
The Birth Of The New World

The birth Of The New World is a story about the world attempting to somewhat civilize itself. As the world was used to living in tribes of many different sizes, some have started to band together and live as one, building castles as a way to show their power. Many tribes gave up their family like bond and loyalty to their rulers for the luxuries and promise of gold of kingdoms. A number of tribes still walk the land and this is where the story starts. In the tribe the black wolf’s, a 17 year old young man named Hayden Frostburn, days away from his 18th birthday. Is preparing for his welcome into the raiding party. Which is something everyone of the age of 18 is required to join. Read his journey to fight his way through life seeing what the world of a warrior has to offer. See the birth of religions, the fall of kingdoms and the birth Of The New World,

Unprofessional87 · Fantasy
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A Day Of Rest. Chapter 3

Chapter 3 A Day Of Rest

After walking for some time Hayden and his squad are almost at their destination.

Where almost there's just a few 100 steps.

Alexander said with a little shake in his voice.

Hayden looks at Alexander hearing the shake in his voice.

You okay? I heard a

I'm fine. Just hate walking far distances.

Alexander said annoyed.

They continued to walk when one of the other members spoke.

Just up ahead I can see the camp.

A camp is set up with at least 20 tents and 1 really long tent in the middle with a medium sized tent next to it.

Wouldn't the gray snacks see the smoke from the camp fires?

Hayden said with a look of worry.

No Alexander stated. The gray snakes are at least 600 steps north of here. It would be dumb to set up camp next to an enemy. Sigh. we rest up here, eat, sleep and whatever else and we march to the gray snakes sunrise tomorrow.

The crew marches to the camp.

Hey Alexander didn't think you guys were joining us.

Alexander smiles and walks up and shakes the hand of the man guarding the gate.

If You think I would miss a battle like this, you're crazy.

Both men laugh.

Where's the captain's tent? Better let them know where here. Alexander said annoyed

With a newly made smile the gate guard said. He's right down the path to the right. As for you guys, I'll have you set up in a tent and then you better head to the chow hall for some grub before it's all gone.

The gate guard led Hayden and the other 3 to a tent.

Uhhhhh. With a look of confusion the gate guard says there's only 4 beds here.

Is that a problem Hayden said?

Yeah. you're a squad of 6. Okay you know what, kid you come with me. Alexander and the others could have this tent.

With that the gate guard showed Hayden to another tent.

You get your own tent, but don't get used to it. This almost never happens. Well clean up and then go grab some food. You're gonna need all your strength for tomorrow.

The guard leaves, leaving Hayden alone. He puts his sword down and sits on his bed and rests his head in his hands and thinks to himself for a minute.

This is so much for a first day. At that moment a sharp pain hits Him in his left arm.

Ow what the…. Oh yeah. I forgot to bandage my arm from the battle. How strong was that guy to just break my shield in one hit. I have to clean and bandage it.(his stomach rumbles)

But first I have to eat something.

Hayden takes off his armor leaving only his red short sleeve shirt on top and his black long sleeve shirt under it. As well as his black pants and boots.

Hayden heads to the chop hall where there is a 2 big bowl in the middle and tables around the room. He grabs a bowl of some food and a cup of whatever was in the other bowl and sits away from everyone else.

Hayden is eating when he goes to take a drink and slips it out instantly.

Ew. What is this? Tastes like death.

A laugh can be heard from another table.

Hayden, embarrassed, tries to ignore it. Just as he's gone back to eating, a bowl and cup is placed down in the seat in front of him and a girl sits down.

First time drinking? Said the girl with a smirk.

I've been drinking since I was able to stand. Hayden says confidently

The girl laughs again.

Oh really you're a real drunkard then.

Hayden Obviously confused


The smirk turned more into a grin on the girl's face.

Drinking? Like alcohol. That kind of drinking.

Hayden's confidence is completely gone.

Oh, yeah, it's my first time.

Still grinning.

You don't get out much do you?

Embarrassed Hayden says.

No, not really. I never really left my training yard and now everything is so brand new.

Hayden starts glowing with passion.

Everything is so cool and I'm having so much fun. I even killed a gray snake who had some spiky ball weapon.

The girl Grin turns into a smile of content.

Wow that makes you a true warrior.

The girl leans in with a big smile.

How about when we get back to the village, I help you celebrate like a true warrior.

Hayden's face looks confused.

How do you celebrate like a true warrior?

The girl gets even closer to Hayden.

You're just gonna have to find out for yourself when the time comes. You know what? You're funny. What's your name, funny guy?


I'm Laila.

Laila looks and sees a drop of blood on the table and then sees Hayden's arm.

Your bleeding.

Hayden Looking at his arm

Oh yeah. I was gonna patch it up after i ate

Looking concerned.

I could Patch it up for you?

Happy Hayden said

Could you?

with a grin Laila said

Sure. Just show me to your tent.

They walk to Hayden's tent

Laila said why swinging a chair in front of her

Ok now sit here and take your shirt off.

It's just my arm. Why do I need to take my shirt off?Hayden said concerned

Shut Up. I'm the doctor so what I say goes okay? Laila said why crossing her arms

Fine. just make it as painless as possible please.

Will do Laila said with a smile growing on her face.

Laila begins to pact Hayden up. Pulling the small wood chips out of his arm Hayden tries to start up a conversation but it is quickly shot down by Laila saying "I need to focus". After taking the little wood chips out she takes a little bit of river water and rubs the cut. Then finally bandages it up.

All done. Should be fully healed in a week or two. Laila said obviously proud of her work

I…i….i thought you said you would do it painless.Hayden said in a voice of pain

I tried, that's all that matters. Now you need to rest. You've been through a lot. When was the last time you slept? Laila said with a look of worry

3 days ago Hayden said why he Stumbled to the bed.

Laila jogged up to Hayden and helped him to bed.

Nobody else came in here, so you got this room to yourself. How you score that.

Got lucky, I guess. You can stay here if you want. The night is cold and these beds are warm,Hayden said falling while asleep

There's only one bed here and you want me to sleep in here with you. Laila said Concerned.

Hayden fell asleep.

Laila looks down at Hayden, thinking.

(he seems nice, and sweet sleeping in the same bed as him wouldn't be that bad would it. It's better than my tent, and I am planning to when we get back home. Why not better early than never.

Laila grabs the blanket and climbs into the bed and snuggles up close to Hayden. Laying her on his chest and putting her arm around him and going to bed.

Ending the day.