
The Beginning of the Downfall (English ver.)

The story of a child who wants to know the reason for his existence.

NiraUwU · Fantasy
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8 Chs


In short, Stevan was caught by Ericka's group. Ericka said, "Ehehehehehe.... finally caught you, cute ( ꈍᴗꈍ)", while Stevan replied, "You demon who uses cheating magic." Group 1 managed to avoid Eli's group, but unfortunately, they were caught by Siska and Miska. Siska said, "What do I expect from you? You're all the same," while Miska stuttered, "B-bu-but they did their best. At least don't insult them uhhmmm ( ̄ヘ ̄;)", "Huh, whatever, there are only 3 people left, and our job will be easier if they all go to fetch water from that far place <( ̄︶ ̄)>." Group 3, Taku, said, "Groups 2 and 1 have been caught, and don't forget to erase all evidence and traces." Kena responded, "Hmm, Group 2 didn't give any information using Morse code via the tree. It's true that they've all been caught." They settled in the western part of the forest and hid from Eli's group. Maas complained, "Aarrgghhh, it's so hot here. Isn't this a forest? Why is it so hot?" Kena replied, "Shhhh, we can't forget our mission. This is for everyone's sake." Taku added, "We're like surrounded and watched by 13 people. They shouldn't have found us this quickly. We only have 39 seconds left until victory." They heard rustling sounds from the grass around them, and Group 3 became very alert and prepared to escape. But they were surrounded by 13 people, making it impossible to escape. The victory went to Ericka's group, "WOOOHHHOOOOOO!!!!! Ahhhh, it's just like usual hehehe," while Stevan said, "Hmmmpphhh, I'm sorry, it looks like we lost. If only I were skilled in mastering magic, we might have won." Thili suggested, "It's okay, let's go get some water from the river." Miska offered, "I-if you want, I can help you carry 2 buckets at once ୧(^ 〰 ^)୨ I'm strong enough, ehehehe~," but Maas declined, "N-no need to go that far. I'm a guy, after all." The boys went to the river with Miska, and Maas complained, "Ugghhh, it's so tiring. Why is the river so far away? Can't the river flow to the church so we don't have to walk like this?" Philips said, "Always complaining as usual," while Uma encouraged, "Come on, it's always fun when we're together." Miska said, "D-does Maas want to rest? I can carry 2 buckets at once ୧(^ 〰 ^)୨ I'm strong enough, ehehehe~," but Maas declined, "N-no need to go that far. I'm a guy, after all." When they arrived at the river, Thili approached Stevan and said, "I'm sorry, it's my fault we lost (╥﹏╥)," but Stevan comforted him, "It's okay. Everyone makes mistakes." Thili smiled again and thanked Stevan. They all went back to the church happily.

To be continued...