
The Beginning of The End/MLP (Horror)

This is based on the fanfiction "Forever Faithful" (MLP) that you can listen to on youtube. I take no credit for this script, I am just rewriting it. I highly suggest you go listen to it. It is very good. Credit goes to the Author. Princess Celestia starts to write a journal, documenting the strange letters that she has received from her student, Twilight Sparkle. Who died a year ago. Things go from bad to worse as she struggles to understand if somepony is playing a prank on her or Twilight really is becoming more and more powerful in the afterlife.

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Chapter Five:

Chapter Five: December, 19, XXXX

I have started the preparations for hearts warming eve in the castle today. I oversaw all the decorations getting put up and I actually was able to distract my mind from the recent events for a few hours. When I lowered the sun, I received another letter, this time it was from Luna in Ponyville. Informing me that Fluttershy had passed.

I spent some time in the Chanterlot Library, restricted section. Looking for spells or really any information about the Afterlife and the dead interacting with this world.

I can't say I am surprised to have found nothing. Not even a clue. While I was looking I received another letter.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

Fluttershy has joined us. The void is really beginning to take shape and look like...Well, Equestria! I was considering who to take next...Either Applejack or Rarity. So, I checked in on Rarity. She isn't doing well. Her boutique has fallen apart and she put Sweetybelle up for adoption because of the recent events. I have decided to do her next. You know, take her out of her misery. Personally, I am doing her a favour.

I have recently begun to hear a voice other than my conscience in my thoughts. Giving me advice on how to proceed. I know this isn't going to sound possible but, I think it is my magic speaking to me. My magic has grown and evolved in this world and is now, who I consider, a friend. A comforting friend that makes me feel pleasant when I hear them. Strange. Isn't it?

As I said before, Fluttershy is with us. She actually fainted when I appeared in front of her. I know that she is a scared pony but come on. I was in one of her dreams! Honestly. Then, when she finally awoke from her slumber, I got her to calm down in the real world and convinced her to join us like the others.

I don't think it will be hard to convince Rarity since her life is basically over at this point. She has nothing to look forward to anyway. I will continue to update you on my findings.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle."

I stared at the letter for a long time. I continued to research, now finding to see books on how magic evolves after death. On all accounts, when a pony dies, the magic simply leaves its body. Nothing more and nothing less happens. I am...confused and terrified of Twilight at this moment. Once she gets the rest of the elements, will she even stop then? How many ponies will she kill before she is satisfied?

I should warn Luna, another victim is about to be found.

-Princess Celestia