

Death is the concession of life they say yet I feel so blissful and warm as if I am floating on a cloud across the midday mornings, Is this what death truly feels like? Death can be a blessing as shards of me fly through out the sky carefully being guided by a blinding light that pierces the blissfulness, guiding my way as if leading a lost lamb home; That's what i am a lost lamb. Not everyone is giving a second chance at life but somehow and someway I have been given that opportunity to live again.

I open my eyes and it is cold yet comforting as well as tears welt in my eyes with joy to be alive but something is off I feel as if half of me is gone, "To live does not mean that you are alive" A voice suddenly whispers in my head "Who's there!" I want to shout out but I can not make a sound "Oh poor lost lamb with the withered soul, death has claimed and marked you as his but I have saved you from his hell leaving him to sing a lonely death,, but I am no angel for if I am then paint my wings in black. You have been bewitched, enchanted, and followed by the dark shadows of your past"; HIs voice whispers to me as memories fly across my eyes and I threaten to cry "Oh poor lost lamb do not wither, for your petals have only begin to bloom"; "Petals?" I question feeling a surge of power flowing in through out me but I feel so hollow. "Your soul is gone, it bleed a scarlet red that I could not save. Oh what merciless hand life has dealt you"; He speaks as if knowing my life "What would you know?" I'm tempted to ask but I feel no voice inside "Hush my dear lamb, your spirit is there but sleeping and when it awakens you will no longer be light but the darkness that has been longing to be lost"; The darkness of pain I have kept hidden away for so long, The pain that followed me down the darken streets of my mind and played with my thoughts, It sends shocking pain through my body, I just want him to stop talking now. "You speak to me yet will not show me your face!" I scream in my head hoping he could hear me "I have been in front of you all your life, drawn to you by your freedom to live", "To live?" I question "Yes my lamb, rise and greet your new life".

Sitting up it is still dark yet it has begun to snow, the sky looks beautiful as the world dances in white but what stands before me is a wolf, his fur as black as night and eyes shining brightly yellow yet I do not fear. In my village the children are told stories of wolves coming to take them from there families and eat them alive if they misbehaved, we knew the stories to be fake and were only told to insure we not disobey our parents, but we always feared the wolves anyway, yet as I sit in front of this wolf I feel no fear but curiosity to touch and feel; as if sensing my wonder to know the wolf approaches me with ease "From this day on lost lamb, you must forget your past and accept the life that is waiting for you" He says to me. I know now that I can't change the directions of the wind the blows so eagerly but if I am strong enough I can adjust the sails to reach the destination that is waiting for me.