
Chapter 37: In Which I Fail At Pretending Things Are Normal

A few hours later, after a breakfast of admittedly delicious pastries and quiche, Alex and I head out into the city.

In spite of the weird tension that still hangs in the air between us - I know we're both trying to forget about what happened between us, but that's next to impossible - I find my excitement rising as we head down the street. It's a beautiful day, I'm in New York, and even if I've made a couple of missteps with Alex recently, I do enjoy his company. As my good mood overtakes me, I find it easier and easier to push the memory of what happened last night somewhere deeper into my mind.

"This is glorious," I say, spinning around on the sidewalk.

Even Alex seems to have loosened up a little. One of his eyebrows rises. "We haven't even seen anything yet."

"It looks just like it does in the movies," I say. "How do you not get caught up in all of this every time you walk out the door?"

"You get used to it," he says.