
The Beauty of Ink (A Naruto Love Story)

Fumiko is a girl that moved to Konoha with her adoptive parents to evade her past. However, she's caught in more trouble than she bargained for as she gains friends, enemies, and most importantly, a destiny that she realizes that nobody can escape from. Death.

Suimere123 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

*Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. But I wish I do...*







Rain was pouring.

A man was staring out the window, watching the droplets fall to the ground, making small puddles everywhere.

He had long, messy, black hair, his growing age showing by one or two gray hairs. He seemed to be absorbed in the constant drip-drop of the rain, undisturbed by a small girl watching him with wide eyes.


The little girl had spoken, breathing out a barely audible word that would've fallen on deaf ears if not for the man's good hearing. And now, his full attention was on the girl sitting beside him.

"I-" she started.

He raised an eyebrow, as if motioning for her to continue.

"Who are my parents?"

He froze, frowning slightly. He then released a sigh, shaking his head in a barely noticeable manner.

"Why would you ask that?"

Now it was the little girl's turn to frown. "Some kids outside..." She stopped for a bit, her words lingering in the air. "They asked me who my dad was."

He sighed. "Your father was a brave ninja, that perished in the front lines of the war. And your mother was one of the best medical nin during the war..." he trailed off, eyes fixated on nothing in particular, as if recalling something.

"I told them that..." she continued, "but they called me a liar."

A liar. What makes a liar a liar, truly?

*Fumiko's POV*

What a drag...

I listened half-heartedly while the Third Hokage discussed some trivial matters with my parents. Not that I cared, though.

"Ah, yes. This is Fumiko, our daughter."

'Mother...' I practically whined in my head.

For their conversation to carry on and on and on, I couldn't care less. But to drag me into it, too?


But when someone very important talks to you, you can't ignore them. Usually. Especially if they're the leader of the village you'll be living in.

"Well then, nice to meet you, Fumiko." the Third said.

"Likewise, Hokage-sama."

He nodded. "Well, Fumiko, I heard from your parents that you've been studying to be a ninja. Is that correct?"

Seriously? ... Wait a second...

I nodded my head.

PLEASE don't tell me...

"Well, Fumiko, looking at your grades, it seems you were an exceptional student in Iwa."


"And both your parents and I were wondering if you wanted to continue your training here, in Konoha."


Instead of saying the vile language threatening to spew out of my mouth at any moment, I forced a smile (let's just hope I look convincing) and chirped out, "Of course! I would be highly honored."

Honored my ass.

The Hokage broke into a smile, and said the words that I definately did NOT want to hear.

"Excellent! If we can get the paperwork done now, then we can go ahead and let you attend class tomorrow!"

Dammit. Tomorrow?! This will either be downright horrible...

Or worse then hell.



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