
Chapter 10: Bros and Dogs

A/N: The member who will be joining with Usopp drum roll please! (drum roll)... Kiba! Here are my reasons why: much like Usopp he loud and bossy as well as Loyal... but at times they can be complete opposites, much like Naruto I made Kiba a brother to Usopp, it's quite funny. Yes Akamaru is part of it as well. They need a pre-Chopper mascot... plus Akamaru... (in Naruto 1 anyways) is so cute! Plus there's the Black Cat pirates so that fits as well. Kiba will also lack those red triangle on his face, however Kiba will be a clone user like Naruto... but a little different...

Oh yes the extra character is Konohamaru as... a 4th member of Usopp's Pirates.

One more thing! 6,000 hits! Whoo!

Chapter 10: Bros and Dogs

In the village known as Syrup Village a small white dog with brown ears ran across the village, barking as if warning about something. Then two boys came running though yelling "Pirates are coming run for your lives…"

"Run for your lives… these pirates are as tough as Usopp is ugly…" yelled the younger of the two who was 14, he had messy brown hair and wore a grey jacket over a black shirt and wore a pair of worn jeans.

"Kiba, what do you "As tough as Usopp is Ugly?" Are you saying I'm ugly?" asked the older one who was 17 and his name was Usopp… he had curly long dark brown hair covered in a checkered bandanna, wore brown overalls with no shirt, he also had an extremely long nose that kind of resembled Pinocchio's.

"It was just a joke…" said the younger one named Kiba.

They got to the middle of town tired.

"We have one more thing to say…" said the two, "Kidding!"

The towns people were angry… one of them threw a frying pan at them missing.

"Why you little!" yelled on of the towns people.

Both boys began to run away again. This time from the angry towns people… the little dog joined them.

Meanwhile with the crew…

"Wow…" said Nami.

"So let me get this strait… your demon encouraged you to transform into a naked female version of yourself…" said Sakura.

"Yes it was all his idea… he's a bit of a pervert if I do say so myself…" said Naruto.

"What do you mean pervert!" yelled Kyubi.

"Well you are…" thought Naruto.

"Shut up…" whined Kyubi.

"Your not exactly making yourself look innocent…" thought Naruto.

"I was wondering… could Kyubi ever take over your body…" asked Sakura.

"No… Kyubi told me when I ate the Devil Fruit I permanently straightened the seal so much that he can never take over my body…" said Naruto.

"Kit… I know this is a bad time… but that's not necessarily true…" said Kyubi.

Naruto turned white…

"What…" he said out loud.

"Hey Dobe you feeling okay?" asked Sasuke.

"I'm fine… I'm just going to take a little nap…" said Naruto who suddenly collapsed.

"He's fine…" said Luffy like nothing happened.

While his body was asleep out, on the inside Naruto stood in front of Kyubi's cage…

"What do you mean that's not necessarily true…" said Naruto.

"Well I've been meaning to tell you this but… there are weaknesses to the seal… for example Sea Stone, if you touch it then I can easily take control of your body…" said Kyubi.

"What's Sea Stone?" asked Naruto.

Kyubi coughed, "It's best I tell you what it is when we cross that bridge… anyways I can find ways to take over your body… I just don't want to…" said Kyubi.

"… Thanks…" said Naruto sarcastically.

"If I take over your body then it will mean our lives are in danger or some sort of bizarre accident…" said Kyubi.

"That's good to know…" said Naruto.

"So your going to tell the crew…" said Kyubi

"No just Luffy… it's best I tell him…" said Naruto.

Kyubi nodded he knew at least Naruto would tell Luffy.

Naruto went back to the outside world, "Luffy there's something I need to tell in private…" said Naruto.

Luffy nodded, the two went to one of the ends of the boat Naruto whispered what Kyubi told him.

"What!" he nearly yelled.

"Shh… please keep it a secret… I don't want this getting out." said Naruto.

"I promise…" said Luffy.

"I wonder what's that about…" said Sasuke.

"Who knows…" said Zoro with a yawn.

When Luffy and Naruto finished their conversation Nami cleared her throat.

"I hope you realize there's if we're going to Grand Line we'll need something important…" said Nami.

"Meat?" asked Luffy.

"Ramen?" asked Naruto.

"Grog?" asked Zoro.

The girls and Sasuke and stared them.

"Remind me why we were partners again…" said Sausage half jokingly.

"No what we need is a ship… we're near an island with a town… we might be able to get ship there…" said Nami.

"And meat…" said Luffy.

"We need grog too…" said Zoro.

"Don't forget ramen…" said Naruto.

"You're an idiot kit…" said Kyubi.

Back in Syrup Village the town, the angry mob lost track of Usopp and Kiba.

"We'll get you punks! And your little dog too…" said one of the town's people.

Both Usopp and Kiba were hiding in a tree, the dog was on Kiba's head.

"It gets funnier everyday…" said Kiba, the little dog on his head barked.

"Good morning captain!" said a voice from the under the tree.

Kiba cleared his throat.

"Oh and Kiba…" said a different voice.

The dog barked.

"And Akamaru of course…" said a third voice.

Both jumped down and greeted three young boys.

"We the Usopp pirates have arrived…" said one of the boys who green hair that looked a like a bell pepper who's name was pepper.

"So what's going on today?" asked Usopp.

"And where's Onion…" said Kiba.

A purple haired boy who wore an orange cap that made him resemble a carrot whose name was Carrot shrugged.

"He's probably going to show up screaming about something as usual…" said the third boy, he had spiky brown hair and wore a set of goggles over his forehead… his name was Konohamaru… he was the odd one out… as he didn't look like or share a name with a vegetable…

"It's terrible!" yelled a voice.

"See told you…" said Konohamaru.

A blonde boy who looked like well an onion and his name was Onion came running though.

"Pirates are attacking the village!" scearemd Onion.

"Liar…" said the other three boys.

"No really…" Onion, "And they had the symbol of Buggy the Clown…" said Onion.

"Buggy the Clown..." said Usopp.

He ran away…

"Captain wait!" yelled Pepper.

"I have to go eat my snack! I have a rare disease that if I don't eat a snack at the same time everyday I'll die!" yelled Usopp.

"Bro… why didn't you tell me about it?" asked Kiba knowing it was a lie.

"Um… I didn't want to worry you… but the doctor's said it was serious…" lied Usopp.

"But wouldn't have been a good idea to just tell about this "disease" since you're the only person I have here…" said Kiba in an all too serious tone… he almost cracked up when saying that.

Usopp sighed, "I made it up…" he said.

"Gotcha… I knew that…" said Kiba laughing.

"Hey… you tricked me…" said Usopp.

"Captain there's only two small boats… with 6 people all together…" yelled Onion.

"Why didn't you say so…" said Usopp running back towards them.

Kiba rolled his eyes, "So bro you have a crack pot plan to get rid of them…." said Kiba.

"Did you say crack pot?" asked Usopp.

"No I said "Hot shot"" said Kiba.

"Well of course of it is…" said Usopp.

Not too long later, the crew landed on the island.

"Finally it's good to be on dry land again…" said Sakura.

"No kidding!" said Naruto.

"So where's the town?" asked Luffy.

Before Nami could answer someone began to shoot at them… dodged at best they could, the shooting stopped. Nami noticed a ball on the ground so she picked it up and blew sand away from it.

"It's a Pachinko Ball…" said Nami.

"Pachinko ball?" asked Sakura.

"Who the hell would shoot a Pachinko ball?" asked Inner Sakura.

"I am the great captain Usopp! I'm the ruler of this town leave at once! Or you will be faced to fight my 8,000 men!" said Usopp who stood on a nearby cliff while flags with the Usopp pirates insignia flew behind him.

In the nearby bushed the Usopp pirates were tired from moving their arms up and down.

Back on the beach Sasuke said, "You mean those kids in the bushes?" he asked.

"They're on to us!" yelled Pepper.

"Run!" yelled Onion.

And the 4 boys ran away while Usopp sweatdroped.

"What you think they're my only crew members?" asked Usopp, he whistled and two figures came out of the bushes… it was Kiba… not only that but there were two of them… "Now go my loyal attack dogs!" yelled Usopp.

Both Kibas got angry.

"What… did you say!" yelled one of the Kibas.

"Uh-oh…" said Usopp.

The Kiba that talked jumped up to Usopp, pounced on him and began to shake him by the strap of his overalls.

"Look bro… how many times do I have to say… I choose the position that me and Akamaru get… and don't call us your attack dogs…" yelled that Kiba.

The other Kibas let out a small dog while shaking his head.

"This is embarrassing…" said Zoro.

"No kidding…" said Sakura.

"Hey kit…" said Kyubi.

"What?" asked Naruto.

"Does that guy… the one that looks of like Pinocchio look familiar…" said Kyubi.

"What do you mean?" said Naruto.

"Think if he was older, had blondish hair, smaller nose… with some blood gushing out it…" said Kyubi.

"Oh I know now…" thought Naruto, "Hey wait a second… you weren't around then… well you were… you just we just couldn't communicate… so how do you know about him…"

"I have access to all your memories, remember…" said Kyubi.

"Oh yeah" thought Naruto.

He turned to Luffy and whispered to him. Luffy nodded and agreed.

"Hey!" yelled Luffy.

"There is something wrong with you Usopp… your 17 and you play with little kids!" yelled Kiba while shaking.

"Hey!" yelled Luffy again.

"I think they're trying to get our attention…" said Usopp hopping his little brother would stop shaking him.

"Oh… what?" asked Kiba.

"You two are brothers right?" yelled Luffy.

"Wow no ones ever guess that before…" said Kiba.

"Yeah…" said Usopp.

"Okay... your father's name is Yasopp right!" yelled Luffy.

Usopp got up making Kiba fall off the cliff… Kiba didn't mind either because he was surprised too… the 2nd Kiba disappeared in a puff of smoke and reappeared as Akamaru.

"How do you know our dad's name?" asked Usopp.

Later in a nearby restaurant, Usopp and Kiba wit Akamaru who was allowed in the restaurant were talking to the crew.

"That's so cool you guys know our dad…" said Kiba.

"Yesh, he alwaysh show ush cool sthings…" said Luffy with his mouth full of meat.

Everyone but Naruto who was stuffing himself with ramen stared at him.

"What?" said Kiba with a sweat drop.

Luffy then explained what he said and what he meant, that Yasopp would sometimes give them demonstrations with his marksmen abilities.

"Also he always look out for us… like all those times he prevented us from reading the manuscripts for Make-Out Paradise…" said Naruto.

"You grew up with the guy who wrote Make-Out Paradise?" asked Sakura.

"Well he's also a member of Shanks crew…" said Luffy.

"And this was 10 years ago, Luffy was 7, kit was 4…" said Kyubi with a sigh mainly because no one could here him.

"Remember he'd accidentally read a few lines and get a nose bleed?" asked Luffy.

"Oh yeah…" laughed Naruto.

"But most importantly he cared about you both…" said Luffy.


A very drunk Yasopp was talking to a 7 year old Luffy and a 4 year old Naruto.

"Didsh I evah tell about my two my two sons… their shabout yoursh age yoush know…" slurred Yasopp.

"We know…" said Luffy bored.

"You told like a million times already…" said Naruto also very bored… more bored than Luffy.

Yasopp grabbed tow beer mugs and shoved over their heads.

"I won't stop talking about as long as their air in my lungs!" yelled Yasopp and the whole crew cheered except for Jiraiya who was in a fit of giggles while looking over his story.

(End of Flashback)

"How we get out of those mugs again?" asked Luffy.

Naruto shrugged.

"But as we were saying your father cared about you two and learned a lot about you… even more than we ever wanted…" said Luffy.

"We're proud of our dad…" said Usopp.

"That's right… Usopp plays pirate with a bunch of little kids everyday… even though he's 17 and it seems rather pathetic…" said Kiba.

"Hey…" said Usopp while Kiba snickered.

"I've been wondering… how did Kiba make his dog look like him?" asked Sasuke who has been wording about that.

"He's a Clone User… am I right…" said Naruto.

"That's right… I can only do the Man Beast Clone though…" said Kiba.

"Whoa so that's what it's like… I haven't seen it before…" said Naruto.

"Yeah I can tell judging by your headband you a Clone User too…" said Kiba.

Naruto and Kiba began a conversation about clones while the others about more important things.

"More meat right here!" Luffy called.

No not that…

"Usopp do you know where can find a ship?" asked Nami.

"No sorry, there's not many ships on this island, this island is small and there's no ports so I'm afraid there's no ships here…" said Usopp.

"What about that house up there?" asked Sakura.

"Yeah that mansion… are they your friends… do you know them…" said Nami in a hopeful tone.

Sakura stared at Nami with a sweat drop.

"No… um me and Kiba have to an errand… Kiba, it's time…" said Usopp.

"Oh yeah…" said Kiba, "We have to go… maybe we'll talk later… you have to show me your Shadow Clones…"

"Will do…" said Naruto.

The two left wit the little dog… they went up to the mansion where Usopp, Kiba and Akamaru sunk in thought a hole in the hedges and went over to a window. Usopp threw a pebble at it. A girl with blonde hair and brown eyes in her mid-teens opened in the window. Akamaru jumped up the windowsill. The girl laughed.

"Hello Usopp, Akamaru, Kiba…" said the girl, "I'm sorry but Klahadore won't let you in as guests…"

"That's okay Kaya a pirate such as me wouldn't like it in that stuffy mansion… and besides Kiba might wreck up the place…" said Usopp.

This earned Usopp a glare from his younger brother, "What that?" he growled.

"Nothing…" said Usopp.

Usopp began to tell the girl named Kaya about an adventure he had when he was 5, Kiba was too young to go on it... that he fought a giant gold fish…

Outside the restaurant the Usopp Pirates were investigating…

"That's where that pirate crew is…" said Konohamaru.

"But what if they ate the captain and Kiba…" said Carrot.

"Pirates don't' eat people… witches do…" said Onion.

"Well we should find go rescue them!" said Pepper.

All 4 boys ran into the restaurant.

"Where is our captain!" they demanded.

"Hey weren't those kids with Usopp and Kiba…" said Sasuke.

"I think so…" said Nami.

"That was good meat!" said Luffy.

All 4 boys began to get scared thinking the meat was Usopp… this gave Zoro and evil idea.

"You looking for you captain…" said Zoro.

"Where… is he?" asked Pepper scared.

"We ate him…" said Zoro giving a demented look.

The other laughed, even Sasuke chuckled… then the 4 boys turned to Nami scearemd out "Witch!" before fainted.

"Hey!" she yelled while the other just laughed.

After the boys regained conciseness they laughed at the joke.

"So they said their running an errand…" said Carrot.

"He must be up there…" said Konohamaru.

"Up where?" asked Luffy.

"The mansion… he's goes up there to tell lies…" said Pepper.

"That's not nice…" said Sakura.

"It is…" said Onion.

"He goes up there up to cheer her up… the prison who lives up there is a girl… she lives alone, she's also very sick… Captain Goes up there once a day to cheer up with Kiba who just listens… mainly because she loves Akamaru…" said Konohamaru.

"That's one of the reasons why I like the captain… he's a meddler…" said Carrot.

"I like him because he's bossy…" said Pepper.

"I like he's boastful…" said Onion.

"I like him because he reminds me of Pinocchio…" said Konohamaru.

"Those are good qualities…" said Nami with a sweat drop.

"Yeah…" said Sakura.

"So their good friends?" asked Naruto.

"Hey Naruto are you thinking what I'm thinking?" asked Luffy.

"I hope it doesn't involve asking a boat from her is it… I just hope that isn't what your idiot brother is thinking…" said Kyubi.

"Are you thinking about asking her for a boat?" asked Naruto ignoring his inner demon.

Luffy nodded.

"Your an idiot and your brother's an idiot!" yelled Kyubi.

The other 4 members sighed, "Where do they come up with this stuff?" all 4 thought.

Later they got to outside the mansion.

"So this is the mansion…" said Luffy.

He stretched his arms over the top of the fence… Naruto grabbed on.

"Come on everyone…" said Naruto and Luffy at the same time.

Usopp Pirate gasped at Luffy arms, the other just sweat drop… all 8 reluctantly grabbed onto Luffy.

"I hate this kit… you know that… right" said Kyubi.

"But I love it…" thought Naruto.

Luffy launched the large group over the fence.

Back with Usopp he was telling Kaya about how he took his sling shot when rather large group of people crashed in the middle of the yard.

"Ouch…" said Kiba.

Both Luffy and Naruto were fine… the others not so much…

"Luffy… please never do that again…" sauid Sasuke.

"Who are they?" asked Kaya.

"They are people who heard about my greatness and joined my crew…" said Usopp.

"That's right…" said Luffy who realized what he said "No wait it isn't I came to ask you favor…"

"This is stupid…" said Kyubi.

"Shut up…" thought Naruto.

""Who are you?" demanded a voice.

All of them turned around and saw a man with dark green hair slicked back wearing glasses and a black suit with gold coils on them that resembled poop.

"Klahadore…" said Kaya.

"The butler…" said Usopp as Akamaru growled at the man.

"Who is this guy?" asked Naruto.

Next Time: After Klahadore bad mouths Yasopp, Luffy, Naruto, Kiba and Usopp discover that the butler is not all that he seems to be... With a weirdo hypnotist he plans to kill Kaya... who is he really and what are his plans... find out more next time...