

Diandra contemplates deep within her heart about Alex, and how he would enjoy all these dishes, he loves rice and bean, and these dishes smell delicious, he would love it especially the baked chicken.

Christina always used to cook this for him, then pack a container away for him for the next day.

Oh if only she could see him, but then she knows she will want to touch him. Feeling the pain in her heart, not having anyone to tell how she was feeling.'

Feeling the touch, Maria notices how she was sort of in a daze, wondering, 'If she was alright, she has been very reserved with us since we returned from our vacation.

And that day we went shopping she wasn't herself. Recalling how despondent she were, complaining and her foot were swollen.

She seems restless and what was shocking was she had never liked vanilla ice cream. Now she has this craving for it, Sam used to notice the change in me when I was pregnant.

I used to have the strangest craving, and now Diandra seem to have those craving. Is this why Sam had ask Ken to invite that friend she was visiting. Has Sam suspected that she is pregnant?

Hearing Maria say, "Dee, here I pack this food for you, Sam and I are visiting a friend this evening and we might be back late.

So, I hope you don't mind staying at your cottage and you can come over tomorrow."

Maria heard her laugh right before she said, "I was going to say Champ and I was following up a movie we started last night, so this is wonderful."

Considering her for a moment, Maria thought, 'Did she just say that so I won't feel guilty,' "I am glad to hear that so, I will see you in the morning for Church."

"Do you mind Maris but I am having some problem these few days waking up early, I feel so tired."

"Honey, you have been saying that for a month now, are you using your vitamins?"

"Maria, what you said is true, but I will try, I am not promising anything, just look at my feet, as you can see it is swollen and I just walk up the road and help you a little in the kitchen.

Since my foot got damage I can't say what has been happening. Now let me leave, so you could start organizing Sam and you can reach to your engagement early."

"Dee!" Turning around slowly, her voice sound so pleading. "This is important to Sam; I know you enjoy spending the weekend with us."

"Maria it is okay, I understand so please don't worry about us."

"Dee, please don't look so disheartened."

"Look I am not; I bought some popcorn so Champ and I will have fun as we watch our show, I can assure you of that."

"Dee, thank you for all your help," Maria stood looking at her leave feeling hurt, 'She really look tired, and Sam asked that this meeting with her friend be strictly confidential, I hate sending her home.'

Wiping the tears as Sam said quietly behind her, "Has she gone?"

"Yes, she has, I don't know why you just didn't tell her that we have invited him for dinner? I hope you know what you are doing by meddling in her life?"

"Maria, there is no need for you to be angry? I know what I am doing, so will you just trust me?"

"Oh, Sam I trust you but she looked so tired and alone, and you know she hasn't visited in a month, and now when she did, I send her home.

I miss her around me and Joash wanted to stay with you tonight. I hope you know he misses you a lot?"

"Please my heart is weak already, so don't make it sorer, now I just came to see if you were finish, it is already half five and Ken will be here in a while."

"I know, so come along let me get your things for you."


Looking at his time once more, seeing it was only five minutes later than the last time he had checked.

'Ken said to be here for six forty-five it was already six thirty when he park up at the supermarket.

Alex so wanted to make sure he was on time, he came earlier but this feeling of anxiousness is frustrating.

"Oh Lord the day has finally reach when we shall meet again. I can't wait to see her face. I have so many questions for them but only time will tell.'

Wiping the sweat away feeling this impatient and uneasiness, unable to explain how he was really feeling, one moment is joy and another this overwhelming feeling of concern of meeting and greeting his family.

Taking a few deep breaths trying to calm down his mind and nerves, "Oh God this suspense is killing me, but I have waited three and a half months what is an hour or thirty minutes again."

Alex kept his eyes on the roadway as he waited patiently, for Ken arrival. Glimpsing at his time once more, "Oh boy, this five minutes look like it get long pants?"

Resting his head on the steering wheel thinking, 'It is just five minutes again.'

When his watch beep indicating it was six forty-five Alex jump as he exhales, taking a glimpse at the review mirror to ensure his face was not showing any sign of stress or anxiety.

When the BMW park up next to his van and Ken came out. Alex sigh and he pass his hand over his head in relief.

Hearing Ken speak Alex just listen wondering exactly what was really going on? "Okay, I am getting all of what you are saying?"

Trying to stay calm, then respond once more. "Do you mean Diandra won't be attending the dinner?"

"That is right, and another thing when we pass by her house, you are not to stop, blow your horn or anything that will draw her attention."

"Is she at her home?"


"Then, I need to see her, we have some things to discuss?"

"If you want to see her then do as I ask?"

"Has something happen to her?"

"She is fine, so just follow me and ask no question, and for your information she doesn't know about this dinner arrangement."

'Melissa is right her friends are protecting her,' passing her house the place was in total darkness. 'Ken said she is home, is he lying for me? Or is she lying to them, what on earth is really going on?'