
11. Chapter 11

Lena woke the following morning with a pleasantly tender cunt and the subtle vibration of her alarm buzzing beneath her pillow. She had surreptitiously stashed her phone there the night before, and she praised herself for the forethought as she peeked over at her snoozing mate. She had learned over the months that Kara’s rut would hit them both hard, and she expected that to apply even more now that she was officially claimed and the bond between them had doubled in strength.


While Lena wanted nothing more than to indulge her omega by being at Kara’s mercy for the next several days, it would have to wait, because she had other things to accomplish that morning – the first of which involved sneaking out of bed after lifting the covers to stare longingly at the very swollen erection that Kara sported. The bulbous purple tip dripped arousal while Kara slept, and Lena rubbed her thighs together and forced herself out of the room to avoid ruining her extravagant plans.


It pained her omega to leave Kara, and she soothed herself by pulling on one of the alpha’s shirts as she sent off a text to her personal assistant, Jess. After Lena made the move to work from home when the scandal of her divorce broke in the news, she rarely called upon the beta girl for personal favors.


Lena flexed the need now and sent Jess to pick up a very special, expensive pair of designer boxers crafted by Lord Technologies. They were specifically for alphas in rut that wanted to forego suppressors.


Lena casually snuck into the top drawer where Kara kept her discreet box of pills and hid them under a few pairs of socks so that the alpha wasn’t tempted to swallow one the minute she got up.


They had explicitly discussed Kara going without the suppressors to truly celebrate their status as mates. She expected Kara to follow through with the promise, yet she wasn’t going to risk Kara making a different choice when the alpha inevitably realized that a morning quickie was off the table.


Lena knew the fine line between edging and cruelty depended on how she handled the next few hours. She wasn’t playing fair, but there was nothing sexier than Kara’s alpha breaking free due to sexual frustration. Since they were frankly incapable of going a full day without sex now that Kara lived with her, Lena had become creative at times when they would have to delay gratification.


In some cases, less was definitely more, and that directly applied to her attire for that morning. No skirts or suits or shirts, since they were far too restricting. Lena wanted maximum access to her person with minimum effort on Kara’s part.


The summer dress she selected hung to mid thigh, with thin straps and a low v-neck cut that was both seasonal and captivating, especially without a bra.


The risk of having her breasts free would be worth it to get all of Kara’s attention, and after three children, they certainly filled out the cups that were sewn into the dress perfectly. Everyone would be able to see her nipples if they hardened, and Lena imagined how Kara might handle that.


Panties were the last thing on her mind, and other than a pair of heels, the soft summer dress was the only thing she wore.


By the time she put on make-up and ventured downstairs to make coffee, Jess arrived to drop off the package, and Lena blushed when she congratulated her upon seeing her new claim. They exchanged pleasantries and smiles, and Lena barely closed the door when the mouthwatering scent of Kara’s rut pheromones dominated the air she breathed. She turned to find the alpha wandering down the stairs, buck naked and glistening with sweat, her erection guiding her straight to Lena.


“Good morning darling, I was just about to come wake you,” Lena whispered, her cunt squeezing with anticipation.


She hoped she could muster up the willpower to deny herself, and strode over to intercept Kara and redirect her to the kitchen.


“You weren’t in bed and I missed you,” Kara pouted, dispelling the notion that the hunger in her eyes would overpower her infinitely sweet nature.


“I can see that.” Lena’s flirtatious smile curled her lips and she leaned in to brush her mouth against Kara’s, chaste and deliberate as she tried to tame the wild blonde curls that spilled over the alpha’s shoulders. She cuddled into the muscled arms that immediately coiled around her waist, but ducked out of Kara’s embrace the second warm breath tickled over her throat.


If Kara tongued the marks on her neck, Lena’s plans would crumble along with her resolve.


Lena inhaled slowly and used the palm of her hand to simultaneously caress Kara’s abs and hold her at arm’s length. “You poor thing. You must be desperate for me to take care of you.”


They both stared down at Kara’s straining cock, the thick shaft laced with defined veins that begged for Lena’s tongue to trace them.


“I am, I need you, Lena. I woke up ready to start my day inside you.” Kara’s earnest and automatic honesty turned Lena on and she swallowed as a slow trickle of essence formed and dripped down the head of Kara’s cock.


Lena was wrecking her plans already by backing herself into a stool and raising up her dress. The whole purpose of going without panties meant she could surprise Kara at the farmer’s market by flashing her bare pussy, and yet she couldn’t control the visceral reaction taking place within her omega.


“I won’t have you wasting a single drop of that,” Lena lilted and clasped Kara’s erection in her delicate hand.


Kara rumbled in approval and situated herself between Lena’s parted thighs, and Lena rubbed the leaking tip along her wet slit. She let Kara paint her folds until the head of her cock stopped dripping, and then clenched her thighs together to prohibit the alpha’s advances.


Kara looked crestfallen, the head of her cock barely resting against Lena’s twitching entrance, and Lena cupped her cheek adoringly to whisper, “I want to taste you.”


The lust of Kara’s alpha enriched her pheromones, and Lena groaned as she dropped to her knees carefully and pressed open mouthed kisses along the wide brim. The tease of her lips and tongue never quite allowed Kara into her mouth, and Lena puckered her lips to slide them over every inch of her mate.


Lena looped her tongue around the tip and settled her lips over the groove where Kara’s arousal pooled. “I love how hot you burn in rut, Kara. How strong you throb for my attention.”


“Oh god, please baby, take a little more. It feels so good when you use your tongue,” Kara begged, shameless in the way she combed her fingers through Lena’s hair to try and push her head down.


The pressure was subtle and Kara rocked her hips, nudging her cock through Lena’s soft full lips to reach the moist heat of her mouth.


“Mmm,” Lena moaned, wrapping her lips around a solid two inches to lavish and suck while her hand fisted the rest of Kara’s shaft. She pumped her hand in tandem with the roll of her tongue, treating Kara to unrushed, oral worship that elicited quiet grunts of pleasure out of the alpha.

“Now I want you to put these on and get dressed,” Lena murmured, licking up the sticky essence that gathered in the small groove before standing up to hand a bag to Kara.


“Whu?” Kara croaked, delayed in her surprise due to the fog of her rut and the blood that rushed to the head that wasn’t for thinking. “But we—”


“Are going to the farmer’s market to pick things up for lunch. We’re hosting Sam and the girls, and we invited your sister, remember?” Lena informed her innocently, casually dragging her finger along her painted lip to gather up any residual arousal. She sucked her fingertip while maintaining eye contact and then perfumed the air with eager, omega scents.


“What if we just order in and spend the next two hours in bed instead?” Kara countered with a suggestive sweep of her eyes that gave Lena the impression that her mate was already envisioning her naked and prone across the mattress.


She dug her nails into her palms to stop herself from readily agreeing and ignored her omega by scrunching her face up in a faux apology. “If it were for anyone else, I’d say yes, but I want to be a good host to Alex and Sam.”


Lena almost felt bad for manipulating Kara’s kind heart, but she reasoned the alpha would approve after all of her plotting came to fruition. She watched Kara struggle with her alpha’s selfish desires and bit her lip when it seemed like she might truly be upset.


Kara finally exhaled a heavy sigh and hung her head as she muttered, “No, you’re right, I want to have a nice day with everyone. Honestly it’ll be fun to mess with Alex.”


Kara’s features brightened with a grin and Lena beamed back at her, still in awe of how wonderful her mate was on all accounts.


“I can’t wait to get all the juicy details, and torment Sam for not once telling me about your sister. Go get dressed and I’ll pour you a coffee for the road,” Lena instructed, if only to smack Kara on her pert backside for the thrill of it.


The sight of the muscled alpha running up the stairs to change stoked Lena’s fantasies and she took a moment just to appreciate how lucky in love she was after such a failure of a marriage.


Kara returned ten minutes later, smelling fresh and looking devilishly handsome in a flannel button down and semi loose-fitting jeans. She had rolled the sleeves up to her elbows and postured once she reached the kitchen to let Lena admire the lack of an obvious erection. “I can’t believe I never knew these existed. They feel great and it guarantees I won’t chafe.”


“I’d never ask you to forego the suppressors if I couldn’t take care of you properly and make you feel comfortable around others,” Lena intoned, already hooking her fingers into Kara’s belt to tug her closer. She mapped the front of Kara’s pants with the lightest of caresses until she found the tightly concealed, rock hard package that nobody else would be the wiser to throughout the day.


Lena's devious intentions showed themselves as she fondled Kara under the guise of testing out the rut boxers. She palmed all along the length of Kara’s hidden girth until her mate’s breathing grew irregular, and Kara exhaled her first throaty moan.


“Good thing they work perfectly or we’d cause a scene at the farmer’s market,” Lena mused, and purposely walked off to leave Kara flustered while she picked up the keys to the alpha’s truck and tossed them her way.


During the drive to the market, Lena played it safe and only touched Kara at stop lights, stroking her through the barrier of her pants. She made sure to direct Kara into parking in a more remote location by a grouping of trees, and justified it by complaining about the crowds. The truth was that their little suburban farmer’s market was rather sleepy and quiet for a weekend morning and she had secret, ulterior motives.


Lena strolled hand in hand with Kara, visiting several of their favorite stalls to pick out fruit. She admired the long rows of melons, the stalls with colorful peaches and red and green apples.


“I was thinking we’d do a lavish charcuterie board for the adults and a selection of sandwiches for the girls,” Lena casually stated, pausing to lift one of the largest peaches of the bunch. She held it carefully so it wouldn’t bruise and ran her thumb over the soft fuzz with a slow smirk when Kara stopped to stare at her with interest.


The suggestive raised brow she offered said that her mind wasn’t on the fruit when she quipped, “Something so juicy deserves to be savored. I bet you can’t wait to taste it.”


Despite the sunlight dancing across their faces, a shadow of lust darkened Kara’s eyes, and she inhaled deeply, trying to pull the heady fragrance of Lena’s excitement into her lungs.


From the subtle way her tongue caressed her lower lip, Kara definitely wanted to devour something and Lena knew it wasn’t the peach.


“We’ll take six,” Lena murmured to the stout gentleman at the stall, and Kara hurried to accept the bag like it was her duty to carry whatever they purchased.


Lena made sure to praise the alpha by squeezing her bicep and stroking her forearm as they wandered leisurely.


She took her time to handle all sorts of things. The thick organic cucumbers had never been so lovingly caressed by her hands before, and it was a treat to breathe in Kara’s diluted, though possessive pheromones that she tried to keep in check. Lena assumed it would be an ongoing struggle when the alphas standing around by the stall appeared to be as transfixed on her careful and thorough inspection as Kara happened to be.


Kara’s unwavering attention aroused Lena’s omega almost as much as the rut scents that wafted off of the alpha and her nipples responded by pebbling. The little buds poked the fabric of her dress and Kara followed every soft bounce they gave as they walked hand in hand.


They sampled cheeses, honey, paté and fruit jellies, and Lena moaned after each taste. The stickier the treat, the breathier she sounded, and Kara stood so close that whenever Lena bent forward to browse things, her backside rubbed into the front of Kara’s pants. Accidentally, of course.

She wasn’t purposefully luring Kara towards her with a seductive thrall to keep her on edge. Lena was just picking out quality ingredients, and her claimed pheromones just happened to innocently call to her alpha. She pretended to be lost in thought over some locally smoked meats while she expertly angled her backside into Kara’s concealed cock.


As she took her sweet time going over the selection, she threw out questions to the helpful beta tending the stall while Kara bit back a groan and settled her hand on her hip.


The slight shuffle of Kara’s feet brought her half an inch closer and Lena grinned at the faintest throb against her ass.


The brief stimulation might have been more than Kara could handle, and Lena showed mercy by straightening up to make a quick purchase. If she lingered any longer, Kara likely would have come in her pants, and while Lena adored teasing her mate, she would never embarrass her.


“Is there anything else you want?” The beta asked, his smile friendly and completely directed to Kara.


“Yes,” Kara rasped, barely able to function as she blinked at Lena and exhaled the softest growl.


“No thanks, that will be all,” Lena corrected, amused by the torn expression on Kara’s face.


Relief and frustration billowed around the alpha, and Lena led her mate away before the beta asked anything else.


She would have suggested that they return to the truck right then, but they spotted a familiar face at the cheese stall and that gave Kara a reprieve from all of her teasing.


Eve waved them over with a big smile and whistled upon noticing the claim bites on Lena’s neck. “Long time no see, and it seems like you’ve both been extra busy.”


“Eve, how have you been?” Lena asked, with a genuine desire to know how the omega had been faring since her break-up with Andrea.


Out of all of the omegas that Andrea bedded and ditched, Lena had a soft spot for Eve, who seemed to understand her plight more than most.


Kara greeted Eve with a friendly hug and fond smile. “I meant to reach out to you and make plans after the break-up, but I wasn’t sure if that would be awkward.”


Eve slung her bag higher on her arm and pushed up her sunglasses to smile at them with her eyes. “Not at all. I planned to pop by and see both of you and all the kids, but I was a little afraid that Natty would ask questions. I would hate to lie to her about why I walked out on Andrea.”


“Wait, you broke it off with her?” Lena shook her head at the revelation, which shouldn’t have surprised her one bit after being with Andrea for over a decade. “Andrea told me that she ended things with you. What was the deal breaker if there was one?”


Eve laughed and nodded towards a picnic table where they could set their purchases down and chat. “Oh, we had a very interesting conversation one day, during which Andrea expressed some really bigoted views about omegas. She thinks that omegas are inherently weaker personality types and that we all somehow chose our rank in society at the bottom of the pack.”

“That old rhetoric,” Lena uttered dryly with a roll of her eyes, her lips pursing momentarily as she remembered the countless belittling conversations she had with her ex-wife.


On particularly bad nights whenever a deal had fallen through and Andrea drank enough to pickle her liver, she began tirades that always ended with her explaining why Lena ultimately enjoyed being treated so terribly because of some innate personality defect that led her to become an omega.


The slightly cloying scent of sympathy curled around Lena’s senses and Eve met her eyes with a tight-lipped grimace. “I’m not sure how you put up with that for so long. I couldn’t take it.”


“Scotch and depression,” Lena quipped, her sarcasm the best defense for deflecting the very real sadness that stirred beneath the surface of her smile.


Kara picked up on it and laced her fingers through Lena’s in a show of solidarity and compassion, and Lena inadvertently released vulnerable pheromones. Even now she still wasn’t used to having a partner that understood every little shift in her emotions and she squeezed Kara’s hand in gratitude.


“I suppose at the time I was so young that I resigned myself to believing that she would change once our girls started to grow up, and then I thought maybe it was my job to make her see me as an equal by challenging her views. We all know how that worked out.” Lena smirked, the bitterness of her statement far less caustic than it could have been.


“Once you’ve lived something like that, you know you’ll never go back to it or settle in the future,” Eve murmured sagely, and shared a meaningful look with Lena that Kara quietly observed and didn’t intrude upon.


“I probably shouldn’t say this, but I think it’s best if you both know.” Eve trailed off, biting at her lower lip while her gaze drifted to Kara and then back to Lena. “There was one other thing that I suppose I should have seen as a red flag.”


“What was it?” Kara asked, her alpha on high alert and ready to act if needed. It was an endearing, though mildly alarming reaction due to her rut playing havoc with her hormones.


Lena slipped her hand onto Kara’s thigh beneath the table to calm the alpha in case she overreacted and gave a sharp nod for Eve to continue. “If Andrea’s done something, you can tell us, Eve.”


“She didn’t really do anything. She just—um,” Eve paused in embarrassment and fiddled with her sunglasses like she might just put them back on to avoid their curious eyes. “There was this one night before the New Year when she got pretty drunk. I’m not judging. I mean, I’d had a few, and you know one thing led to another, and we were in bed together—”


Eve’s laugh was an awkward and anxious sound that seemed too high pitched to be natural. “She said your name, Lena, and I tried to brush it off, but it stuck with me.”


“Oh god, Eve, I’m so sorry,” Lena blurted, completely mortified that Andrea did that.


Even though Kara remained silent, she could feel her mate’s outrage and tried to soothe it with private pheromones of adoration.


Lena refused to believe that Kara’s presence in her life had made Andrea realize that she fucked up in their marriage, but it certainly seemed to have inspired some serious feelings of possessiveness.


For years, Andrea derived pleasure from keeping her hooks in Lena while in hot pursuit of the next side piece. It was a flex for Andrea to know that she could have a pregnant omega at home and still be desirable to so many others. Lena had always been so upset to find out that Andrea was messing around with other women, and that reinforced the fact that she needed her. It must have interrupted an ongoing and ego-boosting cycle for Andrea when Lena moved on and found true love in Kara.


“I’m not the least bit sorry I kept her shoe,” Kara huffed and pushed her chin out in barely restrained anger. “I should have taken the other one.”


“It’s a long story, but Kara and Andrea got into a bit of a skirmish,” Lena explained and chose to spare Eve all of the sordid details. “It happened after she saw the bites on my neck.”


“Whatever you do, don’t let that bitch ruin your joy,” Eve coached, and then showed them a text from Andrea bragging about how she met someone new. “She already moved on.”


Kara grimaced at the message and exhaled sharply through her nose like it offended her that Andrea felt the need to go out of her way to rub it in Eve’s face.


The situation must have hurt Eve, even though she tried not to show it, and Lena found herself appreciating the fact that Kara was so vastly different from all of the alphas she had known throughout the years.


“Andrea likes to pretend that she can handle anything, but her ego says otherwise, especially when it comes to rejection,” Lena whispered. “You hurt her, so she was hoping to hurt you in return.”


“Everything’s always a game with her. I wish I’d figured that out sooner,” Eve intoned, her features softening into a smile at the sight of Kara’s thumb caressing Lena’s with gentleness. “It’s been good getting to catch up with you both. I know we send texts here and there, but seeing you so happy really gives me hope that one day I’ll find what you two have.”


“You will, and when you’re ready to find that person, you won’t be blinded by anyone’s charm.” Kara asserted, her confidence infectious enough that Eve straightened her shoulders and grinned.


Drawn to the positive energy Kara effortlessly radiated, Lena subtly leaned into her mate and breathed in the spice of her rut. For all of the teasing Kara endured, she was handling herself so well with Eve, despite the possessive aggression all the talk of Andrea inspired.


Kara didn’t highlight it, but Lena saw the signs — the way Kara’s jaw tensed and how her posture shifted so that her back remained ramrod straight. By itself, it hardly meant anything, but coupled with how Kara spread her legs so that their thighs were pressing together, Lena saw it as a means for the alpha to reinforce her claim through touch without being overbearing.


“We should do this again. Maybe go for lunch or grab a coffee or something next week?” Kara suggested, looking at Lena for approval before grinning at Eve in expectation.


The friendly scent of Eve’s pheromones graced them both in agreement and she slipped her shades back on and gathered her bags. “I’d love that. Despite everything with Andrea, I’ve missed you guys.”


“Well, that’s mutual, and don’t worry about Natty. She’ll just be pleased to see you.” Lena stood up first to pull Eve into a hug and Kara lifted all of their bags and waved goodbye to the omega.


Afterwards, they strolled arm-in-arm with Lena’s head resting on Kara’s shoulder and browsed just a few more stalls before heading back to the place where they parked.


The lush green of the trees around them and the buzz of bees provided a peaceful ambience for loading up the truck.


Without any other people around, Lena could breathe in the unfiltered scent of Kara’s desire for her. She paused to kiss Kara beneath the boughs of a cherry tree and tugged her forward by the shirt.


Kara moaned and stepped even closer, and that was when Lena chose to finish packing up their purchases. “We really should get all of that fresh produce into the truck before all of these bees get to it.”

This had been on her mind since they left earlier in the morning — the whole idea of climbing into the bed of Kara’s truck after her tongue was in the alpha’s mouth. She hopped up without Kara’s help and got onto her knees to push at a flat of grapes, the stretch deliberate so that her ass was in the air.


Lena huffed in pretend exertion and casually flipped the back of her dress up to flash Kara.


As Lena strained a little more, she felt the breeze tickle over the warm, sensitive places between her thighs and the scent of her arousal carried on it. She was laid bare by another strong wind that exposed her pussy for Kara’s eyes, and she knew the moment her mate noticed due to the stronger rut pheromones.


Lena innocently positioned her hips so that her alpha could see everything. Her cunt parted from the way she opened her knees and her clit pulsed to get Kara’s attention. She tempted Kara’s alpha by clenching her slick inner muscles.


It thrilled her to be so naughty in a public place, even though they were technically parked in a secluded spot.


Kara stopped trying to pass her items and all but flung them onto the bed of the truck. She almost injured herself by scrambling chaotically onto the vehicle, her knee knocking the side of the truck hard enough that Lena winced in sympathy.


Kara didn’t react, because her alpha’s tunnel vision had her focused on posturing. She shoved their items further onto the truck in a show of strength.


If Kara’s throaty rumble didn’t give away her intent, her charged and sexual pheromones did.


Lena played coy and let her omega scent drift in the breeze, wanton and as sweet as the blooms on the tree.


“Is there anything you’d like to have now before we head back?” Lena teased, hoping that the nectar that coated her cunt would be visible to Kara.


She cupped her pussy and used two fingers to spread her lips just to be sure, and gave the softest pleading whine to let her alpha know she wasn’t talking about their purchases.


The wiggle of her backside broke Kara’s resolve and Lena held her breath in anticipation of Kara working through all of her frustration in a risky and quick fuck.


Shivers trickled down her spine when she heard the sound of Kara’s belt buckle opening, and a fraction of a second later, she was moaning at the sensation of Kara’s rigid tip pushing into her cunt as she mounted her.


Lena groaned at the force the alpha used to plunge into her wet canal.


She threw a heated glance over her shoulder and Kara used the opportunity to slide the straps of her dress down and grab at her tits. Lena had known the alpha would be insatiable, yet Lena never imagined she would be experiencing the summer breeze against her aching nipples in broad daylight. In the truck, maybe, but not like this.


It aroused her to be wanted so thoroughly that Kara didn’t hesitate to do what she desired, and Lena moaned her approval as Kara bucked to fill her cunt.


For the first few thrusts, Kara was pure alpha, grunting and gasping and nipping at Lena’s claim like she owned the right to her body. Mindless and desperate in all the right proportions, Kara shot the first throbs of seed inside of her.


Kara’s very fast release was one that Lena had hoped for all morning, and she pushed herself harder into Kara, using the muscles of her cunt to stroke the length of her cock with insistent flutters to keep her hips rocking.


“Again,” Lena demanded, grinding shamelessly into her mate to keep her so deep that the tip of Kara’s cock rubbed into her cervix. “I denied you all morning just for this.”


“I hope you know what you started,” Kara groaned and raised Lena’s leg up onto the sidewall of her truck, both parting her pussy and drilling into her harder. The demanding pace shook the truck, and neither of them seemed to care if anyone would notice. “I won’t want to stop, Lena. My ruts were bad before, but now that you're mine, all I can think about is coming inside you.”


Lena whimpered from the rougher strokes and a tremor of bliss worked down her arms. She dropped on her forearms in an attempt to present.


The contorted position showed how lithe and flexible Lena was as she angled her cunt into Kara for deeper penetration.


She took more seed with a submissive whine and Kara’s guttural satisfaction evoked Lena’s own. Her tight internal warmth locked around Kara’s shaft in a slow convulsion of greed.


Kara curved her hand around Lena’s hip and slid it down to subconsciously clutch at the place that would swell with new life in the future. The primal instinct to breed must have been in the forefront of Kara’s mind, silent but ever present during rut, and Lena shuddered at the potential consequences of their actions.


“All I can think about is how good this feels and how thrilling the risk is,” Lena confessed, rubbing her clit into Kara’s palm when the alpha cupped her cunt. The wet glide provided the best stimulation and she begged for it to continue with every soft moan.


“I plan to keep your cunt overflowing for the duration of my rut,” Kara husked and captured Lena’s swollen pearl between two fingers to diligently rub while she thrust seed deep into Lena’s pussy.


The hot sensation was very filling, and Kara never once slipped out, despite the way Lena writhed in pleasure.


“Kara,” Lena exhaled in surprise, the sloppy noise of her pussy taking so much cock resonating around them. “I love it when you talk like that.”


Sex with Kara had always been spectacular, but now that they were mated, she got to experience how mind blowing it could be with Kara in rut. With insatiable growls against the nape of her neck, Kara’s natural dominance broke through and she pounded into Lena until some of their bags tipped over.


Fruit rolled around the truck bed, and Lena considered that the peaches wouldn’t be the only things bruised afterwards. The tender skin of her backside stung pleasantly, and no doubt blushed the color of sun kissed apples.


Kara’s thighs struck her soundly, the impact of their rutting sending tingles through her.


Euphoria threatened to engulf her the second Kara’s teeth scraped over her claim, and the puckered suction of Kara’s lips brought Lena to the precipice of another orgasm.


Raunchy moans poured out of her throat, loud enough to startle birds, and Kara hammered into her cunt as it tried to restrict her thrusts with strong contractions. The entire truck rocked back and forth like they were driving off road, and the harsh sound of Kara’s breath tickled Lena’s cheek when the alpha slammed into her with a throaty groan.


Lena felt every jerk of Kara’s cock in her sensitive inner velvet, and she clenched her thighs together to prolong the blissful eruption taking place in her cunt.


Kara’s hot seed couldn’t be contained, and rivulets of cream escaped Lena’s tight clutches as the alpha pulled out.


The wild look in Kara’s eyes said they weren’t done, but Lena’s phone said otherwise when the alarm went off.


“As much as I want to stay here for hours, it’s already eleven thirty, and we best get home before any of this spoils,” Lena explained coyly, her fingers meandering down to her gaping entrance to feel the seed that collected there.


“Good thing you set an alarm or we’d be here until the sun went down,” Kara uttered distractedly, her gaze following Lena’s fingers like she wished it were her tongue looping around her clit instead. She gave an almost pitiful whine when Lena denied her the opportunity by closing her legs.


Kara’s fixation on her cunt was exactly what Lena wanted, and she fixed the delicate straps of her dress and stood up with a flirtatious smile. Her omega was utterly betrayed by the fact that she put an end to their outdoor mating, although Lena had plans for the ride home.


“Help me down?” Lena lilted, pausing to tuck Kara back into her pants before she flashed the parking lot.


She smoothed her hand down Kara’s shirt and tipped her chin up for a kiss. Kara tasted her mouth like she hungered to devour every inch of her, and Lena swayed a little, unsteady and breathless from the passion they shared.


Kara jumped down without any fear of twisting an ankle and turned to open her arms for Lena.


“I’ve got you, baby,” Kara murmured affectionately, and settled her hands on Lena’s waist to gently lift her off the truck.


Lena wisely situated herself in the passenger seat while Kara secured everything. The drive home wouldn’t take them very long, and Lena only needed a good fifteen minutes to work her alpha into a frenzy. She smiled sweetly at Kara when she buckled into her seat and waited all of ten seconds before reaching over to undo the fly of Kara’s jeans.


Kara’s head swung towards her and Lena smirked and motioned to the road as she tugged Kara’s erection free and leaned over to kiss her cock. “Eyes front, darling, or you’ll end up in a ditch instead of my mouth.”


“But I could just pull over,” Kara suggested, the greed of her alpha manifesting in the way she naturally slipped her fingers through Lena’s hair to guide her mouth closer.


The encouragement lacked subtlety, yet still held finesse, and Lena grinned as she refused to open her mouth. She traced her lips all around the wide head of Kara’s cock and followed the throb of each vein down to the base without once licking or sucking.


Kara expressed her frustration beautifully with quiet little huffs and several attempts to angle her hips up. Sweat beaded the alpha’s skin while her hand tightened around the steering wheel and in Lena’s hair. Kara exhaled half formed pleas that sent heat straight to Lena’s core as her cock strained and jerked for Lena’s mercy.


Lena could do this the whole way home, smearing Kara’s sticky arousal around the swollen glans with only the pucker of her lips, never giving enough to get her off. She toyed with the idea until the sudden overpowering claim pheromones sent her cunt into sporadic spasm, and she groaned with guilty pleasure and gorged herself on Kara’s thick length.


“Oh, thank you,” Kara breathlessly exhaled, tenderly stroking Lena’s hair, oblivious to how she had just flexed her alpha and done exactly what Lena wanted.


Lena rewarded her mate with long, languid pulls on her cock, her lips tightly secured around Kara’s member. She sucked leisurely, relishing the taste of Kara and their mingled essence, and used the tip of her tongue to write love letters in the form of oral worship.


Kara’s rumbled moan hinted to her enjoyment, and Lena grinned and followed her orders.


“That’s it, slow like that, now a little deeper. God, I love the things you can do with your mouth.”


Lena’s sultry acceptance of Kara’s cock reaching the back of her throat spoke of indulgence, and she bobbed her head, taking the rigid girth faster the closer they got to their home.


The elegance she had shown earlier diminished, and Lena loosened her lips intentionally to make all sorts of erotic noises, her technique especially sloppy to keep Kara on edge.


“This is your last chance for release until our guests leave in a few hours.” Lena intoned, ready to deny Kara release just for the pay-off later when the house was empty.


She smirked at the frantic way Kara tried to buck into the tight warmth of her throat and used her hand to control how much the alpha could stuff into her mouth.


Kara’s moans turned into pitiful, distressed whines, and Lena lapped at the tip of her cock, working her tongue along the slit and the purple ridge that was most sensitive.


“Don’t you want to come in my mouth, Kara?” Lena pouted, using her soft lips to skim the beading arousal that pooled at the top of Kara’s cock.


“Yes, so badly,” Kara panted, the seat jostling with the way she pitched her hips up. “Please Lena, suck my—”


“We’ve almost reached our driveway,” Lena pointed out, cutting Kara off to torment her further by sucking ardently.


She practically debased herself by going all out to flood the alpha’s senses with pleasure.


Moaning and sucking, Lena used the inside of her silky cheeks to bring Kara so close to ejaculating that her cock indignantly jerked into the air when she sat up abruptly.


Creamy seed leaked from the tip in a sad trickle, and it took all of Lena’s self-control not to lick it up. She unbuckled her seat belt and opened the door before Kara realized what was happening.


Kara let out a strangled whimper that Lena found utterly endearing as she reached out for her in disbelief, “No wait, I’m so close—”


“I’m sorry, darling, but we’re already home, and now we have to prepare lunch for everyone.” Lena whispered innocently, her cunt still in spasm from the excitement of Kara’s pheromones. “I’ll make it up to you later, I promise.”


It would take them at least forty minutes to make themselves decent and then they still had all of the prep work to do.


Kara groaned in resignation and followed Lena indoors with an armload of their purchases. “I guess I’ll take a cold shower after I get everything inside.”


For as much as this was an opportune chance to provoke Kara’s alpha, Lena did genuinely want to make a good impression on Alex. She tied her hair up and rushed through the fastest shower of her life while Kara volunteered to put all of the groceries in the kitchen.


They crossed paths in the hall, and Lena helped lift Kara’s shirt and kissed over the alpha’s claim mark before darting off to begin making their small celebratory lunch.


She sliced up the fruit and arranged it on a porcelain platter to chill in the fridge. The charcuterie board took the longest with the way she fussed over the artistic presentation of the food.


Her final task was to make a selection of finger sandwiches that her daughters would eat. She cut up tomatoes and cucumber and dainty salad leaves and placed them on grain bread with the thinly sliced meat from the farmer’s market. For her vegetarian child, Lena created a separate sandwich platter with marinated grilled vegetables. Just for safety’s sake, she also made some peanut butter and jelly in case Natty was feeling less than adventurous.


It turned out to be the best plan for Lena and Kara to split up their efforts, because Sam arrived when Lena had just started to set the table.


“I come bearing gifts and a hoard of hungry children,” Sam announced and held up a bottle of champagne that they would sip over lunch.


Natty ran into Lena’s open arms with a drawing in hand. “I made a picture for you.”


Lena recognized some of the shapes as stick people, and in their midst was a dog and flowers and a unicorn covered in speckles of glitter paint. She could tell that Kara was the tall blonde stick figure with the biggest head. “It’s beautiful, Natty. You did such a great job of depicting our family.”


Sophia and Ruby ran straight up the stairs together, and Andy rolled her eyes at their behavior. “They’re giggling over some actress. An alpha.”


“Sophia, the food’s downstairs!” Lena called out with the idea of peeking at whatever the girls were looking at on their phones.


It seemed like spending a night in Ruby’s presence had been good for Sophia’s self-esteem, though she was still wearing the perfume when she returned to the table. Ruby was proud of being an omega and she nudged Sophia while scrolling through some GIFs from some ridiculous television show.


Kara followed the girls to the table and her eyes shined with glee upon seeing all of the food. “Whoa, Lena, you did all of this while I was in the shower? I can’t wait to dig in.”


Natty jumped like a little squirrel from Lena into Kara’s arms and latched on to show off her picture.


“Look Kara, I made us!” Natty sang out, waving the picture in excitement until Kara gently caught the side of it to admire the artwork. The grin on both their faces pleased Lena to no end, and she sighed happily when Kara praised their youngest.


“Wow, Natty, this is amazing, you could be a famous artist one day. Hey, you know what we should do with it?” Kara asked, laughing when Natty shook her head and blinked up at her. “Hang it on the fridge so everyone can see it.”


Kara strode purposefully around the kitchen with Natty resting on her hip, one arm tucked around her as she fussed with magnets to stick the picture to the fridge door. She stepped back to let everyone else see and prompted, “What do you guys think, perfect place to put it, right?”


“Absolutely.” Lena reached out to affectionately smooth down wisps of hair that had freed themselves from Natty’s ponytail. Her little one looked so proud, and it meant the world to Lena to see how Kara actively encouraged her creativity.


“Great job, Natty,” Sam hummed, her smile reflecting in her eyes. She popped a bite size piece of cheese into her mouth and uncorked the bottle of champagne, pouring out three glasses and then frowning at the fourth that was waiting on the table.


“Are you letting Andy have a drink?” Sam’s confusion showed in her face and she glanced at Lena. “I thought we all agreed that I’m the cool aunt.”


Andy perked up and looked entirely too enthusiastic about the prospect of being at the adult table. She ignored Sophia’s judgement by asserting, “Well, I am mature and a small glass wouldn’t do any harm.”


“Nice try.” Lena deadpanned, her lips curling into a smile when Andy predictably slumped with a heavy and drawn-out sigh. “As for the role of cool Aunt, you’re going to have some competition for that, Sam.”


Kara set Natty down to let her get at the sandwiches and sidled up to Lena just in time to watch Sam come to the correct conclusion. The omega’s eyes widened and she set the champagne down with a quiet, “No.”


“Yes,” Lena informed her candidly, her smile bright and wicked as she delighted in her friend’s sudden panic.


“Tell me you didn’t,” Sam pleaded and nervously bit at her lips, so flustered that a blush traveled along her neck like a red vine.


“She did,” Kara intoned, the amusement evident in her voice as she leaned forward to help herself to a piece of smoked meat.


“Why would you do this to me? I’m your best friend,” Sam wailed and grabbed for her tote bag like she planned to leave already. Lena snatched it up and passed it off to Kara to keep it out of reach.

“As my best friend, you should have told me you shared history with my mate’s sister,” Lena stressed, the pout of her lip real in spite of all of her teasing.


The smallest part of Lena felt betrayed by that lack of information, especially when Sam had gone out of her way to intentionally introduce her to Kara.


“Whoa,” Andy piped up, infinitely more curious about what was happening at the table than she was moments before.


“What?” Ruby uttered, her attention pulled away from her phone to shoot Sam a questioning frown.


“Ruby, we’re leaving,” Sam dramatically announced, making no move to get up whatsoever as she drained the glass of champagne in front of her.


“She’s joking,” Lena clarified when Sophia and Ruby gaped at Sam in sadness. Their crestfallen faces lingered until she suggested, “Why don’t you girls take your sandwiches into the living room and watch a movie?”


When Andy didn’t get up to follow them, Lena poured her a glass of juice and pushed it into her hand. “You too. We’ll join you in a few minutes.”


Andy tipped her head back with a groan and grudgingly stood up to trail after the girls. She helped herself to a few things from the charcuterie board on her way out of the kitchen. “I’m only going so I can pick the movie.”


Kara silently laughed at her antics and Lena knew her eldest daughter’s attitude was mostly for show.


The kids were barely out of the way when Alex knocked on the door, and Kara jogged off to let her inside.


The smile on Alex’s face froze the second she spotted Sam, and Kara had to nudge her to keep her moving.


“Hey.” Alex directed her greeting towards Sam as she smoothed her hair back and straightened her shoulders to posture.


The behavior was fitting for a smitten alpha, and Lena observed the awkward and bashful way Sam stared back at Alex.


“Hey,” Sam whispered, their eyes still locked in an intense and unbreakable connection.


Lena raised her brows to Kara, who in turn stifled a laugh and hurried back to her side. It took Lena clearing her throat politely to break them out of it, startling Sam and compelling Alex forward with a nervous chuckle.


“Thank you so much for inviting me.” Alex approached Lena to give her a hug, and then hesitated next to Sam, who sat in a rigid position and barely breathed.


They kept a safe distance apart after Alex sat down and Lena frowned at the distinct omega scent that clung to her. It wasn’t the kind of perfume that came from being with a partner, and it took Lena a second to realize that Alex wore a cologne that let her present herself to the world as an omega.


Kara covered for the weird tension by pulling her sister into a big hug and then offering her a plate to fill up. “We’re happy you came. It’s really exciting that you’re moving back into town. It’ll be nice for the girls to have another aunt around. Now we just need to convince Eliza to visit more often.”


“We invited Eliza for lunch, but apparently my mother got her hooks into her first. They’re spending the afternoon at her country club,” Lena explained through a smile, and plated a few things for Kara just because it made her heart warm to see the delight on her alpha’s face when she passed it over. She filled Sam’s glass with champagne and motioned for Alex to help herself to the one already poured for her.


Lena waited for the precise moment they both went to sip their drinks to ask questions. “So, Alex, when did you sleep with my best friend, and why has she never mentioned that she knows you?”


Sam choked on her drink, sending half of the contents back into the glass and down her chinwhile Alex doubled down and swallowed the entire glass in one gulp.


“Lena, you can’t just ask that,” Sam wheezed in warning, coughing into a napkin that she used to wipe at her face in mortification.


Lena absently reached out to dab at the spilled champagne that landed on the counter and stared at Alex for answers. “I just did.”


She enjoyed the way Sam tried to shrink unsuccessfully in her seat and hide behind her hands.


“Kara never told you?” Alex queried, subtly trying to pass this off to her sister while avoiding Sam’s burning gaze of warning.


“What, that you locked yourself in your bedroom and refused to speak to me for a week?” Kara divulged unhelpfully, and then puffed her shoulders up as though proud of herself when Alex turned a shade of fire hydrant red.


“Oh god, shut up, that’s not what I meant!” Alex hissed, instinctively reaching out to thump Kara on the arm like they were kids.


“Well, you didn’t really tell me anything, and it’s not my place to make assumptions,” Kara stated with a smug lift of her chin, and moved her arm around Lena’s waist to rest a hand on her hip.


“I hate you both, and I am totally taking back the stand mixer I bought you as a gift,” Sam declared, helping herself to another drink from the bottle, and apparently without thinking, topping Alex off.


“Repossessing the stand mixer isn’t going to distract from the fact that you let Alex put her batter in your oven,” Lena intoned and paired a piece of fruit with cheese to share with Kara.


Sam groaned at the unfairness of the confrontation and put her glass down to finally cave to Lena’s prodding. “Fine, okay, we hooked up a few times right before I met that asshole accountant who knocked me up with Ruby and bailed. I ended it because Alex had some pretty big ambitions and I wasn’t going to hold her back.”


“Hold me back?” Alex asked as though she found the phrasing problematic and inaccurate. “You kicked me out of your place and threw my clothes through a window so I wouldn’t have to come inside to get them.”


“Well, you had a plane to catch,” Sam huffed softly and pinched the spot between her eyebrows like she was fending off a headache.


“The next day,” Alex stressed with her arms crossed in front of her adamantly. “You should have at least let me talk—”


“And say what? That you wanted to claim me and leave me while you trained for the special forces?” Sam snapped with the smallest edge to her voice that could become much sharper if they continued rehashing the past. “I was—god—I was so young. We both were, and the thought of waiting years to see if you’d return to me was scary, Alex. What if you weren’t the same person when you got back? How was I supposed to handle that?”


Alex inhaled a slow breath and sat in subdued silence for a minute. “I didn’t realize the kind of pressure that would put you under, or the strain it would cause your mental health if you’d said yes. I’m sorry for that, but not for wanting you.”


Lena passed around the snacks, unable to take her eyes off of the riveting drama. She bit into a juicy strawberry and let the conversation continue to flow until it seemed like it could develop into a fight.


“So, Alex is back now and you can try again,” Lena interrupted and put a hand on Sam’s arm to stop her from voicing any immediate arguments against it. “Some people aren’t meant to get back together with their college or high school sweetheart. I’m proof enough of that, but the two of you are clearly still attracted to each other. If circumstances had been different, maybe you’d already be mates.”


“There’s a reason you stayed in touch over the years, even if neither of you are willing to admit it yet. That counts for something.” Kara infused the air with a calming alpha musk to rid them of the scent of frustration. She wrapped a piece of cheese in smoked meat and fed it to Lena without any trace of embarrassment.


Alex caught Sam’s eye to offer her a small smile, and Sam blushed furiously and tried to mask her fluctuating feelings by eating them. She stuffed a piece of fruit into her mouth and fooled no one when she glanced at Alex.


Their peace lasted until Ruby and Sophia barreled into the kitchen in fits of giggles.


“Mom, can Sophia stay over again? I want to show her my collection of—uh—”


Ruby faltered at the sight of an unfamiliar face, and Sam waved her over to make the important introduction.


“Ruby, this is Alex. She’s Kara's sister and a friend of mine,” Sam stated, relaxing as Alex and Ruby took each other in for the first time.


Alex sat up straighter at that and stared in awe at Sam and her daughter. “Wow, the last time I saw you, you were only a few weeks old. Your mom sent me a picture.”


Ruby observed Alex shyly and tucked herself into Sam’s side with a bit of a laugh. “Really?”


“Yeah, I still have it.” Alex fished her wallet out of her pocket and dug through it until she found the small, creased photo of Sam holding Ruby. The image had faded and one of the corners was worn from being tucked away. “See? That’s you.”


Lena wondered how many times Alex must have looked at the picture over the years and if the comfort she had drawn from it gave her strength while she was gone.


The surprise on Sam’s face softened to adoration that she tried to hide by blinking rapidly, and Lena leaned across the table to clasp her friend’s hand.


“Aren’t you an alpha?” Sophia asked, effectively ruining the moment by wandering over with a critical squint that pinned Alex to her seat. “Why do you smell like an omega?”


“Sophia, don’t be rude,” Lena reprimanded her daughter quietly but firmly. “You know better than to interrupt and ask personal questions like that.”


“It’s a valid question,” Sophia retorted with her attitude conveyed in the jut of her chin. She placed her hands on her hips and sassed her mother by asking another question. “Why would an alpha ever pretend to be an omega?”


Lena tried not to sigh in exasperation when Sophia chose to challenge her instead of listening.


“It’s okay, I’ve got this,” Alex intoned, signaling to Lena that she didn’t mind the blunt way Sophia showed her curiosity. She shared a knowing look with Kara, who must have filled her in on how Sophia might behave and then turned to give Sophia her full attention. “First of all, I’m not pretending to be an omega. Whenever I wear this, it’s because I feel like one.”


“That doesn’t make any sense. You’re an alpha.” Sophia insisted, her face scrunched up and lips forming a tight line of annoyance, like she took it personally.


Lena’s heartbeat ticked up at her daughter’s distressed scent and Kara pulled her closer to press a kiss to her temple, wordlessly asking for Lena to trust her. She did, of course, implicitly, but she still held her breath in apprehension.


“You’re right, I am an alpha,” Alex agreed, her tone soft and sincere as she held Sophia’s eyes. “And being an alpha doesn’t change the fact that sometimes in my heart I feel more like an omega. On those days, I like my scent to reflect that.”


Sophia’s conflicted emotions showed in her eyes and she frowned at Alex, posturing like an alpha, despite her open vulnerability. “Doesn’t that confuse people? What if they think you’re mocking them or trying to be something you’re not? What if they hate you or they don’t understand and you never find a mate?”

The rapid-fire questions didn’t faze Alex, and she kept her calm demeanor while she considered each of them. “It might confuse people at first, but it’s nobody’s business, unless you want to share that information. Not everyone will understand or like it, but I’m a firm believer in staying true to yourself. There’s a lot of people out there that will respect you for being bold enough to show your real colors, whatever they may be. As for mates…”


Alex side-eyed Sam covertly and offered Sophia a smile. “There’s always a risk that you might get rejected, but that’s part of life, so you should live yours in whatever way makes you the happiest.”


It must have piqued Sophia’s curiosity to meet someone whose views differed from the more dominant alpha perspectives that Andrea touted. As a parent, Lena tried to pass on her own open-mindedness about the societal roles of alphas and omegas, but she was beginning to understand that Sophia might have learned more from the example Andrea set.


“I’m not sure I would ever respect an alpha like you,” Sophia uttered without bite, like she wanted Alex to engage and argue her point. “No offense.”


Alex radiated positivity and reached into her bag to grab a book that she handed to Sophia. “Have a read of that, and let me know what you think of it the next time I see you.”


Sophia clutched the book in both hands, and Lena instantly recognized the title from the private school’s banned reading list. From A to O: A Spectrum.


Plenty of parents had complained when one of the teachers assigned it to the students in Andy’s grade. Andrea had been the most vocal by writing multiple letters and petitioning to get the teacher fired.


Lena knew that allowing Sophia to read that book would go against all of Andrea’s wishes as a parent. She stared at the silver cover and experienced a small internal conflict over whether or not to enforce her ex’s rules. For so many years, they had been a united front with the kids, but all of Lena’s opinions changed when Sophia presented as an omega. Her daughter’s shame made her want to ignore what Andrea would have wanted.


All eyes landed on Lena, and she held Sophia’s stare, sensing the need for approval emanating from her daughter. Whatever she did now would carry consequences for both of them, but it wasn’t her place to tell Sophia what to do, not when it came to how she felt. “It’s your choice whether or not you read it, Sophia. I’m not going to be upset or disappointed either way.”


Overwhelmed by everything she learned so far, Sophia ran off to stash the book in her room without another word. Ruby went after her, and Lena exhaled a heavy breath before pressing herself into Kara’s strong arms. “I hope I’m doing the right thing.”


“You’re supporting Sophia and letting her figure herself out. That’s really all you can do,” Kara whispered and gently caressed Lena’s cheek with pride.


The tender affection soothed Lena’s panic and she curled closer to her alpha, seeking safety and reassurance in her embrace.


Lena could have gotten caught up in the labyrinth of her worry instead of being a good host, but Sam drew her into a lighter conversation about their kids.


Soon they were sharing stories that Kara and Alex had never heard, and both alphas were captivated by their tales of parenting horrors and mishaps.


Sam regaled them with the time she planned to leave a poem and four quarters under Ruby’s pillow in exchange for her first tooth. It all went haywire when Ruby accidentally swallowed it that night by trying to tape it back into her mouth.

“She bawled the whole night because I told her that the tooth fairy was coming to collect it, and she was terrified that meant she would be taken away. I thought I traumatized her for life,” Sam explained through a laugh, finding it funny now that Ruby was older and no longer afraid.


By the time they had eaten the majority of the food on the charcuterie board and drank the rest of the champagne, it was three o’clock and Natty was restless and ready to nap.


“Since Sophia’s staying over again, why don’t I take Natty and Andy, too?” Sam suggested, already lifting a few of Natty’s toys to swap out the ones she had brought last night.


“We can’t ask you to do that two nights in a row,” Kara protested, clearing the table so that Lena wouldn’t be tempted to do it herself.


“You didn’t. I volunteered, and besides, it’ll give Alex some time to get to know them,” Sam insisted, carefully avoiding Lena’s approving grin like it might turn her to stone if she saw it.


The casual invitation to go back to Sam’s perked Alex up and she nervously ran her fingers through her hair and puffed out her chest. Her hopeful pheromones weren’t intrusive, but she tried to tone down the eagerness that laced them by zipping up her jacket. “Yeah, I would love that, especially since Andy and Sophia are supposed to be heading back to school next week.”


Under regular circumstances, Lena would have refused the generous offer, and yet there were multiple reasons to accept.


After discussing the arrangements with the kids, all were agreeable except for Natty, who hugged at Kara’s neck and asked to stay home.


It worked out in the end, because Sam and Alex made plans to take the teens to the movies, and Kara entertained Natty by building a fort in the living room while Lena cleaned up the lunch mess. Natty carried her new favorite stuffed animal and her blanket into the fort and fell asleep while Kara read to her from a picture book.


Lena walked in to find Natty asleep and Kara still reading softly to prevent their baby from stirring.


“The two of you are so cute in your pillow fort,” Lena whispered and crept over to sit beside Kara on the floor. She looked at Natty, whose hair was more out of her ponytail than in it.


“Natty told me I’m her best friend while you were in the kitchen, and that I’m an excellent fort builder.” Kara shut the book in her lap and exuded a proud energy as she gathered Lena into her arms.


“Oh, well, you are best friend material,” Lena blinked in flirtation and placed a hand on Kara’s chest to cuddle closer. “Think you can carry Natty upstairs and meet me in the bedroom in 5?”


“On it.” Kara performed a miracle by lifting Natty without waking her and carried her up the stairs to the toddler bed that they would soon need to upgrade.


Five minutes later, Lena had taken her hair down and slipped off her sun dress, and when Kara entered the bedroom, she was waiting naked in bed and begging with her sensual fragrance. She propositioned Kara with wide open legs, and pulled out her bedside drawer to retrieve a special lubricant she purchased a few weeks ago with Kara’s rut in mind.


The product’s packaging bragged about its results, how it enhanced alpha pleasure and guaranteed twice as frequent ejaculation. Kara needed no help in those respects, but Lena was still curious to find out what the slick substance would do and how it would affect Kara’s rutting cock.


“Come sit down,” Lena gestured and opened the bottle to spread the lubricant all over her palms. “I have a gift for you.”


“A gift?” Kara kicked off her shoes and pants at the same time, getting tangled in her clothes before making it over to the bed and tearing off her shirt.


The most devious plot came to Lena as she glanced down at Kara’s thickened glans in front of her and the broader part of the shaft that seemed like a knot could form just from the idea of sex.


Lena poured an extra glob of the lubricant into her hand and stroked it all over Kara, doling out plenty of attention to the heavy tip and the place that a knot would widen.


Kara growled from the gentle provocation, and Lena was impressed by how the lubricant already seemed to be working on the alpha’s over-aroused cock.


“I know we had sex earlier, but your cock feels so hard and like it hasn’t received any attention from me.” Lena remedied that with both hands, massaging up and down over Kara’s erection. The entire length was hot to the touch and her palms made it even warmer.


“I’m not sure I can wait anymore. All I want is to be inside you, Lena,” Kara groaned and bucked upwards to thrust her extremely swollen dick through Lena’s interlaced fingers.


“Not yet, just let me rub you for a little while longer,” Lena persuaded and smoothed even more of the lubricant over Kara’s throbbing base. “Weeks ago, when I went to a company meeting, I overheard a conversation between a few of the alphas. Normally I don’t listen in on their discussions, but one of them was recommending this product to her friend who’s trying to breed her wife. Does it feel good, Kara?”


“Unbelievably good,” Kara grunted and held her wrists to keep Lena’s hands positioned on top of the heated base of her cock.


The lubricant had science and personalization working for it, because it replicated the natural feel of Lena in heat. It had been special order and very expensive, but she could tell that it was worth the cost from all of Kara’s sexy moans and the dreamy expression on her face.


The hard tip of Kara’s cock was plum colored, and with a few perfect hand motions, a thick and molten shot of seed rushed out from it. Lena rubbed it against herself and repeated the process of caressing Kara until it happened again.


Kara squirmed on the bed, unable to keep still with Lena subjecting her to such calculated teasing.


“I want you to come again, Kara, so I can see just how much seed you’re going to put inside of me now that you’re in rut and we’re mates.” Lena rubbed over the base of Kara’s cock to remind the alpha of the sublime tightness of her cunt. “Apparently this lubricant I bought can help your knot hold much deeper.”


If they kept this up throughout Kara’s rut, Lena would be unable to walk by the end of it.


She thought about the possibility of booking an impromptu honeymoon of sorts and realized that they would likely spend the vacation at the hotel room or resort, entangled and without regrets.


Kara exploded into Lena’s hand again, and then attempted to pull her closer like she couldn’t take any more denial. “You’ve been teasing me all day long, Lena, and now I’m going to show you what that does to me.”


Lena moaned from how Kara restrained her hands and flipped her onto her side. Kara pulled one of her legs up, revealing the silky place between her pussy lips.


The head of Kara’s cock intruded between them, pressing against Lena’s damp entrance before breaching through it by an inch. The penetration was slower than expected and Lena began to ache inside for a fuller thrust.


It took her too long to realize that Kara was doing this to her deliberately. Kara was taking lessons from her playbook, and Lena’s soft and desperate whines filled the air between them.


“You want more, don’t you?” Kara husked and reached over her to massage seed into her twitching clitoris. “You want to be full.”


“Please, darling.” Lena pouted so beautifully and submitted in a subtle ways, by bending herself into a position against the pillows that would let Kara take her deeper.


Few alphas in rut were capable of demonstrating such self control, and Lena whimpered as Kara’s cock continued to give her the barest caress inside.


“You’re going to come first, baby.” Kara kissed the side of her neck assertively and gripped at Lena’s hips to prevent them from pushing back into her careful thrusts. She started to play with Lena’s clit and soon Lena was writhing in anticipation against the bed.


Lena pulled Kara’s other hand over her mouth to quiet the loud moan that erupted from her when her mate sucked on her claim.


The insistent stimulation from Kara’s mouth was unraveling her omega, and Lena groaned in frustration when Kara used her fingers to work her up to another gasping release instead of pounding into her the way she hoped.


“I know your secret,” Kara breathlessly stated, rocking into Lena to force her rippling inner walls apart. The tight clench of her cunt enveloped every inch of Kara’s solid cock and Lena shuddered at the blissful fullness.


“I don’t have any secrets from you,” Lena whispered, and a small and pitiful whine broke free of her throat when Kara slid out of her cunt and teased her entrance by pressing into it with just her tip.


The subtle flutter of her cunt tried to lure Kara deeper inside, and her omega became distressed the second it didn’t happen.


“Are you sure about that?” Kara’s lips kissed sweetly over Lena’s claim, content to paint languid swirls around the impression of her teeth. She looped her fingers over Lena’s clit in lazy circles.


The gentle rub brought Lena’s thighs together, and Kara growled seductively, “Be honest, Lena. You get off on how frequently I come, don’t you? You never say it, but I can feel your excitement and how much it turns you on when I fill your beautiful cunt.”


“Kara,” Lena gasped, her slick walls convulsing from hearing her mate acknowledge how well she knew her.


She had never experienced these desires with Andrea at all, and she wondered if her omega was discovering new passions now that she found the right mate.


“What excites you the most about it?” Kara asked and angled Lena’s leg up higher so they could both watch her cock begin to twitch.


Seed spurted into Lena’s opening and marked her inner thighs and they both groaned at the visual of how Kara’s claim transcended the mark on her throat. The act of being covered both inside and out with the alpha’s seed spoke of possession and Lena craved it hedonistically.


“That every part of me belongs to you, carnally and completely. You make me feel so sexy when you can’t hold back, Kara, with the eager way you rut into me like you need to give me all you’ve got.”


Kara fulfilled Lena’s desires by plunging the full length of her cock into Lena’s contracting heat, her guttural pleasure stifled in Lena’s hair as she pumped her hips harder. The rapid and rough pace evoked breathy, keening cries from Lena, and Kara silenced them with a hand pressed across her mouth.


Hot seed pulsed out of Kara’s cock and the alpha carried on, bottoming out with stronger thrusts that would leave Lena’s cunt exquisitely tender. Kara used the power of her quads to slam her swelling girth into the silky confines of Lena’s channel.


“I gotta be honest, Lena, knowing what could happen every time I come inside you thrills me, and I know you feel the same,” Kara whispered, scraping her teeth over Lena’s shoulder, the spice of their lust and love permeating the air, invisible and intoxicating. “You’re going to look so beautiful when you’re pregnant.”


The filthy sound of Lena’s moans went up in pitch as Kara dared to utter something she had been afraid to say. Ever since they agreed not to get crazy when she came off of her birth control, the thought of Kara’s seed taking hold turned Lena on. She chased the adrenaline rush of Kara filling her up and then knotting.


Finding out that Kara indulged in their planned recklessness too gave Lena the courage to express her wanton greed, and she turned her face to find Kara’s lips with her own. The kiss was pure teeth and tongue, and the harder she nipped the alpha’s lips, the rougher Kara ploughed through her contracting muscles to erupt inside her again.


They really were perfect for one another, and the connection they shared made it so easy for Lena to give herself over without any hint of shame. Kara’s bruising thrusts were tempered by her worshipful touch and she palmed Lena’s breasts while she swallowed down her soft pleading moans. No words were required for them to understand one another.


They wouldn’t plan for any pups, but they were going to revel in the potential creation of them every time they made love.


“Give me your knot, Kara, let me feel where you rightfully belong in rut.” Lena’s emphasis provoked Kara’s alpha and her whimpers dropped to dirty sounding grunts with the force of her mate’s enthusiasm.


She submitted through scent and pleading whines, her fingers restlessly digging into the sheets in an effort to present. The special lube ensured the glide was smooth and Kara fingered her clit in preparation for how she was about to spread her cunt.


A tremor began in Lena’s throat and followed the race of her pulse down to her core like a fault line, quaking her limbs as the pressure of her pleasure mounted. Tendrils of bliss broke to the surface, carrying her cries with it, and Kara tugged her harder into the wild rock of her hips.


Kara’s knot expanded at a rate that startled Lena, opening her cunt to such an extent that her mated pheromones were promiscuous.


“Oh my god, Kara,” Lena moaned, breathless and slurred due to the hormonal cocktail that heightened her euphoria.


Whether from Kara’s determination or the special lube, Lena experienced the swell of her mate’s knot deeper than ever before. She couldn’t articulate the bliss that took hold of her when the tip of Kara’s cock prodded her cervix and then throbbed powerfully in climax.


She had already lost count of her own orgasms, the perpetual spasm of her tight passage seemed never ending, and she melted into the bed in satisfaction.


“You get ten minutes to rest and then we’re going for round two,” Kara teased through a smile, and nuzzled into the crook of Lena’s neck to deliver featherlight kisses to her claim.


“Better make it twenty, unless you plan to wear me out,” Lena rasped, knowing full well that her alpha intended to lovingly fuck her senseless all night.


They would wait until Natty was officially tucked into bed and not just napping. It was a tried and tested routine they put in place months ago when they began juggling life together under one roof. Lena no longer stressed herself about looking forward to private time with Kara. She realized that balancing time for her kids and herself didn’t come at anyone’s expense when done correctly, especially since Kara co-parented so well.


After more than a decade of falling asleep with the belief in her head that she would never be loved, Lena was grateful she would be spending all of her nights in Kara’s arms, content and excited for their future together.