
The Billionaire’s Enchanting Wife

A novel full of suspense, romance, and emotions. The story revolves around the CEO Daniel Harris and his delicate wife, Zelvini Sinclair, and is filled with love, hatred, and emotional entanglements. Zelvini Sinclair is an ordinary and kind girl, while Daniel Harris is a powerful and mysterious CEO. Initially, their relationship is full of misunderstandings and conflicts, but as the story unfolds, they gradually unravel their differences and their feelings for each other warm up. The clash between the CEO’s dominance and the wife’s stubbornness triggers many hilarious moments and deeply emotional scenes. Readers not only experience the thrill of the suspenseful plot but also the sweetness and warmth of love. The selling point of this novel lies in its intricate plot, well-developed characters, and the sweet love between the CEO and his delicate wife, making it impossible for readers to resist and immerse themselves in it.

Ye_Hong · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 9

"Mr. Vincent, is the food not to your taste?"

Daniel picked up the wine glass in front of him, took a light sip, and looked up. "You take a bite, and I'll take a bite."

Zelvini was taken aback, meeting his mischievous smile, and felt a surge of anger. This pig-headed man, this pervert, this domineering guy, does he only feel happy when forcing others to do things they don't like?

Suddenly, her angry little face lit up with a smile, and she looked at him seductively. Daniel raised an eyebrow, alarm bells ringing in his head. What was she up to now?

"How about I feed you?" She smiled brightly, her big eyes dazzling under the bright lights.

Daniel smiled back, never taking his eyes off her face, and spoke softly, "Sure... come sit next to me." He shifted his body, making room beside him.

Zelvini hesitated, her expression changing slightly. She hadn't expected to sit next to him. What was this pig-headed man planning now?

Daniel glanced at her white hands extended towards him. He leaned back gracefully, his gaze intense. "Since you want to feed me... don't you think it seems too distant like this?"

Zelvini met his gaze. Distant? When had they ever been close? Looking at his mischievous smiling face, she felt an urge to punch him.

She suddenly withdrew her hands and glared at him. "Hey, I said, Mr. Something..."

"Daniel," Daniel reminded her gently.

"Right, Daniel, why are you so difficult?" Zelvini frowned deeply, her anger flaring up again.

"Not calling me President anymore?" Daniel wasn't angered by her words. He raised an eyebrow and looked at her handsomely. "Am I difficult? Why has no one ever told me that? They all think I'm considerate, gentle, and very easy to talk to... they can do whatever they want with me..."

Zelvini stared at his arrogant face, showing a look of disdain, laughing inwardly. This shameless pig-headed man, he's too shameless, too shameless...

God, she was going crazy. She picked up her wine glass and took a big gulp, only to find it so bitter that she stuck out her tongue. What kind of wine was this? Even the wine was against her.

"Would you really be so kind as to let others do whatever they want with you?" If that were true, she'd immediately make him lie on the ground and stomp on him from head to toe, no, stomp him to death... stomp him to death... Zelvini imagined such a scene, holding back her laughter so hard that her face turned red.

Daniel watched her struggling to hold back laughter, and a smile touched his lips. He leaned in closer. "Of course, do you want to try?" he whispered to her.

Zelvini looked at him in disbelief. No way?

"I don't mind... whether on top, underneath, or even standing... I'll go along with you..." His warm breath blew against her cheek. Zelvini blinked, still not comprehending.

What? When did he become so agreeable? Instinctively, she felt it wouldn't be that simple, but she couldn't figure out what he meant.

"Who's talking about that, you pervert, you lunatic..." Zelvini finally lost her composure and shouted at him. Daniel frowned more deeply. In his life, she was the woman who had cursed him the most.

"Alright, alright, let's not talk about that. Come over here..." He interrupted her, looking at her fierce demeanor, still fearlessly asking her to come over.

"Why should I listen to you? Just because you tell me to come over, I should?" Zelvini was determined to defy him. Come over? What bad idea did this pig-headed man have now?

"Okay, if you won't come over, I'll come to you..." He moved so quickly that Zelvini didn't have time to react, and his tall figure was already squeezing into her seat. Zelvini sprang up, only to be enveloped in his embrace.

"What are you doing?" His masculine scent immediately engulfed her, and Zelvini's heart started racing. Her face turned red instantly. Fortunately, the restaurant's lighting didn't directly illuminate her. Hopefully, he didn't notice her embarrassment.

Daniel stared at her cute face, his smile growing more mischievous. He leaned closer. "Didn't you say... you wanted to feed me?"

Zelvini didn't dare look up, didn't dare meet his gaze. She even felt her breathing was cautious, waves of unease washing over her. She silently cursed herself. Zelvini, why are you so nervous? It's not like you haven't seen a man before, not like you haven't been close to a man before. You've been closer to Vincent before, and you weren't this flustered. God, she's really cursed.

Zelvini subtly shrank back, forcing a stiff smile, and grabbed the dish in front of her, cutting it as if it were Daniel.

Daniel took out his phone, glanced at the caller ID, and stood up to take the call. Suddenly free from the pressure beside her, Zelvini let out a big sigh of relief and glanced towards the door. Now... could she escape?

Her big eyes followed the standing man, but he seemed to have already guessed her thoughts and blocked the doorway. Zelvini glared at his handsome figure, cursing him silently.

She withdrew her gaze, cut a piece of beef, and put it into her mouth to chew. Daniel's eyes turned to her, watching her cute actions, and a smile crossed his face. Suddenly, Zelvini froze, as if she had thought of something, her eyes lighting up. She sneaked a glance at him, who was still engrossed in his call. She glanced at the condiments on the other table and saw a bottle labeled "pepper." She quickly grabbed it, glanced at him again, and hurriedly unscrewed the cap, pouring all the pepper into the dish in front of her. She then mixed the food around, hoping the remaining pepper wasn't too obvious.

Daniel hung up the phone and walked back to her. The air carried a faint, pungent smell. He frowned slightly, seeing the woman in front of him smiling unusually brightly. He also put on a smile.

"Ahaha, you must be hungry too. Here... let me feed you..." Zelvini cut a large piece of beef, swirled it in the dish, and held it up to him.

Daniel noticed that she had taken a long time to cut a small piece before, but now she had quickly cut a large piece. He shrugged indifferently. Looking at the noticeably spicier-looking food, did she really think he was an idiot?

Yet he still elegantly opened his mouth, knowingly heading into the tiger's den. If he had to die under a peony flower, he'd be a happy ghost...

Zelvini watched wide-eyed as he ate the food in one bite, seeing him cough lightly because of the pepper. She felt a twinge of guilt but still maintained a smiling face as she looked at him and asked.