

Life isn't about finding yourself, it is about creating yourself for it can be a dream for a wise man, a game for a fool, a comedy for a rich man and even a tragedy for a poor man as I have learned that it is not what you look at that matters but what you see. The best way to get the most out of life is to look to it as an adventure for there are so many beautiful things in this world that can't always be seen or touched but felt with our hearts.

"Good Morning Veronika" Connor greet me as I sat in the garden smelling the roses "Good Evening Connor" I respond not hiding my longing sense to see the sun and vast in it "I'm sorry" He apologizes instantly making me feel bad, "No, don't be, it not your fault, for me it is morning for the moon is my day and the sun is my night" I say smiling gleefully before turning back to the roses, Liam had planted moon roses for me upon my first night here in hopes to give me some comfort with the dark, the garden has become my favorite place to vast in and hide my worries or troubles away "Will you be walking with me these evening?" I question "I'm afraid not" He answers "I have duties to attend to for Alpha perhaps Liam will like to come, he enjoys the garden as well","Liam" I whisper feeling my heart ping with joy; Ever since being saved by the black wolf and being brought here to the den of wolves, I have never seen the black wolf again but I had made a great friendship with Liam who's promised to take care of me. I been living with the wolves for a year now, part of me still misses home and I think of my mother every now and then and hope she is doing well, she must be going crazy wondering where I disappeared to but I know I must let go of that life to accept this new one. Letting my thoughts drift away I can smell the roses all around me and even the outside scents of the veil, Oh how I can't wait to run with the wolves and howl at the moon, I can just feel it- "You look troubled my dear" a voice suddenly spoke knocking me from my thoughts and there stood Striker with a cigarette in his hand "Must you bring that to the garden" I huff trying to sound mad but it is hard to be mad at Striker especially when he always brings good stories or treats from the outside world. "My, my, my, Princess do forgive me" Striker laughs infusing the P on Princess, a ridiculous pet name the wolves came up with upon meeting me. "Striker, must you call me by the stupid name?" I growl receiving a laugh "Do not pretend you do not love our little name for our little princess" He laughs out harder making me smile. "I still can not shift forms like the other wolves" I murmured to him "Veronika, you will someday, you just have to give your body time to get use to it's new higher archy of blood. Not every flower blooms right away sometimes they don't bloom for many seasons but when their season comes the petals open with such a rear beauty that has never been seen before making it the most beautiful flower in the garden" Striker says plucking a flower from the garden and placing it in my hair "My dear when the time comes your petals will shine and the others will know the rich entanglement of Veronika Meer", Staring at Striker, my cheeks quickly grow a rich color of pink as my heart begins to pound "Thank you, Striker" I say hugging him "No need to think me but, I'm afraid I should go" Striker says pulling away as he walks away from the garden.