

Resting down the phone, 'Dear Lord, she is returning to Longfield today, but how could I get my days so mix up?

I was supposed to drop her at her home. Is that why she wasn't answering the phone. Oh God maybe she has already left?'

Calling the house phone once again, when she didn't answer, thinking, 'He was definitely sure she have left already.'

When Alex phone ring he answer, "Yes Melissa."

"Boss, I am letting you know that tomorrow we don't have any available officer to report on duty to the Little Angels pre-school in Longfield. The officer that was rostered for that location is on vacation."

"Okay, but can you get two officers to ride with me on patrol now?"

"Sir, the only available officer in the building is the officer that was wounded."

"Will you inform him that he will be joining me on road patrol today. And Melissa can you tell me why there isn't any Sergeant available?"

"Sir, I had to dispatch two of them this morning when two officers called in sick."

"Very good, and we will be calling when we reach at each location."

"Yes, Sir and I will inform Officer Marcus immediately.

"Okay thank you, and can you put out and add for recruiting new officers please?"

"Sir, we recently recruit some new officers."

"I know, so just do as I ask?"

"Yes Sir."

With his feet double up and resting on his desk Alex closes his eyes thinking aloud, "There were never a time I was able to profile her.

When I am thinking she will do one thing, she does the opposite. It's like the table turns when it comes to us?

She seems to read me out like a book, She know exactly how to manipulates me so I will be rattled up, and I won't think rational.

I never stop for one moment and think this was her plan to leave without having to say goodbye.

Oh Lord, she knew the separation will be very emotional, and difficult for us so she choose to do it this way, and she never had any intentions of us spending the weekends together anyhow?'

When Melissa, enters his office to let him know that Officer Marcus was waiting on him, hearing him laughing.

The first thought that flashes through her mind was that he had gotten in contacted with her. "Sir have you gotten in contact with the Madam?"

As he continue to laugh as though she haven't ask him anything, Melissa notices him wiping his face, "Sir, are you alright?"

"I don't know, I am still trying to figure it out?"

"How do you mean Sir?"

"Melissa, I believe Diandra has planned this from the moment she met Roxanne?"

"I don't quite get what you are saying, how did she met Roxanne, Sir?"

"That psycho visited my house Sunday and Diandra invited her in, she is more cunning than I imagine.

Melissa, she willfully and skillfully aggravated me in such a a way so I will forget she was leaving today." Looking at his time, "I am sure she had called a taxi and left already?"

"Sir, you said she cannot read, so how can she call a taxi?"

"Melissa, my dear girl, right now, I wouldn't put nothing pass Diandra, if she could concoct this plan, then anything is possible with her?"

Melissa, observed as he leaves to go on patrol how confused and downcast he was.

Understanding the predicament he was in, and wanting to help, she whispers a prayer once more for him to come to terms with what is happening.


Alex did his work not letting his men see how distracted he was. Just quarrying on the safety of the premises, and if there were any problems.

He signs the station diary and pocket diaries then left. No long conversation, any questions they had, he just said "Right now I am busy or you can call Gomez."

Looking at the time as his stomach growls, He had a burger and juice around two. Thinking one day has finally comes to an end, and everyone has left the office.

Returning to the house, was another episode which he didn't want to face, but he had no choice.

Opening the door only to be confronted with total darkness. 'Oh Lord for two weeks this place was a home, where I look forward to returning.

Now the darkness overshadows the beauty and the thought of seeing her here is gone.'

Switching on the light he went to the kitchen everything was neat and clean, nothing out of place. This is how Mom used to have the kitchen.

Taking a glass, Alex went to get a few blocks of ice, having to shift a few containers to get the ice tray, wondering at that moment, 'What was all those containers doing in the freezer?

Taking out a few then open it seeing food neatly stored away, checking a few others. It was only then he realized all the packets of meat we bought Sunday morning wasn't there.

She really had planned out this not giving me a hint of what her intentions were. Roxanne or no Roxanne she had already formulated a way to get me on edge.

Dear God, I has fallen into her trap without thinking twice. So all that talk about celebrating she said to Roxanne was just to distract and mislead me.

Leaving one of the container of food, then covered the others and replace it just as neatly she had it.

Going into the cupboard to get a juice seeing the cupboard was stock with drinks. We didn't buy all these stuffs, so when did she purchased these items?

Recalling she went to the doctor maybe when she was returning she stop at the supermarket, but how much cash did she used.

Oh Lord she must have used up the last of all her cash. When I report to the Pre-School tomorrow, I will visit her and I still have to pay her.'