
The Beginning After The End: Legacy

What would happen if the world of TBATE had another Legacy? And what if the other Legacy was reincarnated in Dicathen as the younger brother of the original protagonist Arthur Leywin?

TheRandomMe · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: Mana Core

Cecil Leywin:

Two months had passed since Arthur awakened, and just like in the novel, mom and dad decided to keep it a secret for now.

Dad got help from the Twin Horns to rebuild our house and got to meet them for the first time, while Arthur just stayed in the Inn and read more books.

During this time, I learned how broken the ability to see mana particles is. When they used magic, I could see how the mana moved and predict what they would do before using the spell. While now I could only see what type of elemental mana they used in the future, I could probably predict the spell.

I could see how Conjurers emitted mana to the outside world, allowing them to bend their surroundings to their will, and how Augmenters enhanced their bodies using mana.

I also managed to cast a spell by copying their mana flow and without a Mana Core! Of course, I only conjured a small pebble, but it is impossible without a mana core.

I waited until Art finished his training with dad and walked to him.

"Bwoda, bwoda, bwoda how magic?" I asked him

My goal right now is to see if there will be a difference in my connection to mana while I meditate but to do that, I need to learn how to meditate. Just closing my eyes does nothing...

"You need to wait until you awaken." He said while giving me head pats.

HEY! Stop it. It's annoying.

Anyway, he didn't tell me how to do it, so it's time to pull out my secret weapon.

"Bwoda teach." I said while giving him the puppy dog eyes.

He may be in a kid's body, but he is still an old guy inside.

"No." He said flatly


Huh... It didn't work?

Well, let's go with plan B.

Tears started forming in my eyes, and as I was about to cry...

"Wait, wait, wait, I'll teach you!" He said, panicked.

Instantly like nothing had happened, I gave him a happy smile. Even if you can resist the puppy dog eyes, you can't escape an angry mom!

Especially if it's our mom... I shuddered while remembering how angry mom got when dad tried to teach me how to use a sword...

"You need to sit down like this and breath when I tell you." He said, and I followed his instructions.

"Now take a deep breath through your nose until you can't breathe anymore... Then once you can't breathe anymore, you open your mouth and breathe in just once more... After, you let out your breath in small bursts, about fifteen times, like this."

I followed his instructions, and I must say this was relaxing.

"Now do it again with your eyes closed until you see pretty lights floating around in the darkness."

I continued, and it didn't take much time before I could see the light he was talking about. It was similar to me using Mana Vision but on a smaller scale, but it almost felt like I could almost hear the mana.

"Arthur, Cecil, it's dinner." I heard mom, and when I opened my eyes, I saw her observing us.

Playing my role as a child, I decided to act like an excited child.

"Mom, mom bwoder is tweching mwagic!" I said in an excited tone as I ran towards her.

I could maybe use the excuse that it was Arthur that helped me form a Mana Core early. Knowing that not one but two of your children are reincarnated could be bad for them.

"I see, but magic can wait for after dinner." She said as she picked me up, and we went back home.


Eight months passed quickly, with me acting like a child while having Arthur help me forge a mana core. Well more like teaching me how to meditate, but he didn't need to know that.

I was sitting outside our house looking as Arthur was training with dad, and it was time to get my own Magic Core.

At first, I thought about making it later and getting better at mana manipulation without a core, but with the upcoming war, it would be best for me to be at my strongest when it happens.

My connection to mana is very strong, even without a core, so I can't wait to see what it will be when I finally get one.

I willed the tiny mana fragments inside my body to move toward my solar plexus. I remember it was a very hard process for Arthur, but for me, it was easy. The fragments just obeyed me.

Not even five minutes passed when the last fragment gravitated towards the center and...


Wow, this feels great!

Even before I had my mana core, I could feel and see the mana around me, but now it was on another level!

"Cecil! Hahaha... I can't believe both my sons awakened before the age of three." I heard dad say.

Opening my eyes, I looked around and saw I was in a crater, and the house was intact!



Not the time.

"Papa magic!" I said, with and couldn't hide the excitement of being able to use real magic, not just conjuring small droplets of water and rocks REAL MAGIC.

"Haha... My sons are geniuses! Wait till your mother returns and hears the news!

After a few hours, mom returned with the groceries, and when dad told her I had awakened, she decided to celebrate this occasion by making my favorite meal.

In the following months, dad started teaching me the application of augmenting and basic theory while mom taught me how to read and write.

Unlike Arthur, I didn't know the language, so I needed to learn it. When I was reborn here, I didn't need to learn from the books, and I forgot they don't write in English even if they speak what I understand as English.

Learning the alphabet took me three months, but I think it would be fast for ordinary people. Around a year, and I should completely learn it.

Hmmm... Why is it so quiet? However, the silence didn't last as mom dropped her fork onto her plate.

"What? Reynolds! Arthur isn't even four, and Cecil just became two!"

"You don't understand they are prodigies. Arthur quickly picks up on everything I teach him, and Mana Manipulation is like breathing for Cecil."

I see, so they are talking about going to Xyrus. Well, nothing I can change, so back to the food.

The whole thing went down as in canon, where they, for some reason, asked us about our opinion, like the smart parents they are, and we decided to all move to Xyrus.


Authors Note:

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