

As the teacher enters the lunch room to get Champ, seeing the Major had him on his lap. "Champ what is this I am seeing?"

"It's alright Miss, I don't mind," Alex responds.

Hearing the bell ringing, when the child slide down from his lap. And holds Alex hand saying, "Uncle you carry me home?"

"No son, the bus is here to take you home."

When he said, "I want my mummy." Alex see the tears threatening.

"It's okay son, as soon as you reach home you will see you mummy. Now tell Uncle what is your name?"

"My Mummy calls me Champ."

"Okay Champ, so what is your mummy name?"

Seeing him laugh when he said, "Mummy!"

"And what is your daddy name?" When he shakes his head. "No daddy?" He nodded.

When the teacher said, "Okay, my boy comes here, you are going to get me in a lot of trouble, one of these days."

Noticing how he advance towards the teacher hugging her neck and kissing her cheeks, "I love you to honey."

Placing the bag on his back, "Your van is here and is waiting for you."

Watching his teacher holds his hand, Alex, notice he lifted his left hand and wave to him.

Unable to continue sitting, Alex stood up and and follow him to the door looking after him.

Watching him go to the bus, observing the bus driver distribute snacks to all the children.

Then she sees that all was buckled up properly, then drives off.

Lost in his thoughts recalling how beautiful his baby blue eyes were, just like Diandra. The only thing mom used to get her to eat was pasta.

Mostly macaroni pie, and beans just like how the child eats today. Diandra had lived on the street for so long, right before she came to live with us.

She never likes to eat rice just like this child and he favors her so much only his hair is blond.'

"Major Mellford are you okay?"

Turning towards the teacher, "Did you say something Miss?"

"I see, he has gotten your full attention."

"How do you mean Ma'am?"

"Mr. Mellford, Champ has a tendency of leaving those he met dumbfounded."

"Why do you say that Ma'am?"

"You seem to be lost in your thoughts, it's a wonder he didn't ask you to take him home."

'Thinking to himself, 'He did,' "Does he do that with everyone he met?"

"Only men, Sir, only men."

"He seems like a very brilliant child?"

"Oh that he is, and he is a very loving and a jolly child, but he look up to all men as though they might be his father.

And do you know he has excelled all the children in his class for a three-year-old.

Sometimes, he prays and bless the meals and if any child is hurt he asked Jesus to heal them when they cry.

Most of the times he sits with them. Mr. Mellford, Champ is truly a blessing.

He lives with his grandfather who loves him very much."

"What about his parents?" Alex ask curious to know everything about the child.

"Champ, says his daddy gone far away to work, and his mummy is truly a blessing. She is very active in the school, she is a member of the PTA. And she makes the best bread and pastries to sell."

"How do you mean Miss?"

"Major Mellford, every Thursday, she makes any type of bread you order to sell."

"Does she run a bakery?"

"No, she does her baking at her home and she attends to an elderly."

"She sounds like a very talented person?"

"That she is Major, when she volunteers to watch the class she tells the loveliest stories to the children."

Noticing all the teachers walking towards the staff room, the teacher and I follow the group and was seated.

As soon as the meeting commences Mrs. Jean Alma brings the meeting to order.

Informing the staff, "Seeing that the Major is here. I wants to discuss this part of the meeting first so he can leave."

Getting their agreement, she related to me, "Major Mellford, recently we have been noticing a few new unfamiliar faces, loitering around the school compound.

As you know School will be closing the coming week. I will like to requesting a Senior officer to be at the school compound."

"Is that all the help you needs Principal?"

"Major, we know when you are short staff sometimes new recruits comes, but due to the seriousness of the matter, we are requesting that a Senior officer report to the School compound for this closing week."

"If it will put your mind at ease, I will personally be here until School close."

"Thank you so much, Major, we have sent word to the parents to be on the lookout and had informed the bus driver also."

Back in his office pouring himself a cup of coffee. Sipping it slowly as the memory of the child flashback.

'His tiny, hand touching him and the way he rests his head against his chest. At that moment feeling a longing to hold his own child.

Alex felt like an awakening, and a desire from deep within has surface thinking about Diandra.

Looking at the sky as the sun shines, the color of the child's eyes was the same beautiful baby blue as the color of the sky.

Recalling the words the teacher had said that the mother volunteer to help in the classroom and she does baking for people.

Also she care for an elderly person and this child has grandparents. Diandra could barely take care of herself, much less for the elderly and a child. She cannot read so how on earth she could read recipes or tell stories?

With the phone ringing bringing him back to the presence.

Taking up the phone, "Yes Melissa, okay give me five minutes then send him in."

Washing his hands and face in his office suite, feeling refresh then return to his office.

When the knock came and Melisa enters the office, then step aside for the gentleman to enter.