
The Birth of a Calamity

on unfortunate day for humanity a calamity struck,which was in the form of a hoard of blood thirsty monster's taking over earth,but humanity wasn't left without anything as they were given each a power to defend themselves, but some people might choose to protect the weak while others choose to oppress and rule with their power over the weak, but what will a young man named Nathan who suffered all his life from injustice choose,will he become a calamity that will kill any living being whether its a human or a monster for his desires and goals or will he choose to give the protection and safety that he never got for those in need,follow him in his journey of either becoming a hope for the weak or nightmare for all.

TheComedy_Mask · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Welcome to a new beginning

In room a young man that seemed to be 17 or 18 was standing in a daze,his gaze was locked on a body in the ground in the middle of a pool of blood,the body had multiple stabs in stomach and neck,the killer was non other then the young man,he was holding a knife dyed in red from the blood of the body on the ground.

The young man name was nathan he was 5.10 foot tall he had black messy hair and dark brown eyes,his face was above average,he was wearing a white shirt that was dyed in red now with some black sport pants,but his most noticable features if exposed would be two scar's on in his back and another in his chest.

the scar's that are on Nathan's body are something that someone would have if they had an accident or in case of torture and abuse and in Nathan's case that would be the latter, although he had other beating mark's in his arms and legs but they wouldn't be as noticable as the two in his back and chest, as for why he didn't have any on his face is because the person or people who did this to him didn't want to get any attention from anyone, but some would ask how come no saw his scars in school or whatever place he had to take his clothes off,well in the case of the school gym he never went there as they claimed and faked that he had terminal illness.

And some people would've already guessed who are the people who made him go through all this,Non other than his parents,his father was a good for nothing alcoholic that would beat nathan up for any reason he could find, his mother wasn't any better she would just ignore whatever happened to him as if she didn't give damn about him or cries of help.

nathan parents weren't like this always at least his mother,when nathan was 10 his father ruined him self and his family by gambling which made them go bankrupt,then to heal the wounds of his loses he went to alcohol,but alcohol was never a medicine to any one broken it was nothing but a poison that destroyed them more,he began to lose his temper easily and his anger was now uncontrollable,as for Nathan's mother she also changed for the worse not as much as his father but she was anything but a good mother as she also became an alcoholic and followed her husband path with slowly cutting the affection she used to give to her son .

when Nathan became 13 years old and the suffering he suffered only got worse his father chose to vent on him mother as well but she left after enduring for one month so she could take some money from him and leave, Nathan never heard from her again,but that only acted as new reason for his father to beat him up more and give new scar on his chest,and that made nathan hate his mother more then anything for leaving him to suffer and escape alone.

Nathan gained the scar on his back when he was 14 from his father beating him with thick wooden stick and the reason for that was nathan trying to run away with some money he stole from his father and escape from his suffering.

some would ask why didn't nathan call the police well the reason for that his fear of his father although the suffering he went through made him more mature then his peers it also planted a sense of deep fear of his going against his father.

when Nathan became 16 years old he entered high school,he didn't consider any student he met as a true friend hell he didn't even think of anyone to be even trust worthy because of what had suffered all his life,but he had to fake being normal or he would face discrimination and bullying from his classmates or the beating of his father if he think that nathan is acting strangely to alarm the school so they would tell the police.

nathan already forgot any good memories he had with his parents when he was young although he used to fear his father for what he did to him and his mother that only stood there in the past watching him suffer without helping him or calling anyone to do thatand escaping alone leaving him alone in this hell,that fear slowly diminished with years and got replaced by pure hatred for both his parents.

one year after entering high school Nathan hatred and rage erupted after his father lost all the money he saved in a casino which is nothing but a place that destroys a person wealth and life,and vented his anger on nathan by beating him up although nathan tried to fight back he couldn't over power his father that sneak attacked him.

after the beating ended Nathan's father went to drink his medicine which was non other then alcohol,and Nathan was on the floor with his tears and blood,with dead eyes but no one can see that they contained deep hatred and anger towards his parents and most of all for himself for being so weak so dependent on others to come and save it was then that he realized that escaping and letting go of the past isn't always the answer he has to confront his fear and beat it,this is it nathan made up his mind he couldn't take this stuff anymore his shell that was made of fear and weakness that bound him cracked and he swore to never be weak again and to make any one that is against suffer or anyone that made him suffer despair.

After nathan recovered from his beating, he went to see if his father was as asleep,and there he was on his bed fast asleep, Nathan then went to the kitchen and got knife from there,and went to his room and grabbed a shirt and rolled the shirt into ball,his plan was to stuff the ball in his father mouth to stop him from screaming and then slit his throat using the knife he got.

Nathan then went back to his father's bedroom,he started to slowly move towards the bed then slowly put the ball of cloth in his father's mouth any normal person would be wide awake by now but his father was completely drunk so putting slowly wouldn't wake him up unless it chokes him.

Nathan then pushed the ball deep in his father's mouth then started to slice his neck in cutting motion his drunk father snapped awake with his eyes wide open he tried to scream but the closh in his throat that was help down by Nathan hands didn't allow him,he pushed Nathan away but i was already too late he tried to hold his neck and scream but only sound that came out was him choking on his own blood.

Nathan at that moment didn't feel fear sadness he only felt pleasure in seeing the one that made him live like hell suffer in front of his eyes but he came back to his senses quickly and picked up an old vase from a desk and ran to him and smashed it on his head and made lose his conscious,and die slowly on the floor from blood loss.

Nathan at that moment felt free the shackles that held him down and tortured him were now no more.

but then he remembered he just killed someone although he didn't feel sad about it he recalled that he will go to prison if he's found,this exact moment reminded him that his life fate lie's at the hands of others not his,he could only grit his teeth and hate the things that are supposed to bring justice can also be used by the likes of his father even though the victim here is him.

He would have to pay by going to prison or an institution that handle's minor's like him,but nathan didn't want that he didn't want to be at the mercy of other's and didn't want to suffer again," I'll run yes i need to run away until i find her and kill her then I'll think about what to do,but first i have to clean my self and get whatever money this piece of sh*t still has.

So nathan went to take shower change his clothes and then started to search for anything valuable so he could sell it,after nathan packed everything he needed and was preparing to leave a screen came out of nowhere hanged Infront him,the screen had some writing on it that stated "Welcome to a new start" nathan just stared at it blanky he didn't know how to respond to whatever this was.