

Friday morning Melissa enters the building noticing immediately his vehicle wasn't move from the day before. That mean he still didn't return to his home.

Entering her office noticing immediately just as she had left it, it was the same. Not a file or note, nothing he did. Considering for a moment, 'Was the doctor report bad, or is he unwell?'

His office door was still lock, hurrying she unlock the door to ensure he was alright, 'Because next forty-five minutes he have a client coming in.'

Knocking at the door to his room, "Boss, are you awake, please answer me you have a client coming next thirty minutes," Knocking his door a bit harder, "Boss, answer me please, are you alright?"

"I heard you Melissa, I am fine so stop worrying."

"Then I will order breakfast for you immediately as you freshen up."

"Thank you, Melissa, and whoever is the client have the person screen by one of the Sergeant on duty."

"Yes Sir, I will get to it immediately.


Diandra recalled the few days before how stressful it had been. Having to go and join the pre-natal clinic and then visited the doctor because of the constant vomiting.

'All her hope was that the medication the Doctor prescribe will help to strengthen her, and the churning in her stomach will stop.'

Now all her clothes were beginning to stick on to her body, having to get a few house dresses and a few maternity dresses.

Since she returned home, 'She haven't visited Sam or Maria, knowing Sam had been observing her and he may have even suspected something was wrong.

The story telling competition came and it was a great success, Now her only fear was Alex might see it in the news paper or on the television.

She miss him so much, and the week after the story telling competition she had a very scary dream about him but he was safe. This is the second time she had dreamt him in the shot space of time.

Maria and Sam had also decided to have a get together with Sam working colleague who retired, something like a reunion.

Hearing Sam pleading over the phone for her to be there, Diandra could not say no, 'But what will he say when he sees her?

When Maria said they want me to be there because Margret and Natalia will be coming. Also, Ken and Beverly and all Sam close friend will be there.

Maria continues to say, Sam wants you to get yourself a beautiful dress.

Hearing Maria saying after she hesitated for a few minutes. "Dee, I brought you a really beautiful dress when we return from our vacation.

It seems that you have put on some weight so you will have to try it on before we go shopping for another dress just to make sure it fit.

Diandra didn't want to go shopping with Maria, so she went on her own visiting boutiques. It was becoming so stressful not finding anything suitable that will shield her pregnancy from everyone eyes.

Deciding after a few days of shopping and a lot of heartache, she get herself a few catalogues and order her dress online.

The days seems to fly by so quickly but Champ keep her going, holding his tiny hand Diandra took the buss home.

Recalling the Wednesday while she Ken and was working in the studio, Maria visit them. Hearing her telling Ken, "Ken, Sam need to speak with you before the day is over.

Diandra looks at Maria wondering, 'What is wrong with Sam ? I know I haven't visited for a good few days but this sound serious.'

Shaking her head, 'If something is wrong with Sam, Maria will let me know she won't hide that from her. Saying nothing before she start asking her questions.

When she focus her attention to me saying, "And you young lady have you found a dress already?"

"I am afraid not."

"Then how about we get some lunch and do some shopping?" 'Oh, those few day was very tiresome. Now having to go again and I am already tired.

Diandra and Maria didn't leave the town until it was half three. We had visited so many stores and my foot had swollen and the pain was unbearable.

It was such a relief when Champ ask for ice cream. Diandra had loved chocolate ice cream so much but today it tasted horrible.

Having no choice she just dump it and help Champ eat his vanilla which seem to fill the craving she had for ice cream.

Reaching Longfield, she asked Maria to stop for her to get a container of ice cream. Maria seems reserved when I ask her but at that moment I didn't care what anyone say or ask.

When Maria said she will get it, I said, "Never mind I will get it, she seems shocked I got the vanilla and cherry as I sit in the car but she said nothing.

I was just so anxious to reach home when we did, I just open the door seeing how my foot had swollen. I just took two spoons and Champ and I sit in front the television.

We eat until our hearts were content. Then Champ and I bathe and went to bed.

Saturday morning Champ and I had our breakfast then he was a bit stubborn wanting to see Sam.

I tried to sway him, but I didn't had the strength any longer, so I give in to his constant nagging and we walk up to see Sam and Maria.

Maria was busy preparing a special meal, it seem they were having some guess for dinner.

I didn't ask, because I wasn't told anything so I must be speculating or imagining things.

I help her out seeing the many dishes she was preparing but not big portions. Thinking maybe Ken is visiting, it was most of his favorite dishes.

Recalling before she leave Brixton, she had cook most of Alex favorite dishes 'When you love someone.

Sometimes you go out of your way to make them happy, especially when they are visiting you, oh, and on very special occasions.'