

Alex waited after his patrol Monday afternoon when he and Melissa went shopping for a dress. "Melissa, she is almost four months pregnant, so we need to get a dress that will not reveal her pregnancy."

"Is she alright Boss?"

"I am not sure, when the doctor spoke to me, he said she looked unwell but Sam said she is okay."

"Boss, could it be she thinks her friends is unaware of her pregnancy, so she is pretending to look well in front of them?"

"I believe you are right, she has a tendency of concealing her emotions pretty good."

"Have you learned anything about if she is the story teller?"

"Nope, they all seem to have some kind of secrets, and they speaks in riddles which is very confusing at time. One thing I am certain about is the child is mine."

"Boss, is the child she carrying yours or are you speaking about the one in the pre-school?"

Melissa notices the way he smile, "The both is mine Melissa, and I am hoping very soon that my family will return to my home, any other matter will be resolve after."

"So, tell me this Boss, if the child in the pre-school is your son, why didn't you figure it out before?"

"Because my dearest secretary, those teachers only used to called him Joash or Champ not once they mention his title which is Alexander Mellford."

"Okay, I understand but you must be relieved now with all this good news?"

Looking at her as we continue searching through the selections of gowns, thinking, 'I should be relieved but I am not, she is all alone and unwell.

I never had the opportunity to care for her when she was carrying Joash, now this pregnancy and yet again she is all alone.

Hiding her pregnancy from her friends is hard, and I know she needs me and I need to be with her.'

Becoming frustrated Alex almost give up the search, I now understand her frustration of not finding anything appropriate for her to wear.

This could make anyone angry, especially in her condition and also with her foot swollen as Maria said, she had a right to behave unmanageable as she did.'

Recalling the day, I was searching for her seeing the same store we hurried inside noticing it was almost closing time.

Alex told Melissa, "Why don't you go that way and I will go this side and we will meet up in the middle lane."

Doing as he said but it was just useless reaching the middle lane noticing this picture, thinking, 'This photo look like the Madam.

I saw a woman wearing that dress in television a few weeks back.' "Boss come see this photo this person looks just like the Madam?"

Hurrying to Melissa side seeing the photo knowing immediately it was Diandra photo. Calling the attention to the clerk to assist him, "My dear can you tell me who is this woman?"

"Sir, that is one of our customers, she had bought the dress for a special function."

"Has she come in the store recently?"

"Yes, she was here a few days ago looking for a gown."

Noticing the way, she looks at him, "Sir I remember you, it was almost a month ago you came in here looking for someone."

"Was this woman in the store that day?"

"I supposed she was but I wasn't the one that attended to her, the Boss did sell that dress and took out the woman photo."

"Okay, but I need a favor I need a copy of the photo."

"I am sorry I cannot do that."

"Young lady do you have permission to advertise that picture?"

"Yes, Sir, but I am really sorry, I cannot give out her photo without her permission."

"I am sorry but I was just thinking I would surprise her, my intentions were to frame it for her as a surprise."

"Do you know the person Sir?"

"Yes, my dear, she is my wife. If you recalled clearly, I said we were shopping together when we got separated.

Now this photo look so amazing, my friend and I came here to buy her a gown for a function on Saturday, are you expecting any new collections to come in before Saturday?"

"Sir, you confused me."

"You will be amazed, I confused myself so I understand how you feel."

"Look Sir, I will get the boss lady for you she was the person that took the photo of your wife."

"Thanks!" Seeing the young lady coming, recalling she had told me to look around. "Sir my worker informed me of your request. But do you have any proof to verify your claim?"

"I am afraid not but if you recall that day, she bought the dress, I came looking for her and you told me to go ahead and look around."

"Yes, I did, but I didn't know it was her you was looking for?"

"Yes, but this photo look amazing, so I will frame it and give it to her as a surprise if you give me a copy?"

"That was exactly what I told her when I took that photo." Alex said his thanks when she gave him a photo then leave.

After visiting the mall and they were unsuccessful in their search, Alex decided to give up the search feeling tired and it was frustrating.

Saying to Melissa, "All the stores seems to be closing now, how about we check some of the other malls but right now my foot has given up."

"Boss, we could check on line to find a gown for her."

"Great idea."

Back at the office Alex took the box of food and eat. Feeling drain he went to his room and freshen up then return to his office and began working.

Half six Alex decided to go on line to check to see what he can find for Diandra. Half an hour had pass and he didn't find anything appropriate.

Closing his eyes, he began to whispers word of prayer, when suddenly his phone ring and disturb him.

Answering, only to hear that at one of the locations there were a vandalizing and his officer had gotten injured.