

A knock off superman with a lot of sadistic tendencies Disclaimer: I don't own marvel or mcu or the boys

Dark_Path_007 · Movies
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21 Chs


March 19th 1976, London, United kingdoms

(General POV)

It has been slightly over two months since John Rogers began training on how to control his evil tendencies in Kamar taj. According to his teacher( in more ways than one😉😉😉 ), the reason he had the tendencies in the first place was because he was incomplete. She explained that he hadn't fully evolved to his peak potential.

In her words the tesseract and space stone had created him but since his body was too weak at that point, it had not fully assimilated all of what he could be, after all it was an infinity stone. It's capabilities were meant to be infinite.

Unfortunately she didn't have knowledge on how to complete his evolution but she made a guess it might have something to do with the use of the stone once again.

As for why he was currently in London, well he was chasing some eldritch monster from some eldritch plane or something. He wasn't sure exactly what it was. The ancient one had placed a price for her psychological sessions with him and it involved him helping her kill mystic monstrosities she wasn't sure the masters of her order could take on.

Anyway, John was currently dressed in a formal attire, forgoing his super suit in order to blend in and not draw any attention. Especially since this particular prey of his seemed quite intelligent and adept at hiding it's presence. He had been searching for two weeks despite his enhanced senses.

Well at least John could tell that his sessions with the acient one was providing good results as he could now be patient when hunting someone, whereas before he would have gone on a rampage at this point.

John had decided to visit a museum to simmer down his budding frustration of having not yet completed the task he was assigned. As he turned a corner to view the section dedicated to war heroes, he bumped into a smaller body. Not that the body moved him at all, the body unfortunately was sent sprawling to the ground, a small yelp accompanying it.

Pulling up an apologetic smile, he reached out to pull the fallen woman to her feet. Having accomplished that he quickly apologised,

"I'm so sorry about that, I wasn't watching as I was in my thoughts." A pretty asian looking face soon peaked it's way out of the brunette mess of hair.

"No it's okay. I'm sorry too, I wasn't paying attention either." she said and then at the sight of his handsome features began to stutter an introduction of herself, "hmm, h-hi I'm ser-sersi."

"Oh, well my name's John and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Sersi. I know you must have heard this before and hearing it from me must be nothing special, but you are a very beautiful woman." John replied his trademark lady killer smile on his face. But to his surprise, the woman didn't have the drooling look on her face, which was very unusual.

"Uhm, thank you." was her quick reply, "so you like history too?" she asked hoping to start a conversation.

"Some parts of history yes, most of it though not very much." John says now walking towards his previous destination, the lady in tow, "I came to the museum to clear my head of work. I was just heading to the war heroes section before I quite fortunately bumped into you."

"So you were a soldier right?, an American war hero." Sersi asked.

"Why do you ask that?" John replied with a question of his own.

"Well I find that most people who visit the war heroes section of museums are usually soldiers themselves. And I called you American war hero because, you have an American accent and if I am not wrong about your age group, you must have partook in the Vietnam war." She proudly states hoping to show off her analytical skills.

"Yes, you're right. Totally and completely right, and I must say there is quite the mind behind that beauty of yours. I can't say the same for myself, so would you like to give me the tour since you are obviously more than capable." John says, he watches her hesitate a bit and then gave the killer move, face and eyes a bit downcast he added,


(Sersi's POV)

And that was it, we first toured the entirety of the museum, and then when John told me he was actually visiting from the United states, I decided to take him to my favourite places in London.

I saw it coming, I had never done this before in my over seven thousand years of existence, I had never slept with a man I just met but John was different. I noticed from the onset, when bumping into each other I was left sprawling while he stood with budging in the slightest.

I wasn't an eternal with great physical strength, but i was still an eternal, yet walking into him felt no different than walking head first into the domo's walls.

But I didn't leave his side, I simply couldn't. I had not felt this way since Ikaris left me all by myself. I was lonely for centuries and this man wiped that loneliness away with ease.

I knew deep down he would not be here for long, and maybe that was why I slept with him. He would be gone from my life soon and I wanted to share something special with him before he left. Waking up the next day to an empty bed excluding myself, I still didn't regret my decision. He had done things to me in bed in one night, Ikaris never did in millennia.

I would have to call work and tell them I was sick, I'm not sure I can walk on my currently very shaky legs. I can't help but wonder if only he stayed with me longer, well a girl can dream.

March 21st 1976, London, United kingdoms

(John's POV)

I have finally found my elusive prey, it seemed to be a klyntar with shape shifting abilities. Were it not for my enhanced sense of smell I probably would never have found it. But now that I have let's make this quick so that I can go back to the comfort of my home.

They don't need me to save them as much as before now that a new hero 'caster' has also emerged. It didn't take much to convince him after the ancient one gave her blessings. And he was quite impressive himself, especially with that whip artifact of his.

Anyway back to the matter on ground, the klyntar was currently in the body of a young boy which was a pity because the boy would have to die with it. Well it is for the greater good.

Seeing the boy act all weak and luring a group of criminals into an empty dark alley, I let him enjoy his meal first. The moment he completely swallowed the last one, I rocketed towards him and wrapped my palm around his neck. It showed a surprising amount of struggle but ultimately against my overwhelming strength it began to lose hope. And then came the begging and promises and blah blah blah.

My sonic scream might save the boy from having to die with the klyntar, but I wasn't very proficient with it and I could end up flattening the entire block. So I took the more reasonable path and with the help of the supreme heat vision, the boy and by act of symbiosis the klyntar were nothing but ashes.

Floating out of the alley and blasting towards the very remote Sahara desert( yes I have been brushing up my geography lessons ), I came to a stop and decided to call out my very own symbiote,

"Well my friend that has been tailing me since yesterday morning, what can I do you for?" I ask now looking towards his direction. The man slowly floated towards me from his previous cover within the clouds.

"I just watched you murder a young boy in cold blood. I can't let you be anywhere near Sersi." He says and everything clicked. Sersi had told me about a former husband that was like 'her very own superman', so I wasn't wrong Sersi is a special woman, I should have x-rayed her body.

"So this is about Sersi, yeah?" I ask but he didn't seem to be in the mood to talk any longer as he slowly brought himself to a battle stance.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask but seeing he didn't change his mind, I shrug and enter a battle stance of my own. And as if we read each others mind we flew towards each other at sonic speeds, fists first and upon our clash a dust storm ensued from the desert surrounding us and a thunder clap pierced the skies, splitting open the clouds.

Why were you guys so shocked about John and ancient one.

And I'm so happy I made my MC as strong as he believed comics homelander was before he died, because I'm not sure show homelander would be able to overpower Thor.

Dark_Path_007creators' thoughts