
The Beginning of Time

A man used for a bizarre scenario. Alex Smith living his best- well more like average life, all of the sudden dies! Sent back into the past on accident by a higher dimensional being, as a science fair project. How far you might ask? Right before the universe had the big bang! Although he wasn't sent back with nothing.

Arctic961 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Death Ch. 1


"GLORB! Have you done your science project yet? It's due tomorrow, you do know that right?" An indescribable ball of what seems to be multicolored light orbiting a black hole that flickers white when the being converses says.

"Uhhh.. I totally forgot about that shit!" Another mystical ball announced.

"I do have a pretty good idea of what I want however!" They added.

"Oh yeah? What's that." The other spoke.

"I think I'm going to take a Worldly Law from a lower plane and upgrade it to something you would see in a higher plane!" The mystical ball answered proud.

"Oh.. Sounds overly complicated and boring." The other lost interest.

"Yeah.. But I think It'll be fun so why not?" A ball retorted.

"Eh.. Do whatever man, I gotta do my homework. Cya!" The other left the dark void of space.

'Better sooner than later' The other thought.

Then he too left and the void is now empty of all.

Appearing inside another void however this one has a slight purple tint to it, the black hole looking entity named Glorb turned his attention to a long river flowing infinitely in both directions.

'Looks like a pretty healthy river of time!' He thought, happy at his first choice.

The multicolored entity reached out with what looked like incarnations of light slightly resembling hands.

The hands dug through the river, dwarfing it.

'Lets just get what I came here and go.' The entity thought, not wanting to spend too much time on this.

pulling something that looked like a infinitely long golden string out from the flowing river, he got ready to leave.

When all of the sudden the river started to shake violently and crack, after a few moments though it shattered like glass.

"Well, that's not good." The entity seemed to frown.

'Ehh.. not my problem.' He thought almost immediately after.

A few moments after the being left, all the shards dissipated into nothingness.

However, one singular shard started to glow and expand rapidly. Seeming like this river was going to be even greater than the last.


2023 November 20th.

"Haaah.." A man sighed deeply, gazing towards the ocean in front of him.

'Another monotone day.' He thought.

Alex was just you're average joe, nothing special about him. He worked an average job, watched anime, read manga, average weeb stuff.

He didn't really think of himself as a weeb although, to him it was a very depreciating term that he chose to ignore. (He's deep deep in denial. lol)

Although his life was super boring it wasn't really bad either just average.

Alex absolutely hated that, although he didn't have a infinite amount of burning passion to climb to the top or live a incredibly luxuriously life like your average protagonist. He truly wanted to be special.

But with all the things life throws at him he just can't really find the energy to put any effort into doing anything above what is required of him.

So Alex, like everyday started to walk back to his house. This, this was the day everything changed.


On the way home he passed his favorite gas station, just a little barley noticeable place. He pondered for a moment on getting a snack or two, but ultimately he decided he didn't have the extra money to enjoy. So.. onward he walked.

Only 2 steps from his door, the space Infront of Alex cracked like a mirror and everything went dark.


Day -0, Year 0.

[Establishing connection... Successful!]

[Soul Link.... successful!]

[Granting ownership of timeline... Error... Error!]

[Finding reason for failure... Found!]

[Granting ownership of timeline... Success!]

[Congratulations to Host for successful integration.]

"Huh.. What?" Alex awoke groggily to the sound of system pings.

He felt like he just had the best sleep of his life and before he could process where he was, what the hell just happened or even respond or react to the system messages. The brightest light imaginable shined on him and everything around him.

'Wha... What the fuck?!' Alex couldn't help but think, quickly becoming more awake than ever.

Along with the indescribable light that bathed everything, he could tell, he could tell that it wasn't just the light. There was also an unimaginable heat, a heat like nothing he had ever felt before.

Closing his eye's didn't help either.

Just as he was about to notice the system notifications, he choked on nothing.

Well not nothing, but the lack of something! Can anyone guess what that thing might be? I'll give you a hint. It's oxygen!

after about 30 more seconds he felt it.


He was about to die.

Could he do anything?


So what happened?

He died.


A Year Later!

Alex suddenly awoke from another deep slumber.

'What is happening??' Thought Alex remembering his Death, the light and heat still here.

Choking soon ensued.

'Why can't I breathe??' His brain couldn't help but scramble for a solution.

His obvious answer was "Oxygen!"

However this still left him with quite the pickle, where was he that didn't have oxygen?

Not being good at holding his breath, the 45 seconds or so quickly passed and it came again.



Alex died a few more times and a couple of years passed, although it only felt like 5 or so minutes for him.

'Hell... This has to be hell right????' Alex was losing some sanity after dying six or so times in a row.

That was the only reasonable answer he could come up with.

after a little bit more suffering and a couple deaths later he suddenly remembered the dings from his first time awakening.

"Status!" He cried, hoping for a way out of this hellhole.


Name: Alex Smith

Age: 9 years

Str: 1

Agi: 1

Def: 1

Sta: 1

Int: 1


'Wha...' Although he was momentarily happy at the thought of the system, he remembered where he was.. what the system shows.. and his memories.

He felt pretty sad now. The system which had been his momentary salvation from eternal damnation quickly proved to be quite useless.

Showing someone there stats is nice and all but if that was all it could do.. how was he going to get out of here?

Thinking about anything that would help him at all in this situation he suddenly felt like he forgot something important... what could it be?

He died.


"Status." he called.

Pulling up his status again after awakening he quickly found that his age had increased from 9 to 10.

although at first he just kind of ignored the age being 9, now he couldn't afford to do so.

He knew for a fact the he did die.

But how was he still here?

[Congrats to the host for unlocking the traits category!]

'Status.' he quickly called, exited.


Name: Alex Smith

Age: 10 years

Str: 1

Agi: 1

Def: 1

Sta: 1

Int: 1

Traits: (Immortality)


'Ok.. that explains what I was thinking.' Even though he was happy that he could live forever. Alex couldn't help but feel even sadder, this was hell. Living forever was not a good thing, he had hoped for some super amazing trait that would make living a good thing.

"Haahahahahah!" Alex laughed at his situation.


10000 Years later.

Although 10 thousand years is a lot it was only 10 thousand minutes for Alex.

Which although sounded like a long time was just around a week.

Alex spent the first day's fearing death, hating every moment of his living self for bringing him back from the dead just to die again.

Death was not an easy thing to conquer for any living thing, however after literally dying over and over again 10 thousand times he finally started to show some semblance of not caring.

Knowing he was immortal and could not die helped a lot in this process.


'Status' Alex called again, feeling like he had done so for a lifetime.


Name: Alex Smith

Age: 10,128 years

Str: 1

Agi: 1

Def: 1

Sta: 1

Int: 1

Traits: (Immortality)


'I wonder what kind of immortality I have.'

After thinking that a new window appeared Infront of Alex.

-{Trait Info}-


-The hosts soul will never be extinguished.

-Any force involving instant death won't be allowed past the body.

-After death the body with be regenerated either from a corpse or nothingness.

-Any injury is regenerated.

-Regeneration increases the regeneration speed.


Alex now understood his trait a lot better.

Especially why the heat which he could feel was unimaginable, wasn't doing anything to him.

after a couple thousand more deaths he could see that the time for his rebirth was slowly going down from a year to already only a couple months.
