
The Beginning After The End: Legacy

What would happen if the world of TBATE had another Legacy? And what if the other Legacy was reincarnated in Dicathen as the younger brother of the original protagonist Arthur Leywin?

TheRandomMe · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 2: 2nd Life

Cecil Leywin:

I'm currently floating in toward the light. I wonder what would happen if I tried to stop. Would I die again?

Probably not the best idea, I thought while slowly gravitating toward the light.


If I'm being born again, should I pretend to cry? It wouldn't hurt, so why not.

After I passed the light, so how do I cry? Think... Think...

Oh, right, I forgot to clear my browser history... SHIT! I forgot to clear my browser history!

"Congratulations Sir and Madam, he's a healthy boy." The voices were still muffled but slowly started to get clearer. But that didn't matter right now I cried like a baby thinking about the possibility of someone seeing all the things I read...

When I felt a warm embrace from who I assumed was my mother, I felt safe, and it made me stop crying, does my mom have some superpowers? Right... Magic exists, so she probably does.

It took some time for my eyes to get used to the light, but I recognized her. Auburn hair and brown eyes, this was Alice Leywin...

The first thought that popped into my mind was, 'Let's hope I don't get disowned like Arthur in the future...'.

I turned to the side, where I saw my father, Reynolds Leywin, and another person. My new father held a boy with auburn hair, and blue eyes that I would guess is around two years old. So I'm younger than Arthur I would rather be older, but this is good. At least the chances of him killing me are small.

"Hi, little Cecil, I'm your daddy, can you say dada?" He said with an idiotic grin, and I saw my brother's facepalm.

"hehe." I let out a chuckle, not because of my father's stupidity but because of my brother's big head. I never thought about it, but now that I got a better look, that head is massive.

Anyways so, my name is Cecil? It's kinda funny, considering the other Legacy is Cecilia, and it could be worse. Just imagining being named Lucas in this world made me want to puke...

I didn't have the chance to think about it much longer I became completely exhausted and fell asleep...


I hate my new life! I can't do anything, and let's not talk about the other stuff.

Getting my diaper changed the first time was the worst experience, especially when I have the mentality of a twenty-year-old...

I at least got some entertainment. Mom reads me different stories, and dad is being... well, dad.

When it comes to Arthur, he tries his best to make me laugh with silly faces and even made me a wooden sword toy, and I often see him sitting down with closed eyes. Of course, this would be weird for any other person, but I know he is creating his Mana Core.

I also started to see the mana particles in the atmosphere. It was overwhelming at first and gave me a headache, but after some trying, I managed to learn how to disable and enable it. But what should I call it?

Mana View... no, no, no... I know Mana Sight! Totally didn't rip it off from most of the novels I read...

But back to my Mana Sight. After some time, the overwhelming feeling became bearable, and I managed to manipulate one mana particle. While it wasn't something impressive for even a black core mage, me doing it without a core and after felling mana, for the first time in my life, I would say it's damn impressive.

So while I didn't have much to do, I wanted to try and see to what degree I could manipulate mana without a core. This is the best thing I can do while not being able to crawl or do much else than waving my hands around.

Actually, there is another thing that I love doing.

"agh, atu, agur" I said trying to call or anoy Arthur. Seeing his annoyed face when someone disrupted his core creation process was funny.

I didn't do it often, but I always enjoyed it when I did.

"agu!" That little brat! He is ignoring me...

I will remember this!


I didn't have anything to do, so I tried to remember the small details of this world.

First, there are three continents.

Dicathen the continent I reside in now. It is divided into four parts.

The Kingdom of Sapin is the human kingdom and the largest and most populated region of Dicathen. Located on the continent's eastern border.

The Kingdom of Elenoir is the elven kingdom deep in the Forest of Elshire of Dicathen. Located on the northern border of the continent,

The Kingdom of Darv is a vast underground kingdom in the southern region of Dicathen, where the dwarves reside.

There is also a fourth part of the continent, the Beast Glades, a vast territory populated by mana beasts of all levels.

Alacrya is the second of the three continents of the world, populated by Alacryans and the Vritras.

I didn't pay much attention to the structure and regions while reading, so I don't remember much, but I remember that Alacryans use Marks, Crests, Emblems, and Regalias for magic instead of directly manipulating it.

There were also the Relictombs which are the dungeons created by the Djinn.

The last continent is Epheoutus, also known as the homeland of the Asuras. Excluding the other Asuran clans living there, I don't know anything about it.

Well, that is everything I remember about the continents aside from the currency here being

100 Copper = 1 Silver

100 Silver = 1 Gold

Pretty simple to remember, so now it's back to learning how to crawl.



Finally, I can move on my own and annoy everyone.

One good thing about being a baby is that no matter how much you annoy someone, they won't get angry at you.

You start throwing toys at your dad? He finds it cute and thinks you want to play.

Crawl around your brother while he is trying to form a Mana Core then mom will find it cute.

I remember when I was about to say my first word, I decided to say 'Shet' and then blame it on dad by saying my second word, 'papa', when mom asked who I heard it from...

Ahhh, that was a good day... For me, not dad...

I crawled to the mirror to see how I looked in this life, and what greeted me was an almost carbon copy of how Arthur used to look, but the only difference was our eyes. While Arthur had dads deep-blue eyes, I got moms brown eyes.

I also noticed during the past months that while I try manipulating the mana in the atmosphere, the pieces of mana in my core start gravitating toward the center by themselves. This made me think if my connection to mana increased with the stage of my core. This is something I would need to find out later.

But speaking of cores, let's see how Arthur's progress is going. Activating Mana Sight, I looked at the mana in his body. This was much harder to do and needed me to focus more than if it was in the atmosphere, but... shit...

Well, I'm out! My stupid brother will soon blow up the house. I would try to warn him, but he would ignore me sooooo...

I shouldn't have annoyed him all those times.

Good luck, Art...

Taking my favorite sword toy so it doesn't get destroyed with the house, I managed to crawl to the garden, where my father was hugging a broken tree while mom observed him. So the usual...

"Mama!" I said, trying to warn them about what my stupid brother was doing.

It happened just as she turned back and saw me crawl.


"ARTHUR!" She yelled with a pale face and wide eyes as dad run to find Art.

It didn't take long for mom to pick me up and follow after dad.

"Reynolds! Honey!" She yelled, and after the explosion settled and there was no more danger, she went towards the center.

"What happened? Where's Art?" She asked, and dad only pointed towards the floating Arthur.

"Oh my..."


Arthur Leywin:

Wow, I feel great!

Feeling refreshed at my breakthrough, I closed my eyes to sense my newly formed Mana Core. My sweet little mana core!

"ART! Are you okay?" My mother rushed towards me with my little brother in her hands, who had an annoyed expression on his face.

"Mom, no cry. What's Wrong? I said with a childish tone.

"Bwoda stupid, do boom..." My brother said while looking at me as if I was an idiot.

My eyes started twitching after that comment. If you weren't a little kid, I would have punched you!

Cecil always seemed to know how to annoy me when I was trying to from my core. He even threw his toys at me!

That little devil, just you see, when you grow up and awaken, I will train the living sh... Not now...

The only time he doesn't do anything like that is when mom is around or when he spaces out and looks around as if looking at something while giggling. I don't understand kids.

Wait, did he say boom? I looked around to see that we were standing in the center of a gigantic crater with most of our house gone... What the fuck?

Who did this? Who dared to destroy the home of a King... Wait, I did...

"Congrats, Art. You awakened, Champ!" Dad said.


Authors Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter.

Well, there won't be a big difference during the first years when Cecil is still a kid, but it will change later when he grows up and has his core.

I'm not good with coming up with good names and considered just picking a random name, but after thinking, I decided to name him Cecil because of his Legacy powers. Could have been worse, right? Just think of being named Lucas in TBATE or Clive...

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