
The Birth of a Calamity

on unfortunate day for humanity a calamity struck,which was in the form of a hoard of blood thirsty monster's taking over earth,but humanity wasn't left without anything as they were given each a power to defend themselves, but some people might choose to protect the weak while others choose to oppress and rule with their power over the weak, but what will a young man named Nathan who suffered all his life from injustice choose,will he become a calamity that will kill any living being whether its a human or a monster for his desires and goals or will he choose to give the protection and safety that he never got for those in need,follow him in his journey of either becoming a hope for the weak or nightmare for all.

TheComedy_Mask · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Apocalypse

After a few seconds Nathan snapped out of his daze and this time looked at the screen and started reading what it said "Welcome to a new beginning where you can choose your own path in a new world where you can have the power or knowledge you desire whether you decide to run hide you cannot escape this new page of history in this world so prepare for your own new path.

"What the f*ck"nathan started mumbling curse's this all sounded like a dream but it was too real to be one,he started thinking of what he should do,should he run hide seek help,but he hated relying on anyone he hated his weakness he hated the fact that others who are nothing more then humans like him can decide his fate,it left a bitter taste in his mouth,nathan then remembered what the screen said power knowledge didn't he have chance to get it also,but nathan was thinking about his next course of action the screen changed again but it said "you have 2 minutes to decide your path if you fail to do so you might not have chance to choose again in future unless your not dead"nathan then was startled by this but quickly recoverd from his dazed state.

Then out of nowhere hundreds of mini screens were displayed Infront of him with each one having a different number of stars some had 1 others 3 a but few had 4 and even fewer 5,nathan then started thinking quickly qhat qould be best to choose from like the screen said"it's obviously that the higher star one's have better of being better i guess"nathan then extended his hand towards one that looked like man was in black robe holding a scythe and a skull but it quickly disappeared before he could catch.

Nathan was startled but then remembered that he isn't alone in this world others could choose from this two,this time nathan moved a lot faster towards one that had a man in white armor with golden runes on it and was holding a sword but it also disappeared, nathan grew distressed there was only one minute left he had to choose a good one or he could die for being weakor having to put his life in the hands of others so this time he literally ran for one small screen that had man in a blood colored robe and black long hair but when his finger was about to touch it disappeared again but this time because of Nathan's momentum he couldn't stop before his hand touched a card that had two starts on it with what looked like an abomination of a monster.

Before nathan could curse his luck information about his class entered his brain,it read as follows"the mutant class you can absorb different monster's and have the chance of getting some or all there characteristics with enough absorption as well as abilities,but due to certain limitations such as the species that you can absorb being weak so it would take more time and effort to become as strong as others with a higher class,also the high possibility of dying if alone before you get the chance to absorb something that will give enough strength to survive so the best course of action is to find Allies for better chance of surviving".

Nathan was first happy that he could absorb other creatures powers and by characteristics he understood that maybe he transform into them or something like that,but the limitations were absurd compared to other higher star classes when the screen compared them to his and his high possibility of dying because of being too weak and the advice of the screen for him to seek refuge and put his life in the hands of others because of what he went through he didn't even finish reading that.

"Like f*cking hell am doing that I'll kill anyone to survive if i have to but i won't become dog or beating bag for anyone to survive again like in the past"while Nathan was saying that the screen changed again and now it said"killing living beings completing missions and quest's can grant both gold coins and exp to become stronger or to buy something that will make you stronger from the random shop's or abyss dealers".

"Good so i can become stronger even if my class is weak due to it limitations,but the screen said all living beings i suppose that includes humans,should i do kill someone or not."nathan was considering throwing away the humanity he still had away so he could live and become stronger,"yes i will kill anyone to get what i want i don't to live through that sh*t againi don't want to suffer again so must make others suffer instead of me"nathan then looked back at the screen again now it said"the new page of history will begin in 1 minute".

Nathan started to prepare him self again this time he brought a knife when he remembered that he needs to kill monster and people he then went grabbed two knives,then nathan started thinking"there 30 seconds left i should prepare someone to kill if i want to get a headstart" nathan then went out of his apartment and went the one two door away in the left.

Because in that one lived an old woman,nathan chose her because of three reasons,1 one because she is someone he can handle Nathan's build is skinny his not strong enough to defeat someone his age or older like grown man and woman,2 because she lives alone so he doesn't have to watch his back from anyone sneaking up on him,3 he wanted to know if it's that humans give coins and exp and if different age's give different amounts.

So nathan went Infront of the door he figured everyone would be now in shock if they saw the screen he seen so no one would be paying that much attention to sound,so he turned the handle of the door and it was closed so he took some handpicking tools yo open the door and after few seconds the old door lock Opened and nathan wnet inside.

In there he started searching for the old woman quietly and found her in her bed sleeping,he waited some seconds and then checked the screen again and now it had three words"it has begun".

Nathan then approached the old sleeping woman slowly and put the knife edge on her neck and his hand on her mouth and quickly started to slit her throat her eyes opened wide in horror but she couldn't scream because of nathan putting his hand over her mouth then after a few more second of nathan cutting her neck she died.

Nathan stood their with his hand trembling while he was thinking "i killed an innocent woman that done nothing to me" it was different from the killing of his father who he hated the most he felt lost for couple of seconds staring at the old lady with his eyes dead,but then they slowly started going from regret to disdain and hate"you died because you didn't have strength and i suffered because of the same reason maybe to others strength and power aren't as important as love or happiness but that's only because they didn't live my life nor were they in your place in your last when you took your last breath".

Nathan face was devoid of any emotion other then disdain and disgust of her weakness and as well as his,he considered this to be a lesson that right now nothing matters but his power and strength no human shall decide his fate from now on he will walk his own path

It doesn't matter whether it will be filled with humans blood he will not be weak again he do anything to become strong except doing what others order him.

While nathan old weak self was dying and his new self was being born,he suddenly heard a massage that said"a human kill will allow you to get a higher gold coins the more high level he is " then another massage said "you receive 100 coins for killing a human".

From this Nathan understood that he the age of the human doesn't matter the higher his level the more rewards he gets when he kills them and that humans don't give exp.

Nathan the remembered to check his power so he thought about his power information of it reappeared in his mind and it said that he only had one skill at the moment called absorption which stated"you can absorb any monster that is dead and have chance of gaining a characteristic from it or all of it if that species is absorbed more"

Nathan then started thinking"so i can get their powers or maybe transform a limb of my body to them or something,but what will i get from a human if i absorb them".