
The Beauty of Ink (A Naruto Love Story)

Fumiko is a girl that moved to Konoha with her adoptive parents to evade her past. However, she's caught in more trouble than she bargained for as she gains friends, enemies, and most importantly, a destiny that she realizes that nobody can escape from. Death.

Suimere123 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 1

*Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. (Like everyone, I WISH I did...)*


*3rd Pov*


The sound of a young blonde's boisterous laughter could be heard as the said boy jumped from rooftop to rooftop.

A young girl's eyes trailed him as he sprinted away from the older ninja following him.

Of course, she was to caught up in watching him that she didn't notice him jumping from the rooftop next to her to the fence in which she just happened to be leaning on.



The brunette quickly shot to her feet, lifting up her eyes from the ground to see what had come, very rudely (in her opinion), barreling into her, only for her brown eyes to meet a pair of blue ones.

She stared into the blonde's blue eyes, only stopping when the boy hastily tore his gaze away and pulled up, from seemingly nowhere, a blanket that looked just like the fence behind them. She continued to observe the boy as he pulled up the fabric to cover himself, blending in to the background.

A thump was heard from beside her as a ninja, one of who had been chasing the blonde boy, landed next to her.

"Hey, you!" the ninja shouted out. "Did you see Naruto pass by here?"

The brunette blinked. "Naruto?" she asked, tilting her head to one side.

He sighed. "You know, a blonde boy with blue eyes, about this tall?" he asked while making gestures as to show how tall the boy they were looking for was.

She found herself mentally snickering. She probably wouldn't get a chance like this in a while, so why not mess around a bit?

"Well..." she started.

The ninja raised a brow, waiting for her to finish.

"I did see a boy like that just now, speeding by..." she stated, smiling just a little. "He went..."

She quickly looked in some random direction, which happened to be the street nearby that led directly to the Yamanakas' flower shop.

"That way!" she finished, lying through her teeth, hoping that he would buy it.

Which he did.

The ninja grinned. "Thanks, uh..."

The girl smiled.

"Fumiko. My name is Fumiko."

He smirked, then replied, "Nice to meet you Fumiko. Maybe we could hang out sometime."

Fumiko only shrugged in response, watching as the ninja sped off in the direction that she had directed him to.

She took one more look at the fence, where the boy stood, as well as the back of the ninja that she had falsely directed, and walked away without a word, leaving behind a very confused ninja and an even more confused boy.



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