
16. Chapter 16

Opening the door to relatives and friends must have been a shock, and before Kara even regained her balance, Natty raced through the long legs of adults and made a beeline for the door.


Their little one happened to be holding two cupcakes topped in an excessive amount of vanilla frosting and birthday sprinkles. Throwing out her arms, Natty went in for a hug and smashed one of the cakes straight into Kara’s pants.


“Oh no,” Lena blurted amid all of the cheers, clapping and exchange of greetings.


Kara laughed as the cupcake slid off her and then she scooped Natty up to place her on a hip.


“Happy birthday!” Natty shrieked, like someone had thoroughly coached her on how surprise parties worked. “Did we do it? Are you surprised?”


Natty searched out Alex with a high-pitched, “Is she surprised?”


“Very, very surprised,” Kara admitted with a chuckle of glee and a glance around at all of the decorations and party food. She didn’t even acknowledge all of the frosting stuck to her as she greeted Natalia with a warm smile and tried to get her defensive pheromones in check.


“I would say so. You looked like you were going to fight someone for me.” Lena smirked and stepped up to lift their child from Kara’s arms as their family made their way over for hugs.


The over protective scent was still lingering around Lena as Alex bear-hugged Kara and laughed at the expression on her face.


“God, I wish I’d caught that on camera. You went from posturing to almost pi—” Alex faltered at the sight of Natty staring at her intently and censored herself before she passed on bad habits to their youngest and most impressionable child. “Wetting yourself in less than a second.”


“Oh, don’t worry, I’ve got the footage right here,” Lena supplied with a smug, self-satisfied grin that only brightened when Kara turned to gawk at her in betrayal.


“It’s like you were always meant to be part of the family,” Alex laughed, sharing Lena’s delight in flustering her sister, as if that was why she agreed to go along with the celebratory ruse in the first place.


Kara squinted at their comradery suspiciously and tried not to smile when she noticed Natty mimicking her with an adorable lift of her chin to peer at Alex down her nose. “So, is this how it’s going to be from now on, you two working together against me?”


“Not against you, darling - for you. Always for you. Besides, we both knew you would want something low-key, and what’s more low-key than a cabin in the woods?” Lena’s gentle tone would have soothed Kara at the best of times, but she could see that her alpha was toying with them in return. She leaned into it, if only to feel up her mate’s bicep in the guise of doling out sympathy, and glanced up at her through her lashes.


“Luxury cabin,” Kara corrected pointedly, and then softened with a grin as she slipped her arm around Lena’s waist. She nosed into her neck to press a sweet kiss to one of Lena’s claims and murmured curiously, “I seem to remember spotting a driveway to the left of this, what else is out here?”


“Just a few quaint accommodations that my mother and the children can stay in,” Lena lilted with faux innocence that alluded to why they might want to be alone later in the night.


She blushed when Alex cleared her throat, and partially hid herself against Kara before she realized her mistake. Lena’s omega announced her amorous plans to those in the vicinity, and instead of dampening them, Kara’s alpha proudly reciprocated like usual.


The indecency of it was almost comical, especially when Alex coughed on their mingled scent and backed away with her face scrunched. “I’ll get you both a drink to cool you off.”


All of the attendees of the party took turns embracing them after that. As Nia flung her arms around Kara’s shoulders and chuckled over the frosting on her pants, Lena realized that she was, in fact, feeling hot. Out of the corner of her eye, she glimpsed her flushed face in the mirror and the signs she was entering her heat.


Her attention drifted down to Kara’s ass, and she needed to actively re-direct herself to focus on Sam and all of Kara’s good friends that gathered around the door.


“Alex, I’ll take that drink now,” Lena called out and stepped away before she embarrassed herself with her pheromones.


To her disappointment, Alex blended up a mojito and Lena watched the pour of the alcohol that went into it.


“I’ll just give this one to Kara,” Lena muttered and took off before she behaved awkwardly enough to pique anyone’s suspicions.


Sam knew about the possible pregnancy and jumped right in to correct Alex’s mistake. “Lena’s not really into mojitos. I’ll make her drink. You can make me a sunset daiquiri.”


Lena passed the fancy frosted glass off to Kara with a loaded glance that said they needed to talk, then her eyes slid downward to her mate’s belt and the frosting from the cupcake. She was thinking of pulling Kara aside privately to lick it off when she was knocked out of her impure thoughts by her two older daughters running down the stairs.


“We missed it!” Sophia hissed, the shrill sound of her voice carrying over the chatter of everyone present. She shook her head at Andy, like she held her personally responsible, and then pushed by her sister with a belligerent lift of her chin. “I told you we should have come down earlier.”


“It’s not my fault you wanted to watch me put on eyeliner,” Andy argued and wrangled her younger sister by the arm to pull her towards Kara.


Their trademark bickering was more amusing than usual due to their rush to reach the alpha first, and Lena bit at her lips when she noted Sophia’s attempt to get in front of Andy.


It lasted merely a moment before her eldest daughter pressed her palm over Sophia’s face to push her aside. Kara choked on her mojito at the ensuing struggle, and laughed at how suavely Andy presented her with a slim wrapped box.


A crooked looking bow sat on top, and Kara barely reached out to accept it as Andy breathlessly stated, “Happy—”


“Birthday!” Sophia cut in, and elbowed Andy in the side to thrust her own gift into Kara’s other hand with the kind of force that would have been considered rude, if not for the fact that she was trying to outdo her sister. She postured with her hands on her hips and leaned heavily into Andy to keep her out of the way as she expectantly stared at Kara.


“I got you this myself,” Sophia boasted, her impatience no longer a sign of mere intolerance when Kara failed to immediately tear into it.


“And I got you this,” Andy disclosed and used her longer reach to hand off her gift while Sophia huffed at the unfairness of her height.


“Aww, thanks you guys, you really didn’t have to get me anything. I’m just so happy to see you both.” Kara’s earnest smile and happy pheromones were exactly why Lena had made sure that her children were home for the weekend. They also still had to discuss the change of school for Andy, and get a feel for how Sophia might react to the news.


With Sophia’s rising agitation and pointed glance at her gift, Lena saw her cue to take the mojito out of Kara’s hand to let her open the packages. Kara showed her gratitude in the crinkle near her eyes when they met Lena’s, and then she tore into Sophia’s first just to placate her.


“It’s a personal organizer, ” Sophia blurted before Kara had even uncovered it. Her nervous energy transitioned into an inability to shut up and she motioned for Kara to flip through the pages. “Since summer is close, and you’re going to be busy at work, I thought it might help you keep track of stuff.”


The gift itself was thoughtful, but it was the hand written notes and highlighted dates that signified birthdays, holidays, and family traditions that misted Kara’s eyes. The alpha tried to show Lena without drawing any attention to it, and recovered after a moment to pull Sophia into a one armed hug so as not to crowd her beyond her own comfort level. “It’s perfect. I’ll use it every day.”


Satisfied with Kara’s promise, Sophia wriggled out of her arm and turned to Andy as if to say she knew her own gift was better than her sister’s present. Their rivalry was one sided, and Andy ignored Sophia while Kara ripped the paper off the thin box to uncover a watch.


“It’s waterproof, so you can wear it to work, and in our pool , now you won’t have to worry about losing track of time,” Andy supplied, her casual tone a bit more tense as she waited to hear if Kara liked it.


Lena saw the gifts from her daughters for what they were, little reminders that they wanted Kara in their lives, with the hopeful expectation that she wouldn’t forget them the way Andrea so often had through the years. It was heartwarming to see how touched Kara was by those gestures, and how tactful she was at handling the situation when her daughters were being so unintentionally vulnerable.


“I love it, and it matches the color of my new truck.” Kara didn’t hesitate to slip the watch onto her wrist, and rather than sit the personal organizer aside, she clutched it in her hand as she greeted Lillian, who flocked over to observe her grandchildren. It cemented the fact that she considered it important, and Lena knew Sophia recognized that because she puffed up and then ran off to loudly tell Ruby that her gift was better than Andy’s watch.


“I have a gift for you, too, but that will come later,” Lillian intoned and stepped forward to blow air kisses at either side of Kara’s face and embrace her by holding onto her arms. “Happy birthday, dear. I see Natalia greeted you with the same enthusiasm as always.”


Natty licked all of the sugary frosting off the top of her cupcakes, including the one that was missing the frosting that she smashed into Kara’s pants.


“Kara, open my presents!” Natty passed both of her cakes off to her grandmother and ran off to collect the gift Lena helped her purchase along with several homemade ones. She returned with a huge stack of crayon drawings, jewelry she constructed from pasta and plastic straws, and something that resembled a tissue box covered in crepe paper, wet glue and glitter.


“I’m afraid you’re going to be very shiny by the end of day, not to mention covered in all kinds of different substances,” Lena muttered into Kara’s ear and delicately placed a hand on her shoulder.


“That’s all part of the birthday experience,” Kara insisted and dropped down on one knee to appreciate each of Natty’s creations. She flipped through every drawing to compliment their toddler’s artistic talents, and then gave Natty the floor to explain each of the other gifts.


“This a necklace, and a bracelet, and a house for your fairies,” Natty pointed at each one in excitement and leaned back into Kara, casually wiping her messy little hands on the alpha’s knee.


“Whoa, you did such a fantastic job making all of these gifts, and how did you know my fairies needed a new house?” Kara lifted the tissue box to open a small crooked door that Lillian or another adult must have cut into the cardboard.


“I just knew it,” Natty asserted in complete confidence and licked some stray frosting off her mouth.


“What happened to the tissues that went in that box?” Lena whispered to her mother, and felt nothing but grateful as Lillian passed over a few.


She bent down to clean her daughter’s face and hands and chuckled at how Kara set up the fairy house for its new occupants. It took pride of place on the window sill and Kara cracked open the window while Natalia peered up at her and explained in a hush, “Now they can join us for the party and we’ll take them back home when they’re tired.”


Natty’s little face was the picture of awe, and then she let out a squeal so loud that half the party stopped talking to make sure nobody had been injured.


“We need to give them cake so they know they’re invited,” Natty demanded and handed off one of her cupcakes for Kara to set beside the house. “Will they really come?”


“You bet, and when they do, I’ll take pictures so we always remember it,” Kara confided, not the least bit pandering as she pinky promised with Natty.


The little one wandered off, and it was on the tip of Lena’s tongue to ask how Kara planned to fulfill such an impossible promise, though Sam beat her to it as she wandered over with a mocktail for her.


“Unless that’s a wand in your pants, I wouldn’t be telling the kid you can capture magic for her to see it. Have we taught you nothing about parenting in the past year?” Sam’s playful tone and smirk held only the smallest amount of scrutiny as she narrowed her eyes at Kara with a quiet tut.


“Hey, have a little faith in me, I know exactly what I’m doing, okay? Trust me, Natty is going to lose her mind.” Kara’s confidence was almost as attractive as her faux posturing as she squared her shoulders and held her head high like she had all the answers. She shared a brief, though heated glance with Lena, which did her absolutely no favors and intensified the blush on her cheeks.


“You better explain yourself before our youngest gets her hopes up,” Lena murmured, if only to distract from the fact that her panties were soaked and her fingers itched to grab onto the alpha. She wanted to drag Kara and all of her muscles into one of the rooms upstairs, or even into the woods out back, and she tempered the urge by gulping at her drink.


“All I need is nightfall, and a string of these,” Kara insisted with a nod to the little colored lights strung up around the walls. “They’re called fairy lights for a reason, you know.”


“Crafty,” Lena uttered as she squished Kara’s cheeks with her hand and pulled her in for a kiss for being so clever. She meant it to be a quick, chaste thing, except she melted as surely as the ice in her drink when Kara’s tongue parted her lips. It was accidental that she moaned, filthy and unfiltered due to her mate’s hand finding her hip to draw her closer.


It took Sam clearing her throat for Lena to snap out of it, and they separated just as Alex ventured over to hover by Sam’s side. They shared flirtatious and shy smiles and Lena quirked a brow at the casual way Alex rested her hand on her best friend’s hip.


“So have you two...?” Lena suggestively lilted, letting them fill in the blanks as she stepped half in front of Kara to subtly press her backside into her mate’s crotch. The light pressure was enough to enrapture her alpha, and the distinct notes of Kara’s attraction enveloped Lena as she smirked at Sam’s flustered complexion.


“Nooo, no, not um—not fully,” Sam whispered, forcing Alex to combust in mortification.


“I don’t think they really need to know that,” Alex choked out, her lips twisting into a grimace that tried to masquerade as a smile. She shared a horrified and pleading look with Kara to end the conversation and burned from her neck to her ears as her sister laughed.


“Alex, we’re not fifteen, but if it bothers you that much, we should go check out the snacks. I’m starving anyway,” Kara stated without a lick of remorse and pecked Lena on the cheek before pushing Alex forward and out of earshot.


“You’re always starving,” Alex could be heard saying as they wandered off to let Lena and Sam talk about whatever they pleased.


Lena pushed her straw around in her mocktail and arched her eyebrow at Sam before segueing into an interrogation. “So, are you going to tell me how you sort of have sex with someone?”


Sam downed the rest of her sunset daiquiri and beckoned Lena well out of the earshot of their wandering kids. “We engaged in plenty of foreplay, but I broke a wine glass and woke Ruby up before we got it on — and honestly, I’m grateful that happened, because if it hadn’t, I probably would have pulled all the way back.”


“Why? You’re still worried Alex is going to up and leave?” Lena guessed candidly and sipped at her peach flavored drink without judgment.


“No, not so much that,” Sam admitted with a sidelong glance at Alex’s shapely ass and a deep sigh of commitment phobia. “Alex brought up marriage right after we were interrupted. She’s been in town all of five minutes. She’s barely even unpacked, and she told me she’s looking into buying a house and that she wants my input, in case it’s our home one day.”


Lena nearly spilled her drink in her excitement, except Sam’s nonplussed face was fast to dampen it.


“And you’re going to avoid sleeping with her in case she takes that as a cue to buy a ring?” Lena asked with a curious slant of her eyebrow and a glance over at Kara, who was laughing out loud with Alex.


“First of all, I’m not avoiding it, I’m tiptoeing around it because she has really talented hands, and god have I missed those,” Sam insisted, raising one finger to signal that she had a full list of points she wanted to make. “Second, we’re not even officially a couple and yes, okay, it freaked me out that she went from talking dirty to talking real estate before I could catch my breath. Third, even if I was open to the idea of all of that, jumping straight in isn’t a smart move, even if we were dating, because I have a kid.”


Lena’s usual tactic of being soft and sympathetic failed her the longer Sam spoke, and she found herself reaching out not to take her friend’s hand in comfort, but to drag her further away from the party to talk candidly. “I’m going to give you the kind of advice you would give me in this situation, and that’s jump in. I’m not going to assuage your fears and say you have nothing to worry about, because all relationships carry some kind of risk, but how often do you find an alpha who will carry around the picture of your newborn for over a decade?”


Sam groaned with the same petulance as a teenager and looked every bit as embarrassed at being confronted with the facts that someone liked her. She cast her eyes toward the snack table where Alex was helping to fill plates for the kids and stuck her lip out to protest, “But that’s not the point, we might be older, but that doesn’t mean we’re wiser. Jesus, we were basically in a race to third base last night, and then I remembered what age I am. That can’t be a good sign.”


“Why, because she makes you feel young and desirable?” Lena scoffed with only the slightest hint of offense. The age difference between Sam and Alex was barely a year or two, and she pinned her friend with a sharp look that said she wasn’t going to listen to her nonsense. “Do you have any idea how long I wished for that before you so graciously hired Kara to clean my pool last year? Need I remind you that it was you who nudged me in the right direction when I was about to ruin my chances with self-doubt and panic?”


Lena’s rapid fire questions were reminiscent of how she addressed the board each quarter, and she took no pity on Sam as she rammed her point home. “If you had true reservations about Alex, you wouldn’t have invited her into your home, and you certainly wouldn’t be making-out with her when Ruby is upstairs asleep. Now, granted, Alex does sound like she’s coming on a bit strong, but given how your main concern was that she would leave, the fact that she’s trying to show you she intends to stay here by purchasing a house is likely her way of showing you she’s committed to working things out with you. ”


“Ugh, you didn’t have to come for me that hard, you know? You could have at least let me keep some of my delusions,” Sam sighed, partially deflating under Lena’s version of tough love. She didn’t try to defend her contrary behavior and looped her arm through Lena’s in a silent gesture of gratitude.


“The only thing you should be getting tangled up in are the sheets with Alex, not anxiety,” Lena uttered under her breath and waved to Kara as her own thoughts drifted to all the activities she would like to indulge in when they were alone in the bedroom.


It was fast becoming apparent that her heat would not be lessened by her pregnancy, and she pinched her lips together when she realized she still hadn’t spoken to Kara about keeping the news quiet. She wondered if the alpha had shared it yet, and that blind panic propelled her forward with Sam in tow.


“What’s gotten into you?” Sam laughed, navigating through the crowd with remarkable ease for someone who was practically being dragged in heels.


“Kara,” Lena intoned with a subtle gesture to her stomach, “I told her this morning, but we didn’t discuss when we would tell everyone else.”


Sam’s pheromones reflected her joy and Lena warned her with only her eyes not to burst into any congratulations. They almost collided with the table in their haste to reach Kara, and Lena let go of Sam’s arm to snare her mate by the wrist.


“Come with me for a moment.” Lena’s raspy tone was enough for Kara to drop the vol-au-vent back onto her plate and she passed it off to Alex without uttering a word.


“These are mine now,” Alex called after them, and stuffed one into her mouth no doubt to rile Kara.


Lena smirked at the fond way Sam wiped a crumb from Alex’s lips, and then her attention shifted to her alpha and the way Kara laced their fingers together as they walked. She hadn’t considered where she was taking Kara, just that she needed to get her alone, and the fact that her mate didn’t hesitate to go with her only deepened her love.


“If this is about the fairies, I swear I’ll never make Natty a promise I can’t keep,” Kara blurted out of nowhere the moment they entered the hallway.


Lena’s brows cinched together and she cupped her alpha’s cheek to soothe the worries that evidently raced through her mind. “Oh darling, I didn’t bring you out here to berate you. I know you’d never do anything to upset the girls.”


Kara’s concerned expression shifted to mischievously suggestive, and Lena whimpered when the alpha took the liberty to back her into the wall with a flirtatious rumble, “I hoped we’d get the chance to sneak off, but I didn’t think it would be so soon. Not that I’m complaining. You know how insatiable I am for you.”


Lena canted her head to let Kara sidle closer and breathe along the length of her neck. She indulged in the stolen moment of closeness for as long as she could and placed a hand on Kara’s chest to delicately make her requests before her alpha’s lips grazed her claim. “I wanted to talk to you about the pregnancy.”


The simple mention of their pup caused Kara’s natural musk to intensify with pride, and Lena was lucky that she was pinned against the wall, or her knees might have betrayed her by buckling. The whim to present right there in the hallway was shamefully tempting, and Lena forced herself to remain composed in spite of the fluttering inside her cunt.


“I know you’re excited,” Lena prefaced with a timid smile that froze as she worried if her next words might upset her mate, “but it’s still early on, and I think we should wait to tell our family and friends.”


“Oh,” Kara’s surprise was softer than her touch, and her hand stilled on Lena’s hip for a precarious second, like she might drop it in disappointment. She slumped imperceptibly, a deflation that was more emotional than physical, and Lena rushed to make it better.


“It’s not that I don’t want to share our joy with everyone, I do. I’m so happy to be carrying a little piece of you inside me, Kara. I just don’t want to risk having any extra stress for the first trimester.” It went unsaid that the added stress would be shaped like her ex-wife. If they told anyone in their immediate circle about the baby, she would have to share the news with her daughters, and that meant Andrea would be the next to know.


Realization brightened Kara’s blue eyes, and she relaxed once more, the tension in her shoulders easing away as quickly as it formed. Her hand detoured around to Lena’s abdomen to press gingerly over the space where new life resided, and she grinned, infectious and warm like she was privy to something special. “You know, it’s kind of sexy that you’re already in protective mama mode.”


“Says the alpha who was ready to knock someone’s head off for me twenty minutes ago,” Lena laughed, grateful that Kara was able to understand her reservations without taking them personally. She nuzzled into her alpha’s cheek, ghosting her lips along her jaw with hushed little whispers of adoration, and whimpered when Kara caught her by the hair to guide her lips up.


“You’re damn right I was, even if this is our little secret for now.” Kara’s affirmation that she would be ready to protect Lena at any given moment only increased her sex appeal, and the confidence she exuded as she captured Lena’s lips was particularly seductive.


“Our little secret,” Lena echoed and slipped her hands down to rest over Kara’s forearms as the alpha parted her lips with her tongue.


They would have stayed right there in the hallway if not for Lena’s omega shamelessly begging Kara to do so much more than kiss her, and she whined at the sudden loss of her mate as Kara pulled back to take note of their surroundings.


“If anyone asks, you were giving me a tour of the cabin,” Kara insisted, her mouth finding Lena’s again, even as she backed them into a room to fondle her through her clothes.


She shut the door behind Kara and shimmied her panties down during their stroll to the bed. No one had stashed their bags in the room, so she took that as a sign that it would be left vacant.


“You have ten, maybe fifteen minutes before someone looks for us,” Lena forewarned and opened up the buckle on Kara’s belt to find it more of a hassle than usual to slide it off.


“I can make you come at least twice in that amount of time,” Kara bragged and lifted her chin with pretend arrogance that dropped from her face as Lena cupped her cock.


Lena rubbed over the erect bulge without remorse for how Kara groaned like she was going to spend another day in a rut-like state. She slipped her fingers over Kara’s zipper and worked it down in lustful distraction. Kara placed a hand on her wrist, holding her back from getting her way with a soft grumble of alpha control.


It took her aback that Kara restrained her and stripped her out of her clothes at the same time by turning her around and catching the back of her dress. The glide of the fabric as it unveiled her nakedness was almost like foreplay, and Kara positioned her wrists behind her back when it was off, and bent her over to part the lips of her cunt with her fingers.


Kara traced between the glossy folds of Lena’s pussy like she wasn’t aware of how heightened Lena’s sexual senses had become. She held open her labia to admire the hot pink of her entrance, and pushed two fingers into her silken warmth just to feel the way Lena clung to them.


“You’re so close to your heat and you're pregnant already,” Kara whispered. “I can’t wait to find out how your omega will react.”


“Like it always does for you,” Lena whined, the slow penetration nowhere near the kind of rough friction her body craved. She planted her feet in a wider stance to beg for Kara’s cock, and worked her inner walls to draw her mate deeper.


Kara toyed with her by stilling her fingers until Lena’s impatient clenches subsided. She made a pathetic and breathy sound of frustration and perfumed the room with the wanton scent of her desires.


“Since nobody knows you’re carrying my pup, maybe I should take you like I’m still trying to get you pregnant,” Kara reasoned, the lustful lilt of her voice evoking a pleasurable shiver through Lena’s lithe frame.


“That’s exactly what you should do, Kara, you know my omega needs you to take control of my cunt,” Lena agreed, pressing her chest into the bed to glance over her shoulder. She flaunted herself by holding her pussy lips open, and gave keening, breathy whimpers that pleaded for Kara to mount her.


The debauched act worked wonders and Kara dropped her act of self-restraint to free her cock like she hadn’t been laid in weeks. Her veiny shaft looked imposing as she directed it to Lena’s slit, and in spite of how spread Lena kept herself, the thick tip still had to squeeze between her lips to slot into her.


“It’s like we didn’t just have sex before we got here,” Lena groaned, her jaw slack and thighs tense from the exceptional pressure of Kara forcing her girth into her tender chasm.


If they wanted to be quick, Kara would need to pound into her, and Lena moaned at the first real slam of her alpha’s hips.


Kara’s dominating musk unfurled the harder she began to thrust and her heavy hand rested on the dip of Lena’s lower back to keep her pinned. “I’m not going to be able to last more than an hour without being inside you again. I hope you know that.”


Lena bit the pillow in front of her rather than moan out loud. The thump of Kara landing her thrusts was softened by her spread positioning and the solid bed frame. Her cunt relinquished its incessant clench to let Kara enter the refuge of her deeper warmth.


Kara reached down to mold both hands to Lena’s breasts and rub at her nipples. Working her thumb and forefinger over Lena’s sensitive buds, Kara made possessive demands of her cunt.


“I should have known that I bred you based on how these feel in my hands.” Kara no sooner buried her cock than pulled back to take longer strokes through Lena’s private slick.


The shift in Kara’s alpha now that she knew Lena carried her child was reason enough for Lena to allow it to happen again and again. The commanding and skilled way Kara internally caressed her sent tremors through Lena’s thighs, and she groaned, short and stifled, at the eager way Kara bottomed out with each full thrust.


The repetitive motion kept Lena in a bend and Kara praised her with kisses for provocatively holding that pose. Kara’s sensual pucker formed over Lena’s expunged first claim and she sucked on the mark, pulling it between her teeth with a growl so deep Lena’s cunt spasmed without warning.


She reeled forward on the bed from the headrush of her orgasm and gasped in pleasure. Her shoulders still shook and her back bowed, and she rocked until the feelings inside of her tapered off.


“Now might be a good time to tell you that my libido really intensifies when I’m pregnant,” Lena muttered into her folded forearms and lifted her head to ensure Kara heard her. “There might be days where you’ll have to come home at lunchtime just to rub my cunt and satisfy me.”


Lena interpreted Kara’s guttural pleasure as a promise and whined at the roughness of her mate’s grip on her breasts. Kara palmed them like she waited years to squeeze them, sexually selfish in how she tweaked at Lena’s aching nipples to make her cunt tighten.


The charge of the alpha’s hips sated something carnal in Lena’s omega, and a sense of pride swept through her at her mate’s sudden lack of coordination.


“I’ll rush home every day just to take care of you,” Kara panted, losing her natural rhythm with every jerky plunge. “I’ll be everything you need, Lena.”


That sentiment was exactly what Lena wanted to hear, and then it was punctuated by a raw groan that signaled Kara’s release seconds before she throbbed in gratification. Pulses of warm seed sprayed against Lena’s cervix and she undulated to heighten Kara’s pleasure, letting her mate feel just how deep she was inside the constricting heat of her cunt.


She expected Kara to pull out once she finished, given how pressed they were for time, but Kara stayed inside of her and nuzzled into the soft wisps of Lena’s hair that curled behind her ear.


“I promised you at least two orgasms and I intend to deliver,” Kara whispered, her sinful tone nothing compared to the sensation of her fingers sliding between Lena’s lower lips. She stroked at Lena’s slit, rubbing her hidden pleasure spots while spreading her out with a knot.


They couldn’t afford to be absent for the duration of it taking hold, and the risk of it happening excited Lena so much that she backed into Kara to feel it slide into her.


“You’re not playing fair by teasing me with what I can’t have,” Lena rasped, grinding herself into Kara’s fingers.


“You can have my knot later if you’re good for me now,” Kara intoned, and began to pump her swelling erection into Lena’s saturated passage.


The blissful tension it created was transforming Lena’s ragged breaths into moans, and she tried to suppress it by biting her lips.


Their slow gyrations combined with Kara’s incessant strum of her clit caused a gradual contortion of Lena’s body. The closer to bliss she became, the tighter her core muscles got, and she grasped at the bed to brace for her orgasm.


Kara brought her right to the cusp, and Lena’s short, sharp exhales all but begged the alpha to let her crash into the bliss that she edged on. She whined, so pent up and ready, yet unable to finish until Kara’s alpha allowed it.


It was a remarkably submissive thing, to feel her omega resist her own desires just to please Kara, and then the alpha’s cock jerked and all at once the pleasure of their lovemaking flooded Lena’s system. She exhaled lewd sounds and Kara tried her best to quiet her with a kiss that was more tongue than teeth.


The passion between them would have fueled several more rounds, and Lena was fortunate that Kara was able to control herself, otherwise they might have ruined the party.


In spite of the sated sensations that left her feeling lighter than air, Lena would have happily dropped to the floor and continued. She hadn’t been joking when she mentioned how amped up her sex drive would be, and her heat wasn’t going to make it any easier on her.


“Wishing we had that low-key birthday I asked for after all?” Kara inquired with entirely too bright a smile to be innocent. She looked handsome, if not a little disheveled, and gave one last longing look at Lena’s creamy pussy before gathering up her panties and helping Lena back into them.


Regardless of how filthy they had been, there was romance laced in how Kara handled her, and Lena appreciated the tenderness of her mate as she shimmied the dress back onto her supple body. “Not for a second. If anything, you’ve eased my mind by proving that even when we only have time for a quickie, you somehow still manage to make love to me.”


Lena’s smug smile softened when she noticed the emotion that radiated off of her alpha, and she smoothed her hands down her crumpled t-shirt as an excuse just to hold onto her for a moment longer. “I’m so lucky you’re my partner in life, Kara. You don’t have to strive to be everything you think I need. You’ve fulfilled that already just by being you. I love you, and everyone at this party loves you, and that’s why it was so important to me to celebrate you today. You deserve it, and it’s time you realized that.”


“Lena,” Kara choked out, unable to say anything else due to how her lip trembled. She struggled for a moment, trying to form words that wouldn’t quite come off her tongue.


Lena caught her by the chin to explain in a hush, “I know what you feel for me, for our family. You show me every day, so you don’t have to say anything else, okay? Let’s get back out there before Alex starts a manhunt to look for us.”


“She would,” Kara laughed and slipped her arm through Lena’s to chivalrously guide her back into the party as inconspicuously as possible.


They mingled without interrupting conversations, and Lena was convinced they had gotten away with their little tryst until Sam stepped towards them.


“Where did you two disappear to?” Sam asked loud enough to have a few of Kara’s friends cock their heads in their direction.


“I was helping Kara with the frosting on her pants,” Lena shot back and stole the cocktail from Sam’s hand to punish her for the trouble she was playfully trying to cause. They both knew it was a bold lie, considering the buttercream was still clinging to Kara’s thigh like it planned to remain there forever.


“I bet,” Sam murmured in amusement, her gaze flicking to the guilty hue on Kara’s cheeks and then back to Lena’s without missing a beat. “Well, just so you know, Lillian and Eliza were looking for Kara, so be ready for that ambush when it comes.”


“Speaking of your mom, do you know what she got me? She didn’t say earlier, and now I’m suspicious,” Kara whispered while she scanned the room for any sign of their parents.


“There’s an entire cake out there with your name on it, why don’t I get you a slice?” Lena uttered in lieu of answering, and coyly fluttered her lashes in the hopes that it would get her off the hook.


“Oh you know what it is! Could it be a membership to her country club?” Sam gleefully guessed, and took joy in Kara’s silent horror.


Lillian entered the room and made a clucking noise of disapproval as she stalked towards Lena. “Where did you two go? Were you outside?”


“No, I was definitely inside,” Kara replied with far too much innocence for anyone to fault her, or to be suspicious of her answer.


Lena bit her tongue and tried not call attention to Kara’s witting innuendo. “We were on the move, touring all of rooms and the incredible views of the trees and the lake.”


With a skeptical squint, Lillian decided to give them a free pass and presented Kara with a leather box. “Happy Birthday. This is a family heirloom that belonged to Lena’s sire, and I would like you to carry on the tradition of one day giving it to your heirs.”


Kara hesitated before taking the box and removing the top. Inside the velvet case was a vintage timepiece, worth more than Lena’s house. It had been one of the reasons that her older brother Lex stopped speaking to their mother after the death of their father. Lillian refused to pass on certain assets, and Lex’s jealousy led him to move across country and cut off all communication.


When Lena married Andrea, Lillian lamented the fact that she would have to skip a generation and give all the family heirlooms to her grandchildren, or bequeath them to Lena in her will. Lena knew that the timepiece held a significance to her father, and that Lillian wanted to be the one to share that and continue the tradition of passing it along to a sire in the family line.


Kara’s overwhelmed scent engulfed Lena and she worried that her mate might return the gift to Lillian. The silence between them threatened to become strained if it lingered any longer, and it took Kara closing the box with a watery smile to signal that all would be fine. “Thank you, I’m honored to be the one that holds onto this until Andy finds herself a mate and starts her own family.”


The mention of her eldest daughter being next in line brought happy tears to Lena’s eyes and showcased Kara’s place as a true step-parent. Other alphas might have selfishly kept it for their own biological pup, and Lillian appeared to be regarding Kara, as if the thought of that never crossed her mind. There was a pride in her mother’s eyes, a look that said she was grateful to have Kara as part of the family.


Touching though the moment was, it ended when Lillian clasped Kara’s hand and whispered fiercely, “I knew I was right never to bestow such a gift to Andrea. She wasn’t worthy of holding onto it, even if it upset Lena at the time to hear it.”


“You had to ruin it, didn’t you?” Lena sighed, not nearly as exasperated with her mother’s snide remarks as she could have been.


Kara at least found the funny side to it, and took Lillian by the arm as she winked at Lena. “Don’t blame your mother for having good intuition. She passed that trait on to you.”


Confident in her stride, Kara led the way towards the hall that connected to the other bedrooms.


“And where do you think you two are going?” Lena playfully called out, and handed the cocktail back to Sam as she watched her mate strut through the party.


“To find a safe place for this so it doesn’t go missing,” Kara intoned with a hint of authority that showed she was taking the weight of the gift seriously.


Lillian preened at the fact that she was chosen to accompany Kara, and Lena could only imagine the stories her mother would tell about her ex out of earshot of her grandchildren.


“Better make it fast, or the kids will have your cake eaten before you’ve blown out the candles,” Lena warned, if only because her omega was unreasonably needy and the loss of Kara’s attention left her feeling oddly vulnerable.


“Come on, mama bear, let’s get you a plate of food before Alex demolishes it. I swear those two could clean off a buffet between them,” Sam laughed, and steered her away from the temptation to stand there with sad eyes until Kara returned.


Lena went with her best friend and loaded up a plate with pasta salad, steak and other side dishes that a catering company delivered to the cabin earlier in the day. She wrangled her three-year-old to make sure that Natty ate, and between the two of them, they finished more than she expected.


Eve, Nia and Sam gathered with them at one of the tables, and they swapped stories while drinking light cocktails. Lena continued to sip juice mixed with seltzer, and no one was the wiser about that.


Natty sat in her lap the whole time and filled in a coloring book with a large box of crayons and a pack of pencils.


“We have so much catching up to do,” Eve grinned and handed Natty a shade of magenta that rolled out of her reach.


“How come you don’t come to my mama’s house anymore?” Natty questioned and pushed her soft brown bangs out of her eyes.


“Eve and your mama just decided to stop having play dates,” Sam intoned, putting it in terms that a child might understand, as opposed to explaining the break-up. “Remember that time when you didn’t want to play with Sophia and Ruby because they wouldn’t stop listening to the same song over and over again? It’s a bit like that.”


That answer seemed to satisfy Natty and she gave a sharp nod. “Is mama bad at taking turns and sharing?”


“No, she’s a little too good at sharing,” Eve chuckled and lifted a green crayon to hand to Natty to distract her. “Why don’t you draw some leaves on your trees?”


Lena shared a sympathetic, albeit knowing look with Eve, and showed support by clasping her hand. Natty was too young to understand and slapped her hand down too, and then turned to Nia in excitement, “Your turn!”


“Oh, okay, count me in,” Nia laughed, and dropped her fork to place her hand on Natty’s smaller one.


The toddler shifted to gaze at Sam with big expectant eyes, and Lena smirked at the way Sam softened with a faintly brooding scent.


Sam didn’t manage to join in on the fun, because Alex appeared from nowhere with another drink for her. Judging by the flirtatious and bright eyed way Alex was staring, she picked up on Sam’s apparent wistfulness, and was about two seconds from volunteering to help when Kara hip-checked her out of the way to get a seat beside Lena.


“Look at this, all my favorite people at the same table.” Kara’s grin was all for Natty, who squealed and scrambled over Lena’s lap to reach her with outstretched arms.


Kara scooped her up to kiss at her little cheeks while Natty giggled.


“Seriously, name a more adorable duo. I bet you can’t,” Nia insisted as she motioned to Kara and Natty.

The alpha accepted a squashed sandwich from Natty’s little hand and bit into it like half of it hadn’t been dunked in soda.


“Excuse you, but we’re totally in the running,” Winn interjected from the table across from them and pointed to James, who leaned heavily into his side to pose dramatically. “Look at this cuteness, we’re the best duo.”


“Gay,” Nia flippantly stated and sent Eve into a choking fit.


Kara was quick to pat her back, and between laughter and chewing, Eve finally caught her breath. “If this is what game night is like, definitely count me in. I’m having a great time.”


“Yeah, my birthday party is awesome,” Kara boasted with enough jovial charm to make everyone smile. “You know what would make it better though?”


Lena raised an eyebrow that said she would like to find out, and she was prepared to make mental notes until Natty hollered, “Cake!”


“That’s right! Help me find it so everyone can get a piece,” Kara cheerfully suggested and hoisted Natty onto her shoulders to give her a clear view of the room. Natty wiggled in excitement, and held onto one of Kara’s ears hard enough to make her head tilt as pointed to the table where their friends had placed gifts.


“I see it, it’s over there!” Natty yelled, unaware of how the rest of the party all smiled at her enthusiasm. “Cake, cake cake!”


The cake had three tiers, each one representing Kara’s interests. Lena designed it with input from the girls, and the flavors and decorations were as different as her daughters.


The blue icing on the bottom cake looked like water, with mermaids made of modeling chocolate and pool floats with realistic details. The second tier was more decadent, but kept to the theme with sun umbrellas and fancier embellishments. Out of the three, the topmost tier was the most eclectic with Happy Birthday written in colors of Andy’s choosing.


Lena jumped in with a box of matches and lit flame to the candles as someone turned off the lights in the room. They all sang to Kara, and Lena watched the glee on her mate’s face and the quiver in her chin when her smile was too wide to contain.


Natty puffed at the candles and clapped as she and Kara succeeded in blowing them all out.


“Make a wish, make a wish!” Natty commanded and glanced at her sisters as Sophia and Andy squeezed in beside them.


Lena wondered what wishes entered Kara’s mind, given how hard she squinted her eyes shut and how her forehead creased with the tension of her thoughts.


“Birthday wishes aside, I have everything I’ve ever wanted. I have the most amazing family.” Kara teared up as she put out her arms to hug all of their children, and Lena choked back a quiet cry of happiness.


She was wrapped up in the beautiful chaos of being bear hugged by four sets of arms, and it took her moment to realize that this was the first of many new things she hoped would continue. The resounding sound of cheers snapped her out of the loving reflection and she extracted herself to cut into the top tier of the cake and offer Kara the first slice.


Kara refused the fork to accompany it and was all set to grab it with her fingers as Lena passed a slice to Andy. The plate hardly exchanged hands when Sophia popped out of nowhere to slap it into her sister's face.


The shared mirth of their guests froze on everyone’s lips as Andy gaped at her sister in indignation.


Lena barely opened her mouth in shock when Kara tore a chunk off her own slice to smush it into Sophia’s cheek.

Sophia turned to her with a betrayed grunt and Andy burst into laughter and wiped her hand over the frosting on her own face to smear it across Kara’s nose.


“Oh no you don’t,” Lena warned as the three of them turned to stare at her like they were of the same hive mind.


Natty didn’t pick up on their new target, but she did dig into Kara’s cake to smack her in the chin with it and then gleefully lick the rest off her fingers.


“Get her,” Kara commanded, entirely too proud of how the girls all listened to her and advanced with laughter.


“Hey, if you want her, you gotta go through me,” Alex dramatically insisted like it was a real stand-off, and spread her arms out as she smirked at Kara.


Before Lena could blink, she was being shielded by Alex and Sam, who was, by the looks of it, copping a feel of Alex’s ass in encouragement.


“And me,” Sam intoned in her best mom voice and did her damnedest to look stern.


“Okay,” Sophia quipped, shocking nobody as she slung cake into Alex’s face while Andy high fived her and darted around Sam to try and reach her mother.


“No, noooo!” Lena shrieked, flinging her hands up to try and avoid the messy hands coming at her, while the rest of their guests collectively stepped away to laugh at their antics from a safe distance.


She dodged Andy with the help of Alex, who grabbed her eldest by the back of her shirt and took a mouthful of frosting for her efforts, and then evaded Sophia by shamelessly using Ruby as a shield.


“Oh my god, you’re ruthless!” Sophia gasped, though Lena was certain she was impressed at the pains she was willing to take in order to stay clean.


Lena was all set to fling her own mother into the mix when Kara caught her by the waist and pulled her in for a messy kiss that she resisted until her mate’s tongue parted her lips. She groaned, and not just because half of the buttercream transferred onto her face, ruining her make-up.


“You better wrangle them in, or we’ll have a food fight on our hands,” Lena murmured, not quite as bothered as before with her mate’s arm draped around her hip.


She hoped this was what life for them would be like going forward, rambunctious and fun, and messy in all the right places. Lena chose to see it as a sign that growing their family was the best decision they could have made.


They would be spending all weekend at the rented venue with their family and friends, and Lena was looking forward to all of their adventures almost as much as she was looking forward to her alone time with Kara later that night.


After all of the children went to bed, and they spent several hours partying with their friends, Lena excused herself to the private cabin she reserved for her and Kara.


The host had started up the hot tub before their arrival and the bubbles flowed to the surface in the blue light. Once she checked on the temperature, Lena rummaged through her bag in search of a swim suit.

She selected her skimpiest black bikini with a high black waistband that concealed the faint marks that remained from birthing three children. Undoing the ties on either side of her hips, she fastened each one tighter to accentuate the cut.


Since they would be alone for the rest of the evening, her modesty mattered very little. She sprawled out on a sofa to rub her fingers over the material above her pussy lips. By the end of it, she was wet and soaked through, and Kara entered their cabin to the scent of her arousal.


“I was beginning to think you weren’t going to join me.” Lena propped her cheek on one hand and glanced down at her swim suit and black heels with a coy pout.


“That’s funny, because I couldn’t get away fast enough when I realized you weren’t there with me.” Kara slurred her speech and her pink cheeks and amused smile reflected her tipsy state. She wasn’t drunk by any means, but she evidently had a good buzz going because her first priority after she gawked at Lena was to fumble with her phone to play music.


Lena quirked her brow at the soft beats that would be easy to sway her hips to, but before her mind latched onto the potential of giving Kara a lap dance, her alpha was looking her over with a raunchy rumble.


“That’s just not practical for a hot tub,” Kara advised, and Lena was sure she meant her heels, but then laughed when her mate unfastened her bikini top to free her breasts.


“You’re fresh when you’ve got a few drinks in you, I like it,” Lena commented fondly, so content with how their evening had transpired.


She sat back to let Kara get a good view and smirked at how the alpha postured with her hands on her hips.


“I know other things you’re going to like a whole lot more.” Kara’s sultry drawl and dominant fragrance worked on Lena’s omega, and she bit her lip as she trailed her gaze down her mate.


“You mean my hole will like it,” Lena remarked with the kind of grin that never failed to bring heat to Kara’s handsome face. It certainly got a rise out of the alpha, and Lena cupped her bulge with enough pressure to feel it stiffen against her palm.


“You’re fresh when you’ve had a few in you,” Kara parroted to tease her, and groaned as Lena clasped her cock to stroke through her jeans methodically.


“This is the only thing I want in me now. My heat has already started and you’re at least five minutes late. How do you plan to rectify that?” Lena asked with a faux offended jut of her chin.


“In my defense, it’s my birthday,” Kara stated with a squint, her hips not so subtly pushing forward to give Lena better access to her concealed erection.


“Oh so you think that gives you special privileges?” Lena’s smile was wicked as she pulled the zipper down on Kara’s jeans to slide her fingers into her boxers.


“God, I hope it does,” Kara groaned and palmed at Lena’s tits to pluck at her sore nipples. She was staring at the silky wetness between Lena’s parted thighs with the kind of hunger that couldn’t be hidden, and appreciated the way Lena flirtatiously slipped the fabric aside to let her peek at her smooth pussy.


Her personal slick gathered between her lips, which she opened to present the glistening protrusion of her clit and the inner flexing of her walls. She circled her sensitive little pleasure point with the tip of a finger and Kara took her hand to taste it.


Without taking off the bikini bottoms, Kara insinuated herself between Lena’s thighs and kissed at the cleft of her labia. She licked into scant space inside of her, pushing her tongue against carnal little grooves in Lena’s cunt. The slow flutter of sensation moved her hips in reflex, and Lena gasped as Kara deepened the caress.


“If this is what you meant by special privileges, I think you should have them year round,” Lena whispered and shifted her knees outward to slide her hands onto the back of Kara’s head.


She mussed up her mate’s blonde hair, dragging it out of its loose ponytail. The strands spilled free and she wove her fingers through it as Kara switched to puckering her lips around her clit. Kara held onto her legs and brought them into a loop around her.


Lena crossed her heels at the ankles, her spine curving in a tantric arc as Kara’s tongue slipped back inside of her.


Kara spoke only through her actions, and the glide of her warm palms followed the curve of Lena’s hips down to clasp at her backside. The added lift brought her cunt so much closer to Kara’s wanting mouth, and she moaned in gratitude at how eager the alpha was to taste her so directly.


The glide of Kara’s tongue parted Lena’s intimate velvet with sensual flicks until those delicate walls tried to lock her in place. Kara grinned when Lena’s thighs sought to do the same, tightening around her while Lena exhaled pleading little whimpers that brought Kara’s lips to her clit.


She was languid in her attention, using the softest swipes to bring Lena’s hips up so that by the time she captured her clit between her pouty lips, Lena was practically grinding against her talented tongue.


“Oh a little firmer, yes, just like that.” Lena’s breathless instructions were hardly necessary but she knew Kara liked it when she was vocal. The intensity of Kara’s sucking coincided with the flutter of her tongue and the faster she got, the louder Lena moaned.


Their sexual passion came to a beautiful completion that shook through Lena as ragged breaths and low cries. She latched onto Kara’s shoulders and rocked from the pulses inside of her cunt. Kara picked her up after her little trembles stopped and kissed her on the mouth.


They moved their private party to the hot tub, where Kara slid off her heels and stripped down her bikini bottoms as she stood on the high step to enter.


“I guess it was a waste to pack all of those swim suits for a three day trip,” Lena sighed in pretend disappointment and stared with bated breath as Kara dropped her pants.


Kara sported a stiff cock without Lena handling it at all, and she bit her lip as she considered the thickened state of the head.


“Oh you’ll get good use out of them for the ten seconds it’ll take me to get them off you,” Kara’s insistence was adorably charming and Lena would have returned her smile if she hadn’t been fixated on the sheen of arousal that clung to Kara’s glans.


It was a beacon to Lena’s omega and she watched with longing as a shimmery bead formed and dripped while Kara lifted her shirt to toss it aside. She hurried out of her bra to join Lena in bubbles, and got one foot into the water when Lena halted her with a hand on her upper thigh. “Well if it means a repeat of what just happened I’ll be happy to try them all on one after the other.”


The suggestion alone was enough to make Kara’s shaft jerk, and Lena smiled as her seduction enthralled Kara into standing still. She pressed a series of lipstick prints to Kara’s inner thigh and the hefty base of her cock where a knot belonged, and dragged her lips partway up the veined member before lilting, “You feel like you were close to finishing without yet being inside me. Does going down on me turn you on that much or is it my heat affecting you?”


“You know how excited I get being between your legs, doesn’t matter how,” Kara murmured honestly, her fingers ghosting along Lena’s jaw to trace the claims on her throat. She held Lena’s chin in her palm as she stepped into the hot tub and sank down to capture her lips, nipping playfully just to hear Lena’s gasp.


“I wonder how much oral I would need to receive for you to come from it,” Lena wondered with a coy tilt of her head like she was truly considering it.


“Good thing you have a birthday coming up, I’ve recently found out the week before is a time of worship,” Kara rumbled, her hands finding purchase on Lena’s hips to pull her onto her lap beneath the warm jets. She held her up to let Lena feel the prod of her erection as it settled between her pussy lips and then brought her down to take the full length in a fast glide.


Lena sank down until the glans pushed up against her cervix with a firmer thrust. The buoyancy in the water made it easier to rise up and rock backward into Kara’s cock. Her cunt swallowed each inch, opening to its vast girth with the ambition to accept all of her mate’s seed. She knew her omega needed to be full, and that her body was in condition for hours of sex that would sate the warm palpitations deep inside that begged her to breed.


The crest between her legs spread with Kara’s cock pushing into it, dividing her private lips. Bubbles rose up all around them, the jets in a constant stream, and Lena moaned from the penetration as Kara stretched her inside.


“I need more, Kara, take me hard,” Lena whimpered and reclined back into Kara’s arms as her mate bucked into her and fulfilled her wants.


Her heat worsened by the second with Kara buried in her cunt, and she became restless enough to whine about it.


Their position gave Kara full access to her body and Lena’s omega petitioned for the alpha to lay claim to her however she saw fit.


With diligent hands and rougher strokes, Kara squeezed at her tits and rolled her nipples between her fingertips as she battered into her cunt.


The perpetual force sent waves splashing against the sides of the hot tub and Lena’s keening whines brought Kara’s hand back to her cunt. She writhed into her alpha’s fingers, grinding her clit into them with every thump against her backside that bounced her higher.


“Does your alpha still want me just as much now that I’m pregnant?” Lena rasped in a moment of sexual vulnerability and tipped her head back for Kara so her alpha’s teeth could sink into the claim that resided by the freckle on her throat.


“Even more than before. It’s like I need everyone to know you’re mine by keeping you satisfied,” Kara growled, pushing herself to her own limits to prove how desperately she wanted to seed Lena’s cunt.


It was exhilarating to feel the charge of Kara’s hips, the possessive bite to her fingers that brought their bodies crashing together with a vigor that left Lena’s jaw slack.


Lena stood to grip the side of the hot tub and Kara pounded her sensitive cunt to the fringe of pleasure. The water surge blasted against her, massaging her at the same time as Kara’s shaft pumped over the soft ridges inside.


“Everyone will know I’m yours when they see the evidence of how you’ve been breeding me,” Lena assured her mate and brought Kara’s hands to her waist. “You’ve claimed my cunt with your seed.”


That inspired a groan to rip from Kara’s throat and she lunged forward to climax as deep as possible inside of Lena. Their mating was nowhere near end, and Kara’s spurts rushed back out of her, the ropy pulses too much for her little opening to contain.


Their cabin was placed in the forest, so nobody had a view of them when Kara palmed at her ass cheeks so roughly that she almost lifted Lena out of the hot tub. She braced herself on the ledge, thrilled by how unrestrained Kara was allowing herself to become.


Knocking her up had an almost opposite effect on Kara’s alpha than Lena imagined. Their tenderness still remained, but where she thought Kara would be overly cautious and treat her as though fragile, she was more demanding and sexually aggressive. Kara touched her like she had been starved for affection, and Lena reveled in her mate’s dominance of it by presenting when Kara praised her cunt with a few light slaps.


“Knowing I’m responsible for the pup inside you is one of the best feelings in the world, Lena,” Kara husked, giving Lena no time to recover as she knelt up to force her rigid tip between her heated folds.


The rivulets of their mixed arousal clung to Kara’s shaft and she forced it into Lena’s constricting channel with powerful, full thrusts.


Lena grunted at the staccato slam of Kara’s thighs striking her backside and pushed into the alpha to get her to slot even deeper. She needed this internal work-out just like Kara needed to prove herself as a worthy alpha capable of looking after her omega.


The sublime spread of her cunt had Lena trembling, and if not for the way her hips were pinned against the tub, she might have sank farther into the water.


“What are the others?” Lena rasped, throwing a glance over her shoulder to see the desire shining in Kara’s eyes as she railed her for all she was worth.


Judging from the position of Kara’s hands on her backside, her alpha was admiring the way her cock left her gaping, and Lena hoped that it was possible to see how wet she was in spite of the water.


“The mutual claim we share.” Kara’s fast answer was so unguarded and honest that Lena whimpered at how romantic it was, and she craned to meet Kara’s gaze as the alpha continued. “It’s everything I’d always hoped for with a mate, and I love that you gave me a family, and still decided you wanted to add to it with me. You’re an amazing partner, Lena, the only one who could make me this happy.”


Whether from Kara praising her, or the alpha’s impeccable skill at bottoming out, Lena succumbed to the white hot bliss of a full body orgasm. Her entire being seemed to clench and release all at once, starting with the flutter of her cunt. There was no warning that it would happen, only overwhelming pleasure as it seized up her muscles and curled her spine in an arch.


Kara held her through it, steadying her in spite of the way she bucked to experience the tight spasm of Lena’s entrance. She quaked moments later, her thighs pressing insistently into Lena’s ass to give her a tremendous amount of seed right where she needed it most. It didn’t matter that Lena was already pregnant, Kara’s alpha was making sure to remind her that she would be routinely kept that way.


“For the record, I expected you to say something filthy, but what you told me was better than something dirty in the heat of the moment,” Lena confessed between quiet puffs of breath, making a pitiful sound when Kara slid out of her before her knot had formed.


Lena was on the verge of being upset, and Kara seemed to understand that as she climbed out of the hot tub to gather Lena into her arms.


“What if I have more to tell you? Like, maybe what I wished for when I blew out my candles?” Kara pursed her lips like she wasn’t sure if she should say, and then carried Lena back into the cabin to lay her gently on the thick fur in front of the log fire.


“Darling, just name it and I’ll get it for you, but please hurry up and get back inside of me.” Lena’s calm utterance matched the patient way she stroked Kara’s cheek and she whined at the lack of urgency in her mate’s movements.


Kara settled between her thighs with a grin and Lena locked her knees on either side of the alpha’s hips and lifted her ass to give Kara the perfect angle to penetrate her again. The merging of their bodies was euphoric, and Lena stretched out to drag Kara on top of her with whispery little moans of gratitude.


“Tell me what you wished for,” Lena implored, her eyes glazed from the pleasure of feeling Kara’s knot swelling within her pussy.


For a passing moment, she worried that Kara would keep it to herself, but then the alpha leaned in to nuzzle at Lena’s claim and whispered, “I want to officially adopt the girls.”