
Chapter 38: I'm the World's Biggest Idiot

Alex doesn't answer me for a long time, just stares out across the water.

"There are lots of things in Haverton that mean a lot to me," he says finally.

I can tell by his tone that he's not going to elaborate, even if I press him.

"You should come back and visit us more," I say.

His blue eyes shift to me. "Does that mean you missed me?"

"Of course I did, you doofus," I say, hitting him playfully on the side. "You know that. We've all missed you." I smile up at him. "Did you miss us?"

"Yes." He says it so simply, so matter-of-factly, that I feel the smile slide off my face. Suddenly this feels like a much more serious conversation.

I look back at the water. A couple of ducks are swimming across the pond toward a family throwing bits of bread. "Well, you should definitely come back more often." And I promise I won't throw myself at you next time.

"I must admit," he says, "the people are what I miss most of all about Haverton. A couple of notable exceptions aside, of course."