rubs his temples." Because it is common courtesy numbnuts, anyway your dead congrats, now choose since I don't really care right now, heaven, hell or rebirth." he says leaning back in his chair.

" Can I choose the world is I want to be reborn?" I ask hopefully as the man nods and says bluntly " Ok so you are going to be reborn what world, what race, and ability." ' damn didn't think this through but oh well fuck it'. I think to myself as I take a breath and say excitedly" Star wars universe I want to be a mandalorian who is a force welder." The man shoots forward now Interested in me finally " Wait you mean you want to end up like that vizslan fellow!"

Taking a few steps back shaking my head before saying calmly " No I will not follow his path in fact I will follow the path of the ancient je'daii and study the Force as a whole because if you only study one aspect of something then the dangers of the other go unnoticed." The man sits back and thinks before nodding saying " Ok then have fun je'daii wannabe." as he snaps his fingers and everything went black.

3rd person pov.

"Come on ma'am your almost there push just once more time." a nurse says as a woman in her later 20's pushes out a healthy baby. "Good job ma'am I'm just finishing up here then you can hold the baby." the nurses says quickly cleaning the mother up and wrapping the baby in a blanket saying" It's a healthy baby boy ma'am." The mother takes the new born who is screaming his lungs out before starting to feed him. "His name will be jared.... Jared Vizsla."

short chapter for the first one please be gentle with the information dumping against if you calmly explain things then I will correct it but I will ignore rude comments

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