
The Birth Of The New World

The birth Of The New World is a story about the world attempting to somewhat civilize itself. As the world was used to living in tribes of many different sizes, some have started to band together and live as one, building castles as a way to show their power. Many tribes gave up their family like bond and loyalty to their rulers for the luxuries and promise of gold of kingdoms. A number of tribes still walk the land and this is where the story starts. In the tribe the black wolf’s, a 17 year old young man named Hayden Frostburn, days away from his 18th birthday. Is preparing for his welcome into the raiding party. Which is something everyone of the age of 18 is required to join. Read his journey to fight his way through life seeing what the world of a warrior has to offer. See the birth of religions, the fall of kingdoms and the birth Of The New World,

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The Birth Of The New World

This is my first of many stories i hope to write, with that said please leave any advice All is welcome. i want to become a better writer and nothing helps me more than feed back. so please enjoy.

Thud,Thud,Thud, the sound of wooden swords can be head crashing into one another. Two men are sparing.

One man looks older, his short graying hair is covered by a helmet, his once ember eye looks more like old oak, his armor is worn and old, the iron around his shoulders is scratched and dented and the hide covering his chest is ripped and worn, and the fur around his neck and hips is almost gone.

The other man is young medium length black hair is free and not held down by a helmet, is eyes where once ember also but now seem like a blazing fire, his armor is new no scratches or dents in his iron shoulder pads, his hide chest plate is clean without even a fold mark, and his fur is shows clearly around his neck and hips.

The sparring is abruptly interrupted. Boys! I made some food, come get it why it's hot.

Both men look over and see a woman with long beautiful blonde hair, and a bright red dress covering her body, as well as a flower crown covering her forehead. A big beautiful smile warms her face.

The old man places his hand around the younger man

I guess that's the end of that. You did great today Hayden. You're going to make a great warrior.

Hayden looks over his shoulder at the older man.

Thank you father. You taught me well, I will do my best to make you proud.

The older man puts his hands on Hayden's shoulders, looks him up and down before hugging Hayden, After pulling away.

Let's clean up before eating, your mother would be mad if we brought dirt into the house.

They both laugh

Minutes later the family of three sat at a table eating. The father and mother look at each other then both look at young Hayden

Son, tomorrow is your big day, you're becoming a man, with that.


The father places a sword and a shield on the table.

These belong to you know. I can not be there tomorrow when you join the raid party, so this is the least I can do.

Hayden picks up the sword and examines it. And then takes a few swings.

Thanks father, thanks mother. I will be the best warrior this land has ever known.

The mother laughs and looks at her husband

Reminds me of you when you were that age.

The sun sets and the start of the new day begins. As the sun just rises a young Hayden wakes up and grabs his gear, and walks out to the leaders longhouse. frail wooden walls keep the beauty of the outside and the ugly inside. Old mud paths cover walkways, old small stone huts fill the land, and as Hayden walks up the stairs to the long house he has a clear view over the wooden gates. The view is breathtaking. Green fields, a river, and a few mounts fill Hayden views. Hope fills his heart.

Hayden turns back and walks to the long house and knocks on the door and the door swings open.

Who are you?

A Strong ,tall. old, bald man with a long gray beard. Answers.

I'm Hayden Frostburn, I just turned 18 and I'm here to join the raiding party.

Oh great, great come in. your father told me about you.

Pulling Hayden inside.

I have a party all ready for you to join. There out by the dock go join them.

Will do, sir.

Hayden walks out and walks around the back, down the stairs and walks to the dock. Shield on his back and newly made sword Hayden meets his squad. As Hayden walked to the dock, only a group of people were there. An old harden squad of 5, every man there looks half Hayden age.

Hey i'm Hayden, i'm your new squad mate.

The squad welcomed Hayden,

The tallest one who was sitting down this whole time stands up

I'm Alexander. I'm the leader of this squad, here take this.

Alexander hands Hayden a short black and red cloth.

Hayden takes it.

Whats this?

Tie it around your belt. It helps us identify you in battle.

Alexander said as he climbed onto his boat

Alexander stands up and loudly says

The waters are calm and we leave now. The gray snake clan has attacked one of our raid parties so we are going to hit their farms and then meet up with the other raid parties and hit their camp. Sounds good to everyone?

The group of 5 yell and climb into the boat and took off.