
The Beginning of the Downfall (English ver.)

The story of a child who wants to know the reason for his existence.

NiraUwU · Fantasy
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8 Chs


The game begins, Stevan distracts Ericka's attention. Group 1 becomes the target of Eli's team, Group 2 observes Group 1 as bait and immediately informs Group 3 to go east. Group 3 is very careful because Bianka, Siska, and Miska's positions are still unknown, they could be behind them. Eli catches and hugs Thili first because Thili is very weak physically. Eli's group easily chases Group 1, but Asga is very skillful in setting traps, so Eli's group has a little difficulty catching Asga and Reka. Stevan, who is still being chased by Ericka's group, is very exhausted. No matter how far he runs, climbs trees, and disguises himself to mislead, it's all useless. Ericka has a very keen sense of hearing, so when Stevan is out of breath, she knows his location. Stevan himself is not given time to breathe calmly. "Ugh, is she a monster or what? This is so unfair, I can't even think of the next move, but I will keep running until the bitter end for them all!" "Ericka, he's over there," Ericka replies, "STEVAN, DO YOU MISS ME (;^ω^)," "Ugh, you cheating devil." Group 2, Philips, guards the area around from the top of a tree carefully, watching who has been caught and who is chasing. Raika and Uma guard the bottom carefully for when Siska and Miska come to attack. Raika says, "HOOOAAAMMMMM, this is so boring." Uma agrees, "Yeah, it's boring if we're just watching, but that's the fun part." Philips says, "I don't see Bianka and the two twins at all. Stevan is overwhelmed by Ericka, Thili is caught, and Reka is still being chased by Eli's group." A few moments later, Raika says, "Something's weird." Uma asks, "What? It's been quiet around here." Raika responds, "No, maybe it's not us who are watching." Siska and Miska ambush the three of them, but unfortunately, they fail to escape. Siska says, "Huh, boys are weak like this? You should be faster in thinking, right, Miska?" Miska replies, "Y-yes, you have to be better at this, s-so fight on." The three of them are moved by Miska's words of concern. "Only one group left, and this will be our victory ┐(´ー`)┌," Bianka says, "Even so, they are very careful in hiding, they don't leave a trace around here. Whatever happens, we can't underestimate them."

To be continued