
Chapter 14: Kyubi and Luffy Team Up

A/N: Yahoo! Over 10,000 hits! That's most out of any of my fanfics... it beat out Quest of Kings... it even has more favs and alerts than Quest of Kings (still needs 4 more reviews to beat Quest of Kings in that category). Thank you for reading it... also sorry for the slight wait... writer's block struck me in the form of One Piece: Pirate's Carnival... it's such an addictive game...

Chapter 14: Kyubi and Luffy Team Up

Kaya stood on top of the slope, everyone looked at her…

"What a lovely surprise Miss Kaya…" said Kuro.

"Merry… Merry told me everything…" said Kaya.

"Merry… he lived… I thought I killed him…" said Kuro.

Kaya looked at Usopp… he was bleeding badly from when he was attacked earlier.

"Usopp… I'm sorry…" said Kaya, "I just couldn't believe that Klahadore was a pirate… how… I can't believe you forgave me… and that you're bleeding because of me…" said Kaya.

Kiba who was right next to Usopp raised his finger ad was about to say something, but before he could say anything Usopp grabbed his brother's mouth.

"Please… please Klahadore… if you want my fortune just take it and leave…" said Kaya.

Kuro just smirked… "It's not just your fortune I want piece of mind. I've been gaining the trust of people in the village… I can actually relax here… and that is why the attack on the village and your accidental death will I have what I want…" said Kuro.

"Kaya run!" yelled Usopp.

"He won't listen just run!" yelled Kiba.

Kaya pulled out a pistol from the jacket she was wearing and pointed at Kuro.

"Leave now…" said Kaya.

"Kaya… how much you've grown…" said Kuro, "And I've been there though a lot of it… even before your parents died and you became sick… remember those times we went sailing, and those time we went into town to shop. We laughed together and suffered together… I've been humoring you… I've just been waiting for this day… the day I could finally kill you…"

Kaya dropped the gun… she couldn't' bear to shoot him…

"You're a monster even more than I am! How could you do that to a cute girl!" yelled Kyubi.

"…" said Naruto, "Next time you call someone a monster… don't end your sentence like that…"

"I guess the great Kyubi no Yoko has softened in the years…" said Kuro, looking at Kyubi.

"Kuro I'm going to do what I meant to do yesterday…" said Usopp.

"Wait…" said Kiba.

Usopp ran towards Kuro with his fist out… however, Kuro just dodged and went behind him.

"I should get revenge to what you little dog did to me…" said Kuro.

Luffy who was about 10 feet away from Kuro landed a Gum Gum Pistol in his face knocking him out. Everyone stared at Luffy…

"Did that guy's arm just stretched…" said one of the pirates who tried to attack Kyubi.

"Captain Kuro is going to be really mad…" said another of the pirates.

"Nice one Straw Hat…" said Kyubi trying to think of a nickname that didn't involve the words "idiot" or "brother"… it actually took him a lot to not say "My idiot host's idiot brother"

"Ready!" a voice from the forest.

Suddenly all members of Usopp's pirates jumped out of nowhere and smashed Kuro's face with a blunt object, Carrot had a frying pan, Onion had a shovel, Pepper had a baseball bat and Konohamaru had a wooden sword. Then they smashed his face in.

"I was right they did get involved…" said Kyubi.

"Run guys!" yelled Usopp.

"It dangerous…" said Kiba.

"Please…" said Kaya.

"But we needed to help!" said Konohamaru.

"That's right!" said Pepper

"If we didn't… then we would be a disgrace to Usopp's pirates." said Carrot.

Kuro got up, he adjusted the glasses wit the palm of his hand… then they shattered. The 4 young boys became scared… just as he looked like he was about to attack him he walked past them very quickly and looked at Usopp. Then he kicked him. Kiba and sacra ran towards Usopp.

"You all right…" said Usopp.

"He'll be fine…" said Sakura.

Usopp was about to say something to his crew but Kyubi said "Perhaps everyone should run away and protect her… his speed is almost inhuman… not that I detect a Devil Fruit in him or that he's Jinchuriki himself… but perhaps if everyone goes to protect Kaya there may be chance… it will be a perfect opportunity to Pinocchio and the dog to rest up… I can take him on but I will need help from Straw Hat…" said Kyubi.

Luffy smiled.

"But…" said Usopp.

"You're in no position to fight… all yof you need to get out here…" said Kyubi, "Particularly since most of you would have nothing to do, since I took out all the other members."

"He's right…" said Sakura.

"What else would we do?" asked Sasuke.

"Well I'm staying here!" said Nami.

"Why?" asked Zoro.

"I'm staying to protect my treasure!" said Nami.

"Okay…" said Kyubi with a sweat drop.

Kuro gave them a look of "oh no, I'm not letting you get away"… however before he could stop them several Kyubi Shadow Clones began ot attack Kuro… when he got rid of them, all several more showed up… but didn't attack him… they just stood there… then they transformed in female naked versions of Naruto… with the eyes of Kyubi of course. Jango stood there with his mouth hanging open, Nami sighed, while Luffy stood there laughing, those members of the Black Cat pirates who were still concouis fainted from blood loss, Kuro just stood there like nothing happened… the others fortunately left.

"What… was that…" said Naruto.

"That's… your Harem Attack…" thought Kyubi, "I thought it might have worked on him… oh well.."

"Yeah right… you just wanted to do that…"said Naruto

"They got away didn't they?" thought Kyubi.

"You thought that could stop me!" yelled Kuro destroying all of the shadow clones, "Jango…; go kill her now!"

"Right…" said Jango running to the forest fallowing the others.

"Hey! Do you think it's a good idea to let him go?" asked Nami.

"Don't worry… they'll be fine…" said Kyubi, "So do you want the first move or should I?"

"I'll do it…" said Luffy, "Gum Gum Pistol!"

He shot a punch towards Kuro… unlike last time he was hit, this time he jumped onto Luffy's arm and stood on it.

"Don't pull back your arm!" yelled Kyubi.

Kuro began to run towards Luffy.

"Pull back your arm! Pull back your arm!" yelled Kyubi.

Kuro ran up to Luffy and kicked him in the face.

"Luffy…" said Nami.

"He's fine…" said Kyubi.

Meanwhile in the forest the others were taking a rest.

"I have a feeling that hypnotist will show up…" said Sasuke.

"So what are we going to do?" asked Sakura who happened have some bandages with her and was bandaging Usopp's wound.

"We take different parts of the forest and guard from there… Usopp's pirates will be last resort…" said Kiba.

"Who made you boss…" said Usopp.

"Let me guess your plan somehow involves a beehive, a fire cracker and something I can't think of…" said Kiba.

"No… I wasn't planning anything like that…" said Usopp who began to shift his eyes.

"I'll help defend the outside too!" said Konohamaru.

"Wait I don't think that's good idea…" said Kaya.

"I just said help…" said Konohamaru… then three more of him appeared.

Usopp, Kiba and the other members of Usopp's pirate's mouths dropped to the ground.

"When did you learn to do that?" asked Kiba.

"I've been practicing in secret… their just regular clones but they should distract him just enough…" said Konohamaru.

"But last week you couldn't do any…" said Pepper.

"That's some practice…" said Kiba.

"Can we please get back to matter at hand…" said Sakura in annoyed way.

"Oh yeah…" said Konohamaru.

"Each of us should go in a different direction… hopefully if someone comes we can fight them…" said Usopp.

"Who's plan is this again?" asked Kiba.

Usopp just laughed nervously, Usopp was about to leave when Kiba grabbed him from behind "Oh no… you're not going anywhere…"

"What do you mean?" asked Usopp.

"You're going to fallow that demon's advice and rest…" said Kiba, "You know you should…"

Usopp sighed… his brother was right, he sat down next to Kaya.

The Crew, Kiba and the Konohamaru clones left.

"You know… maybe we should set taps incase he does come…" said Carrot.

"Why would we do that?" asked Onion.

"It's best if we leave those two alone…" said Konohamaru.

Pepper nodded in agreement… and all of them left. So Usopp and Kaya were alone… unless you counted the unconscious Akamaru on Kaya's lap. Neither said anything… both were also blushing slightly…

Back at the slope Luffy got up.

"Hey you cut my lip…" said Luffy.

"See I told you…" said Kyubi to no one in particular.

"Let's do that combo thing you and kit often do!" said Kyubi.

"It's called the Fox Monkey Combo…" said Naruto.

"Whatever…" thought Kyubi.

Kyubi made three Shadow Clones however Kuro dodged them quickly.

"Damn…" said Kyubi.

Luffy looked around and then went over to a nearby boulder and picked it up… Kuro almost struck him and got his katana claws of one hand stuck in the Luffy moved and it broke off. Then and his clones ran over to Kuro… all of them kick him into the air as Luffy used the Gum Gum Pistol on him, the sent Kuro flying into a wall…

"I've been planning this for years I'm not letting some brat who ate a Devil Fruit and a Biju possessed kid ruin my plans…" said Kuro.

"Your not even a real pirates you quit… you hav no idea what it takes to be a real pirates…" said Luffy.

Kuro let out a small growl, "I'll tell you what I went though" said Kuro.

He began to tell them (rant) about how he grew tired of being a pirate and came up with his greatest plan… faking his death, taking a job as a butler for a rich family and waiting three years to kill them. It's a shame that Kyubi moved his hand in a manner that made it seem like his hand was saying what Kuro was saying which caused both Luffy and Naruto to snicker, even Nami couldn't help but to laugh a little.

"I'm surprised you did that!" said Naruto.

"Well normally I wouldn't do something like that… but the guy deserves it…" thought Kyubi.

"Good one…" laughed Luffy.

"I'm talking here!" yelled Kuro.

Both Kyubi and Naruto ignored him… thought he continued the rant.

"And in order for my plan to succeed I must get rid of those who know who my secret…" said Kuro.

"Wait… that's evil…" said Kyubi, "Killing your own men…"

"What!" said one of the Black Cat Pirates who was now conscious after either Kyubi's mauling or the Harem Attack.

"Captain Kuro… you can't mean that!" said another of the concouis men.

"Of course I do… their just pawns in my plan, able to be cast off when they are no longer needed, they will be willing to die for my plan to succeed… Jango is the same…" said Kuro.

He got into a strange stance… looked like he was going ot fall asleep. With his head and arms dangling.

"Not that attack!" yelled one of the black cat pirates.

"Out of the bag!" yelled Kuro.

He disappeared… he was moving quickly too quickly, so much so that even the eye couldn't see him. Claw marks appeared on the side of the cliffs and many of the black cat crewmembers were injured.

"This is interesting…" said Kyubi with a smirk.

Meanwhile Jango was searching the forest… then he saw Konohamaru.

"Hey kid…" said Jango.

"You're not getting past me…" said Konohamaru defending himself with his wooden sword.

Jango looked and saw something strange… he had no shadow. Jango had heard rumors of clones he walked straight thought Konohamaru, which caused him to dissipate… that was one of his clones.

Meanwhile the Usopp's Pirates had just finished their traps.

"Okay… I think their all ready…" said Pepper.

Jango continued to walk though the forest… he tripped over a wire and salt and pepper went into his face… after sneezing for a bit he continued on his way… then he stripped over another wire… a log hit him in the face. He laid out on the ground. Pepper hit him in the crotch. This caused him to scream loudly.

Meanwhile Kaya and Usopp sat next to each other… silently… Kaya broke the silence by saying.

"You really forgive me… I mean… I slapped you in the face…" said Kaya.

"It's all right… I understand you thought Kla… Kuro was a good guy… I'm just glad you're safe… but remember we're not out of the woods yet…" said Usopp.

Kaya nodded as Akamaru woke up, he yawned and got off Kaya's lap. Then they heard Jango scream.

"I'm going to check what happened…" said Kaya.

"Kaya don't…." said Kuro.

"Don't worry… if I don't returned in a few minutes co back for me…" said Kaya.

As she left, Akamaru made a small whine and mentioned over to Kaya, Usopp just glared at the dog and said "Oh no… don't you start too…"

After a few minutes, Kaya didn't come back so Usopp fallowed where she went with Akamaru closely behind, he found all 4 members of his crew laying on the ground, while Jango was about to kill Kaya.

"Oh no you don't!" yelled Usopp.

Back at the slope Kuro had managed to slash Kyubi at least twice… when he slashed Luffy he managed to grab the butler and throw him a few feet.

Kuro got up and said "Any last words?"

"I have some…" said Kyubi who cleared his throat and said a British accent "Jeeves go get me more tea and make there's no sugar…."

This made Kuro angry, he prepare that stance again but Luffy jumped on him, warped his body around Kuro's and stretch his neck all the way to the beach.

"Good move…" said Kyubi.

Back in the forest the 4 members of Usopp's pirates hear their Capitan… they got up and tried to attack Jango again but he just kicked them away. Jango pushed Kaya into a tree, chocking her… his Hypno ring that also happened to be a chakram he was about to kill her…

Usopp managed to pull out a small ball from his bag while also taking out the slingshot.

"Exploding Star!" he said shooting the ball, at Jango… it hit in the back and exploded, Jango fell to the ground, saving Kaya… Usopp collapsed as his crew and Kaya ran to him. Kiba heard the explosion and managed to get there in loess than a minute.

"Good looks like things are all right…" said Kiba.

"Yeah they are… I think we should talk…" said Usopp.

Zoro, Sakura and Sasuke saw them talking not too far away.

"So should we head back to the slope?" asked Zoro.

"Yeah… hopefully Luffy finished off Kuro by now…" said Sasuke.

All 3 of them left to see if the fight had ended.

Back at the slope, Luffy brought his head forward and head butted Kuro so hard that it knocked him out.

"Leave now!" yelled Kyubi.

"And leave all your treasure!" yelled Nami.

"The conscious member nodded, some grabbed Kuro, some grabbed the unconscious and or dead members the rest gave them all the treasure they had on the ship … and sailed away as fast as they could. Luffy was about collapse from the injured when Nami caught him.

After a few minutes of resting and the other three returned, Kyubi cleared his throat.

"Hey Kit's brother… there's something I've been meaning to tell you…" said Kyubi.

"What?" asked Luffy.

"Okay… who do you think you are? Son Goku? You are externally immature, idiotic…"

20 minutes later…

"...you are obviously addicted to meat… do you know unhealthy it is… well that's I have to say what I don't like about you…" said Kyubi.

Everyone who heard Kyubi's rant had their mouth open a gasped…

"Too much… a little too much…" said Naruto.

"But there are some nice thing about you… you are a nice guy, you're a really good older brother and you always helped kit out when he needed help and looked after him… and that's what I like about you…" said Kyubi.

Luffy sweatdroped… he had no idea how to respond.

"I'm going to take a nap… I think it might give kit control back…" said Kyubi who collapsed.

Inside of Naruto's head Kyubi retuned to it's cage, "So… how was it…" asked Naruto.

"I managed to defeat a lot of the pirates so I'm cool for a few months…" said Kyubi half jokingly.

"I have one more thing to say… why did you say all those things to Luffy?" asked Naruto.

"I've been waiting to say all those things for the longest time… the list would have been longer if I met him later on…" said Kyubi.

"I guess…" said Naruto.

"Well you should return to the waking world… I'm sure everyone's worried and hopping I won't wake up…" said Kyubi.

"Okay…" said Naruto.

Outside Naruto woke up…

"Sorry about Kyubi…" said Naruto to Luffy.

"It was no problem…" said Luffy.

Back in the forest with Usopp…

"Why?" asked Usopp's pirates.

"Because… if the town find out, people will be worried… nothing happens here anyways so things will be okay..." said Usopp.

"But don't you want to be a hero?" asked Konohamaru.

"It doesn't matter… no one would believe me anyways…" said Usopp, "So will you agree to keep is a secret?" he turned towards his brother and Kaya.

"Well yeah… I'm actually surprised you went with this way… I would have thought you would brag to the whole town that you saved her… it's not like you at all…" said Kiba.

"Hey…" said Usopp.

"I promise to keep is a secret as well…" said Kaya.

"Remember… today was just an ordinary day…." said Usopp.

And so everyone nodded in agreement…. It was just an ordinary day for the rest of the town… not knowing of the fight that just took place…

Next Time: Kaya finds a way to thank the crew... what is it? Also Usopp disbands his "crew"... why? What will happen? What is Kaya's thank you? What will happen to Usopp, Kiba and Akamaru... find out next time...