

Right now I am standing in a puddle of blood belonging to my wife and holding my child in my arms. Me the most powerful being in the world and I am helpless and powerless standing in the rain as it drips away falling on me and flowing away with my tears. I could not help but want to destroy the world for she saved me from my loneliness and I wish to punish the world for taking her away from me for i have nothing to live for other the crying bundle of love and feeling of love my love left me for her last words were for me to take care of her I don't know what I am supposed to do for I am holding on to the one my wife gave up her life for should I feel hate for she took away my love or should feel complete and total love for she is the last thing she left me I don't what I am supposed to do but I do know the this is not just the end for this is the beginning of the end

This is just the first half of the last chapter of the first book so just heads up in case you don't understand it

Neoalgascreators' thoughts