
The Billionaire’s Enchanting Wife

A novel full of suspense, romance, and emotions. The story revolves around the CEO Daniel Harris and his delicate wife, Zelvini Sinclair, and is filled with love, hatred, and emotional entanglements. Zelvini Sinclair is an ordinary and kind girl, while Daniel Harris is a powerful and mysterious CEO. Initially, their relationship is full of misunderstandings and conflicts, but as the story unfolds, they gradually unravel their differences and their feelings for each other warm up. The clash between the CEO’s dominance and the wife’s stubbornness triggers many hilarious moments and deeply emotional scenes. Readers not only experience the thrill of the suspenseful plot but also the sweetness and warmth of love. The selling point of this novel lies in its intricate plot, well-developed characters, and the sweet love between the CEO and his delicate wife, making it impossible for readers to resist and immerse themselves in it.

Ye_Hong · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 1

Tservini was wearing a pair of large sunglasses, which almost covered her petite cheek. She walked hurriedly into the airport. Keeping her head down, she went through the ticket check and boarding procedures all the way until she found her seat and sat down. Only then did she raise her head.

Isn't it just a Vincent? What's so great about him?

In her life, does she, Tservini, have to hang herself on him? Although he is indeed handsome, but! There are too many that are more handsome than him!

She took off her sunglasses fiercely, clenched her hands into fists, and the joints creaked due to the tight grip. Her small face also became fierce because of anger. Remembering in the café, when Vincent proposed to break up with her, she stood up, took the coffee in front of her, splashed his face, and then turned and left gracefully.

At the thought of his face turning red like a pig's liver, she found it funny.

Well. Tservini, well done.

There was a smile on her small face, and her eyes were blurred but filled with brilliance. If it weren't in this situation, she really wanted to shout "Good job" for herself.

However, after all, she was still depressed and still had a hint of pain. She had been in a relationship with him for two years. Although they just held hands and kissed a little, even in the open United States, the two of them didn't have sex yet. But, suddenly breaking up, there was still a little reluctance in her heart.

Tservini lowered her head again and stared blankly at a certain point.

Daniel glanced at the little girl beside him who was angry, happy and worried for a while through his sunglasses. Did he wonder if all girls nowadays were so neurotic? He coldly turned his head away and stopped looking.

Tservini found a comfortable position and sat down. In a moment, she saw a handsome man sitting beside her, comparable to Satan. However, his indifferent expression and the arrogant curve of his chin made Tservini feel uncomfortable at first glance.

Humph, what's so arrogant! Wearing sunglasses in the plane! Is the sun very strong? Will it kill his eyes?

Tservini twitched the corners of her mouth and secretly cursed this kind of obviously arrogant male chauvinist pig in her heart.

There was a burst of inviting fragrance coming from the aisle. Tservini found that her stomach had already been protesting. Yes, once she was in a bad mood, her heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidneys all started to shout together.

She asked the beautiful flight attendant for a double portion of food and started eating heartily.

In a drowsy state, Daniel felt a gravitational force pressing down on his shoulder. He shifted his body, but the pressing force did not move away. Opening his eyes and turning his head, he found that the source of the gravitational force was twisting her body, adjusting to a comfortable position, and leaning deeper into the crook of his neck.

At such a close distance, a fresh fragrance emanated from her, gently tickling his nose and gradually spreading to the bottom of his heart. Being used to the perfume and rouge smells of many women around him, this kind of scent was distinctive and refreshing.

He looked over and saw her long and curled eyelashes, small and straight nose, thin and bright red lips, delicate and fair skin, tinted with a blush when asleep, as tender as a baby's and inviting a kiss.


Thinking of her behavior just now, he lost all appetite. He reached out and ruthlessly pushed Tservini, who was still sleeping, away.

Tservini was sound asleep and was having a sweet dream with Vincent. She leaned on his shoulder. The broad shoulder made her feel so steady and secure. There was a sweet smile on her face. Vincent, it would be so nice to be together like this for a lifetime...

Suddenly, a force pushed her forward. She rushed forward all at once and her head hit the chair in the front position. Her sweet dream vanished in an instant. Tservini rubbed her painful forehead and turned her head, only to see the person beside her with closed eyes, as if sleeping.

Uh... She clearly felt someone pushing her. Was it her illusion? Or... Was it Vincent pushing her in the dream?

How could it be? It must be this male chauvinist pig. Humph...

Tservini glared at Daniel. If looks could kill, he would have died thousands of times under her gaze.

She raised her hand to check the time. It should be about an hour or so before arriving. The plane shook slightly. She rubbed her stomach and felt a nauseous sensation. No, she ate too much and was stuffed.

She stood up but saw the person beside her still had his eyes closed. She lifted her foot and kicked him twice.

Daniel felt a shudder in his heart when he saw her like this: "You... Aren't you going to... vomit?"

Tservini had no time to explain to him anymore. She kept waving at him vigorously, asking him to move aside. He hurriedly stood up, but who knew that the button of his clothes got stuck in the chair, and the more anxious he was, the more he couldn't undo it.