

A knock off superman with a lot of sadistic tendencies Disclaimer: I don't own marvel or mcu or the boys

Dark_Path_007 · Movies
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21 Chs


1st December 1975, Homelander's pad, New York City.

(John's POV)

"It's been a month since you're debut as homelander John, and since the reception to your existence was welcomed by the public, we believe it is time for others to join you and not long in the future we would have created a real world justice league." The dumbass advisor i was given dramatically said and with a mighty eye roll I responded.

"And who is this new hero in the making?" Now staring directly at him. My stare seemingly unnerving him had him suddenly quaking in his boots and with a stutter he explained that it was some asian woman who couldn't be killed permanently as she had the ability to absorb the life force of others. With that I turned away to think a bit.

Something about that woman sounded familiar but it's been a long time since I stopped trying to remember the things I knew about this universe, remembering them just made my life boring and stupid. Was I foolish for giving up most of my memories from my past life?, Yeah probably but I did not regret it one bit.

Turning back around I tell Garth(stupid advisor), "I want to meet her before she goes public alright?" I was met with an immediate "yessir".

After which another thought popped into my head, one I had to release so I asked,

"What's her hero name?" This time Garth had to delve into his little stupid book of information to know, the idiot thought himself a geniu...

"Her hero name is lifeline sir." With that I hummed and walked towards my room where a new bimbo awaited me.


The next day

(John's POV)

As it turns out crime only increases during the holidays especially robbery. I mean why even do it when you know by the time you turned around I would be behind you floating in the air, arms crossed with an eyebrow raised in disapproval and question.

So would anyone tell me why in God's name I was currently doing exactly that while the fool of a robber unloaded his machine gun onto my very invulnerable body. You know what maybe I should just ask him then.

And with that thought in mind I bolted towards the masked fool, tightly gripped his neck and slammed him onto one of the walls in the shop he just stole from. My hand now on his chest applying just enough pressure to keep him still on the wall in asked him;

"What was the purpose of this futile endeavour, you knew what was going to happen if you did this and yet you did it anyways."

"Because I had no choice, not everyone is like you with the strength and the ability to fly and shoot lasers from their ey...." ok that's enough.

"So you wanted my attention, well you have it and I hope it was worth it. No let's get you to jail." I say and grasping by his collar, I floated us out of the store and put him into the hands of the very happy police officers.

"Thanks alot for this homelander, Lord knows December are usually a shit show for the boys and myself." Said a lieutenant whose name i did not know but face I recognised because of the very distinctive moustache on his face.

"No problem lieutenant just helping whenever I can, and with all the work you guys have been doing all year round you definitely need the break." I replied with a smile.

"Yeah but still thanks." At that I simply nod.

"And oh yeah homelander, who is that new lady you came with, I mean she's not you but she's very impressive." Said the lieutenant, another cop took over from him.

"Yeah they kept shooting at her and it pierced her, but she didn't go down." Ah yes Jiaying a fantastic fuckmate I learnt last night.

"Well boys that's lifeline a new hero in town and I would advise you not to speak of her in any impolite manner, she's not very forgiving." I replied before turning to look for the lady, I sight her and slowly move in her direction at which point she just finished answering another journalist's question. I quickly scoop her in a bridal carry turn to the journalists to tell them no more questions as she slowly drew life force from me to heal herself and then promptly blast off to my recently built HQ the Homelander Pad.


(General POV)

In New York City a sparkling clean building could be seen still in construction, from the little that had been built it was clear that the building would become quite the amazing sight once it was completed. Right beside the building itself was a smaller one, that had obviously taking its architectural style from the pyramids of Egypt. The only difference between it and the pyramids being the material used to build it and that it was shaped in the style of a landing pad like those helicopters used.

Homelander brought himself and the new face of feminism to a slow landing on the landing pad at the very top of the fast-constructed building made for his personal use. Underneath them a column shifted and slowly brought them down and into the building.

Once inside the building and away from peering eyes Homelander was quick to disengage from the heroine. The heroine watching him walk to the indoor bar filled with bottles of whiskey(a favourite of his), let out a sad huff.

Turning away with the intent of going to her personal quarters to change, she was stopped by the cold voice of Homelander.

"Why do you pretend huh?, tell me." he asked.

"I don't know what you mean?" was her shaky reply.

"No you do know what I mean, but since you've not been around enough to when I'm asking and or commanding, I'll try that again WHY DO YOU PRETEND TO LOVE OR CARE ABOUT ME?"

"Uhm, I do really love you." She says now truly fearing for her nigh immortal life.

"Enough!, who threatened you into this, I can see the explosive lodged into different parts of your anatomy. So who?" This time the tone of his voice made her understand she was fucked if she spoke even the tiniest bit of lies.

"H..hyd..hydra." She states in fear.

"Ah! pesky roaches are what you fear, well wrong learn to fear me more. Am I clear?" His eyes glowed red with heat to emphasize his threat.

"crystal." She coughed out just enough for his superhuman hearing to pick.

Homelander slowly backed away the red in his eyes giving way to their natural blue, a smile slowly climbs his face as he says;

"Good, now get out of that costume so I can try getting rid of this adrenaline." And at his commanding words she nods and slowly pulls off the costume.


(Rogers family home)

Margaret Carter sat with her husband, three of her children and two grandchildren but still felt that she was missing one.

Her precious baby boy was turning thirty two this month and it seemed to her like time flew by in a flash. He had been at Vietnam for a long time and yet again he was leaving her.

This time according to Garth for the new asian paramour he got himself. She knew there was something up with the bitch, she just wasn't sure what it was exactly. But she would find out and she would destroy her before she hurt her son.

"Honey are you alright?" He husband's voice pulled her out of her thoughts. Turning to him with a smile she replied.

"Oh yeah, just thinking of John and how proud of him I've become. Alright children who wants cookies." And at her words as if a bulb had lit up the room, voices filled it and it became a proper Christmas scene.