
the birth of the second mandalorian jedi

death. rebirth. The Force Jared a normal person in life meets a rather dull death of literal boredom after being quarantined for a year and travels to the star wars universe and becomes the second mandalorian jedi. Another boy in another world will still continue this is just something I wanted to do.

reddragon98 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs


"JARED WHERE DID YOU RUN OFF TO!" my mother yells out off the front deck of our modest little home as I come running up," Here I is mother is there something wrong?" I ask tilting my head to the side trying to figure out if I'm in some sort of trouble. " No just I need you to run these down to landing platform 7 there are guests coming by later and i can't make the trip." she says handing me what looks like a holotape, I just nod and run off towards the platforms before hoping on a passing speeder. " WHOA THERE ARE YOU- oh hey Jared running a erend for your mother!" the pilot yells at me, " Yes Uncle Bobby can you give me a lift to platform 7!" I yell back over the wind.

"Sure thing." uncle yells at me before whipping the speeder to the platform speeding of towards something no one would ever expect. After a few minutes of flying I hop of the speeder and run towards the platform as Bobby flys off, " huh I just realized mom didn't say how to give this holotape to ah well just ask the controller" I say to myself aloud as I begin to walk towards the tower when suddenly a loud explosion happens off towards my left. " Quick get that ship put out and get the fire brigade!" I hear a guard yells as everyone rushes to help only to see a man pined under a dura steel beam. I quickly run over to talk to the man " Sir are you o---- nevermind stupid question how can I help." I yell shaking the man who is out cold due to pain.

"KID MOVE YOUR ASS!" another man pushes me out of the way and attempts to moves the beam to know success calling for help. Feeling a sudden calming feel in my body I slowly lift my hand and let the force flow through me and lift the beam before the men can grab it causing every one to stare. "Move him this is heavy." I grunt trying to keep the beam in the air, they quickly pull him out as I loose my grip on the beam causing it to slam against the platform still but I turn to the burning ship and force push it off the platform before collapsing from my first time using the force.

the next day

"Yawns where am I ?" I ask before I get smothered by my mother in a bear hug while she is crying out of joy and fear " Oh thanks the gods that you are alright my little one and to think that you can use the force to." she sits back wiping her tears away saying" to think that my son might become a Jedi but Jared let me ask you this?" I nod as I sit up asking" yes mother?" mom looks at me seriously and says" what comes first the duty to the masses or your duty to yourself? what kinda of man do you want to be?". I tilt my head to the side to think of a good answer before saying calmly as I slowly connect to the force " the duty to the masses but also to duty until oneself is important for one to understand both is for one to know both, as for the type of man I want to be I chose to walk the least travelled and to be a nightmare to my enemies but a guardian to the people I have been charged to protect." I turn to look at my mom seeing her dumbfounded by what I just said before she shook her head and kisses my head.

" Good boy tomorrow we'll go to the duchess and ask her to request a transport for you my little angel. Your purpose is out in the stars, just promise not to get involved with those numbskulls deathwatch." mom says sternly as I nod before asking " But can I have a helmet made for me I want to honor the ancestors?" Mom just nods and tells me to head to bed.