
Chapter 12: The War at the Shore

A/N: Yahoo! 8,000 hits! Thanks to all those who read this!

Chapter 12: The War at the Shore

The crew was fully prepared for the fight… eagerly awaiting for the enemy to arrive… sadly… this happened.

"Do you hear something?" asked Nami.

Everyone tried to listen… there was yells.

"There's yells coming from the north…" said Nami.

"Oh man…" said Usopp.

"Great… we forgot… there's another slope like this to the north…" said Kiba.

"The north…" said Naruto.

"We'll be there in three seconds…" said Luffy.

The two ran away.

"No… not this… not this!" cried Kyubi.

"What do you mean?" asked Naruto.

"For the last time kit! Directions don't work like that! The colder you get just means that you're entering a colder area… not north…" cried Kyubi.

Sadly these cries fell upon death ears…

Back the slope…

"All this for nothing." said Usopp.

"Don't worry we can handle them with out your crack pot plan…" said Kiba.

Both ran away with Akamaru fallowing closely.

Nami realized something, "Our boats are at the north shore... the treasure…" said Nami.

"Uh-oh…" said Sakura.

Nami began to run but… she slipped on the oil, she began to drag Zoro down… who began to drag Sakura down, who began to drag Sasuke… Nami looked up and got brilliant idea.

"Sorry…" she said stepping on Zoro, "Excuse me!" she said stepping on Sasuke, "I know you understand my predicament…" she said stepping on Sakura.

All three slid down the hill.

"Sorry but my treasure's in danger!" yelled Nami as she ran away.

"Nami…" said Sakura.

"That doesn't give you the right to step on me!" yelled Inner Sakura.

Meanwhile the Black Cat pirates were about to climb up the oddly identical slope when they were met by a hail of pachinko balls.

"Stop right there!" yelled Usopp, who was quickly fallowed by Kiba and Akamaru who had taken on Kiba's form.

"Who are you?" asked one of the pirates.

"I am the great captain Usopp! Leave now or my crew of 8,000 men will take you out…" said Usopp.

Kiba sighed while Akamaru slapped his forehead. "Who's going to believe that?" he asked no one.

"8,000 men! Really!" yelled Jango.

Both Kiba and Akamaru anime fell…

"Captain Jango sir… I think it's a lie…" said one of the men.

"Oh right…" said Jango.

"Where are Luffy and Naruto… I thought they would be here by now…" said Usopp.

Else where on the island…

Luffy and Naruto somehow made it town.

"I don't think we went in the right direction…" said Luffy.

"You think!" yelled Kyubi.

Naruto flinched, "You didn't have to yell…" said Naruto.


"We are not…" said Naruto.

"Yes you are you two think if you head north it gets colder…" said Kyubi.

"LALALALALALA!" Naruto sang mentally to tune out the fox demon.

"Sigh… I give up…" said Kyubi, "I just hope the others are doing well…"

Back at the slope the Black Cat pirates were looking at the three standing in their… most of them anyways.

"Capitan Jango sir, we're finished with the suspicious boat… there's treasure in here… 4 or 5 million berries…" said a pirate sent to search the crew's small boats.

"4 or 5 million berries… why would they have that much money…" said Usopp whispering to Kiba.

"They are pirates…" said Kiba.

"Wait I have an idea…" said Usopp, "That's my treasure!"

Kiba sighed, "This won't work…" said Kiba, Akamaru nodded in agreement.

"If you leave now I will give it you…" said Usopp.

Jango just laughed, "You do realize that we will take the treasure and stay… after all there's more treasure in town…" said Jango.

"See told you…" said Kiba.

"Now you three…" said Jango.

Kiba and Akamaru turned away from him.

"Uh… guy…" said Jango.

"What you doing?" asked Usopp.

"You know right…" said Kiba.

"Know what?" asked Usopp.

"When I sat One, Two, Jango, You'll step aside!" said Jango, "One…"

Nami ran up to Usopp and hit him in the head with her staff.

"Nice on Nami!" said Kiba snickering.

"Why did you do that?" asked Usopp.

"That guy's a hypnotist…" said Nami.

"You didn't know… I figured it out…" said Kiba.

"Maybe if you told me!" yelled Usopp.

"Also you tried to give away my treasure…" said Nami.

Usopp sweatdroped and changed the subject, "Where are the others."

"I thought Naruto and Luffy were already here" said Nami.

Meanwhile Naruto and Luffy were lost… still… trying to find north… Kyubi sighed.

"Why did I have to be seal in him of all people?" asked Kyubi.

Back at the slope…

"But I'm sure Sakura, Zoro and Sasuke will get here soon…" said Nami.

Back at the other slope Zoro and Sasuke tried their hardest to run up the hill. But kept slipping down… Sakura sighed, "I have an idea…" said Sakura.

"What?" asked Sasuke.

She walked up to the edge of the oil spill… she took a breath and then punch the ground beneath he… it crater a hugged crater which spanned to just beyond the oil spill… it created an are to walking in without slipping down the hill. Zoro and Sasuke stood there with their mouths hanging open.

"Well aren't we going to go?" asked Sakura.

"She's scary…" said Zoro.

Sasuke just nodded... she was scary…

Back at the right slope…

"Well what are we waiting for!" said Kiba.

Akamaru nodded and the two began to fight off the pirates.

"Well are you going to help my brother?" asked Usopp.

"I'm just a poor defenseless girl. What about you?" asked Nami.

"Can you see how scared I am!" yelled Usopp with his legs shaking.

Kiba punched one of the pirates away "Chicken!" he yelled to his brother.

"Hey!" yelled Usopp.

"Well can't you figure out a way to help him?" asked Nami.

He reached into his the purse uh… bag… he always wears… and pulled out…

"Caltrops… make sure you don't aim for the area that Kiba and Akamaru are fighting…" said Usopp.

They threw the caltrops and those who managed to get passed Kiba and Akamaru stepped on them… then Usopp shot them with his trusty slingshot... which what he uses.

"You've taken care of them enough I'm going to rest…" said Nami, she began to walk away but…

"There's some behind us!" she said.

"Those are the ones you threw!" yelled Usopp who was then hit in the head from behind.

"You thought those would stop us forever?" aid

"Usopp!" yelled Kiba.

While he was distracted one of the pirate punched Kiba n the face… while another hit Akamaru ion the stomach and sent him flying into the wall… he reverting back to being a dog instead of Kiba's clone… when Nami tried to defend Usopp who was lying on the ground another pirate hit Nami into a nearby cliff.

"Now men go into town fallow Kuro's plan! If we finale he will slit our throats!" yelled Jango.

All the men seemed scared so they ran up the hill… then suddenly all of the men went flying.

Everyone looked up… the 5 missing people so to speak were there… none of them looked happy.

"What took you so long…" said Nami.

"Your the one that left us on that hill!" yelled Zoro.

"It took me a while to figure out a to make a path…" said Sakura.

"Nami… you will pay!" yelled Inner Sakura.

"Why didn't you tell us which way was north!" said Luffy.

"That's right you could at least told us…" said Naruto.

Kyubi tried to say something then realized "I have no idea what to say… but don't blame anyone else…" said Kyubi.

"Sorry…" said Nami.

"It's not our fault…" said Usopp.

"Yeah… you just ran away like you knew here you going…" said Kiba picking up Akamaru.

"Those kids beat you up?" said Jango, "How…"

"Oh that… they were easy…" said Naruto who heard what Jango said.

"They were!" said Luffy.

"Listen up if our opponent is strong… we have to become stronger… do come here…" said Jango all of the Black Cat pirates walked over to Jango all them stood facing their opponents while Jango face towards the sea, "When I say One Two Jango you will become wild beasts… you will have upper human strength, you wounds will instantly and you'll keep getting stronger and stronger…"

"He using it so they would become stronger?" asked Nami.

"Will it work…" said Naruto.

"Yes it will…" sauid Kyubi.

"One, Two Jango!" said the weirdo hypnotist.

All the them yelled, one of them caused a cliff to crumble just by hitting it.

"No way! No one has strength like that!" said Sakura.

Nami stared at her… "Are you forgetting something?"

Sakura remembered, "Oh yeah…" she laughed a bit.

Nami helped up Usopp…

"We'll sit out…" said Nami.

Usopp nodded in agreement.

"Take Akamaru with you he needs to rest…" said Kiba giving Nami his injured dog which she managed to carry as well.

"Can you still fight?" asked Sasuke.

"Yeah…" said Kiba.

"Okay, Sasuke are you ready…" said Zoro.

"Yeah, Sakura…" said Sasuke.

"Right, Luffy…" said Sakura.

Luffy didn't answer instead he yelled… he somehow was hypnotized as well…

"He got you too!" yelled Zoro in disbelief.

"He wasn't even aiming for you!" yelled Sasuke.

Luffy was about to use his attack Gum Gum Rapid Fire… however Naruto punched him in the back of the head. Luffy fell face first and came back to his senses.

"What happened…" said Luffy, "Naruto why did you do that?"

"Didn't want you make more of an idiot than you already are…" said Naruto.

Luffy noticed that Naruto had his eyes closed and in his voice spoke in an evil tone… a tone she unconsciously spoke in full demon form… it wasn't his choice really… Naruto hated speaking in that tone…

"Naruto…" said Luffy.

"Sorry but somehow I don't know how but kit isn't in control…" said Naruto opening eyes… normally his eyes were a cerulean blue… but now his eyes were red and silted…

Luffy's eyes were wide, "Kyubi?" he asked.

Naruto just smirked… somehow Kyubi had assumed controlled of Naruto's body…

Next Time: Kyubi had taken over Naruto's body how... well Naruto was also stupid enough to be somehow hypnotized by Jango... what will Kyubi do? What will Naruto do sitting inside his head watching from the sidelines? What will Luffy do? What about the crew? What about Kuro? What will happen all this and more next time...