

Alex check the fridge to see what else Diandra had fix, seeing a container with fresh salad portionized in small zip lock bags.

He immediately recalled that first day when she came how she had cried when she sees the kitchen cupboard was empty.

'Oh Father, how long did she spend in the kitchen preparing all these dishes? Her foot must have swollen.

Lord, she ensures that my meals was prepared for when I return from work, even if it just for a few days.

Yet she behaves as though she doesn't care, but look at the sacrifice she made.'

Wiping the tears, "How could she think of all of this and not consider about us? Didn't she know that I will miss her and being apart will be unbearable?"

Overwhelm by his grief, Alex sit at the table releasing the tears that has been bundled up during the day. Allowing it to flow freely, knowing there wasn't anyone to see his brokenness.

Seeing mom bread basket next to the microwave, He remove the towel, only to see there were so many different types of pastries, "Did she buy these or made them?"

Inhaling its aroma, made him hungry, it was sweet and fresh. Replacing the food, and take up a muffin with the cherries and eat it then went to his room.

Seeing his wardrobe slightly open and her gowns were hanging next to his suits, and at the bottom were her shoes and next to it were a bag with all the accessories.

Feeling his knees getting weak going to his bed and sits down, Alex felt this loneness just zoom in. Thinking at that moment, 'Everything has gone so wrong, when did she become so clever.

She was such a cry baby, now she possesses so much strength and self-control. I can't believe she outwitted me?'

Wiping his tears, 'I have told her so many times that night how I love her, but not once did she whispers a word of love to me, she just kisses me.

When I thought our relationship was escalating, it just suddenly collapses. Now the desire to return home is gone and I feel so isolated and lost.'

As the many questions bombarded his mind, Alex suddenly stood up and hurried to the window, opening it, he took some long deep breath. Fulling his nostril and lungs with the fresh air, so he could think clearly.

Stretching his hands towards the heavens crying out to God, "Lord, she is my wife and I love her so much.

I am not going to give up on my love and from tomorrow I will start making enquires on those friends of her. Lord for now I will accept the decision she made but soon I will win her back."


Opening her eyes Diandra felt lost for a moment then as she recollect she was back in Longfield and she was home in her couch. Reaching for the light switch Diandra put it on.

Observing it was nine-o-clock already and time was running out on her. Walking up the stairs with her bag when her phone rings.

Answering seeing it was Maria, "Yes Maria, hello can you tell me why you are worrying, didn't I say I will be waiting by the gate when you reach. Yes, Maria, I am home, okay bye."

Observing she had two missed called, Diandra called the number, hearing Alex voice, Diandra listens just for a minute then switch of and saved the number.

When the phone rings again seeing that it was his number Diandra only hears a beep and the phone went dead.

'Oh Lord, now the battery is dead,' looking for the charger in her bag only to remember it was still in his study in Brixton.

In her room removing all her clothes from the bag and pack a few other pieces, then hurried and bath and take all her dirty laundry and throw it in the washing machine.

While the clothes was washing, she pass a broom in the house quickly knowing that Maria said they will be here for half ten.

Hanging the few pieces in the laundry room then hurried up to her room to get her bag and the bag with the pastries and a bottle of water, placing it in the bag then hurried out.

At ten fifteen Diandra lock the cottage door and walks up the street. The street was bright and safe no ones bother you.

Knowing that Alex will come looking for her Diandra decides to stay a few days at Sam's, seeing that Margret will be staying a few days with Maria and Sam.

'If I stay indoors, then his search will be unsuccessful and no one will suspect a thing. I will just have to keep my emotion suppress and all should go well.'

When her belly grumbles Diandra reaches into her bag and take out a muffin and the bottle of water.

While standing at Sam's entrance she nibbles on the snack. Recalling that she left Brixton without eating breakfast, and reaching home she felt a heaviness overshadow her.

Bringing about a gloominess and tiredness that overpowered her that she only drop the bag down and relax on the couch.

Thinking now , 'Those two nights was very trying, I was afraid to close my eyes before he brake down the door, the way he was misbehaving as though he was a cage lion.'

Noticing the ambulance behind the BMW coming Diandra walk aside from the front of the gate as it open. As the BMW drives inside first then the ambulance reverse inside.

Maria, step out first giving Diandra a peak on her cheek, then hurry and open the door switching the light on.

Seeing Margret step out the BMW saying, "He will be glad that he is home, but they misses you a lot." Hugging her as the medic assisted him into the wheelchair.

Kneeling before him, "How are you feeling Sam?"

Seeing the tears, stroking his face "You are home now and I miss you so much."

"Princess, I won't be travelling anywhere without you again."