

Rushing out the office saying to Melissa, "If she doesn't find anything we will continue the search in the morning, and please make arrangement for another officer to replace Mathew immediately."

Reaching at the location the officer was still unconscious and the police had apprehended the propitiators as the medic attended to him.

Reading the report Officer Mathew had called the police before his attackers overpowering him,

Seeing the two men in handcuff Alex suspected they were in their early thirties. Thinking, 'This last four and a half years, I have taken over the Security Firm, everything was running smoothly.

Only this last six months it's from one to the next, it already has four breaks-in and three attempts on my life.

Who is it that is really behind these vandalizing, and why is it I feel my life is being threatened?'

The owner Mr. Earl who was in the premises and had laid charges of vandalizing and burglary. Hearing him praise my officer for his quick thinking and the way he put himself at risk to protect him was commendable.

Before the police leave Alex inform them that, "He will be in with Officer Matthews in the morning. Right now he need to go to the hospital and as you see he hasn't regains consciousness yet.

So first thing in the morning he will submit his report and he will also be pressing charges of assault and brutality with the intention of bodily harm."

Officer Mathew regain consciousness after eight that evening, the medics had to put stitched and bandages on the cut that was on his head and his hand.

I had to wait until another officer report to the location before I went to the hospital and waited for the doctors to complete their examine with officer Mathew.

They had to get an x-ray done on his head, then I collected his prescription and took him home. "I will be here or Sergeant Gomez in the morning to take you to the station.

Now try and get some rest, you did well but next time you don't risk your life, you could have gotten shot by those fools."

"I am sorry Sir, but I had no choice but to delay them until the police came."

"Okay I understand but next time be careful, and try and wear your bullet proof vest when working."

"I will Sir." Alex shake his hand and said report to work when you are feeling better, you lost a lot of blood and I am proud to have you working in my Firm."

Reaching home when the watch beep eleven. Alex bath then went and made himself some hot tea and eat some crackers and cheeze, to tired to fix himself any other meal.

In his room he lies on his bed but he felt so restless thinking about the incident earlier then about Diandra.

Unable to sleep Alex pull his robe and took the photo from his briefcase resting it on the robe pocket as he walk to the room where he and Diandra had spent that night where they had shared their bodies together.

Wanting to feel close to her, slipping his slipper out, resting his robe on top the chair next to the bed, as he reaches into the pocket and took her photo out and lie down.

Stroking her face, "I miss you so much, don't you know how much I love you?

You must be thinking I don't care or know about my children but my dearest sweet Diandra I can't wait until Saturday when I can see you and take you in my arms, you have giving me a family that I wanted so much.'

Resting the picture under the pillow, Alex pray the Lord's protection and that he will keep her so we can be a family soon.

Alex thought as he close his eyes, 'Since I have returned to the Lord all this madness started to happen. Lord is the devil angry and using these people to sabotage my business. No my Lord you will not allow any harm to come to me or my workers nor my business.

I pray that you will build a blood hedge of protection around all my men, my business my family and my life. Seal us so every snare will be smashed and shattered in Jesus name amen."

The morning came and Alex felt so drain sending a message for Sergeant Gomez to take Officer Matthews to the station with his report.

Then he call the office letting Melissa know he will be in for after lunch, and to let Sergeant Holmes do the patrol.

Lying down once more Alex tries to sleep but he was restless, until he get of the bed going to the kitchen an hour later after reading his bible and freshen up.

Recalling in his mind that, 'Melissa said she see this person on the television with this dress.' Sitting in front the television with a steaming cup of coffee, hoping to catch a glimpse of the person.

Thinking at that moment, 'It was to early for that broadcast to show,' Alex just lessen the volume and close his eyes, hoping to get an hour rest again.

As the events unfold of when Diandra throw Roxanne out the house. 'Could it be that Roxanne is responsible for all this breaking in. But she didn't know that Diandra was my wife when the first shooting take place.

What I want to know is she that vindictive? Should I call Rodney and ask him to make a check to ensure it is just as prank or is it happening random?

If not then I will need to take some serious precaution. Because I don't want to believe she want to discredit me even to shot me?

Opening his eyes overhearing himself praying asking the Lord to protect him because this is three times his life was threatened already within this short space of time.'

Sitting upright feeling the sweat running down wondering, 'If his dream was true?'