

Overhearing her telling her dinner companion, "That she glimpses a friend and will be right back."

Seeing she approach the table. "Alex this is a surprise, I see you are not having a difficult time getting a dinner companions."

Although Roxanne was talking with Alex, he never takes his eyes away from Beverly. "You know me, Roxanne, I hate eating alone, but meet my friend Beverly, Beverly meets Roxanne.

Oh my goodness, I completely forget, Roxanne will you just keep Beverly company for a few minutes, I have to send an important message to someone."

Walking to the washroom then on his way back Alex ordered two slices of black forest cake and returns to the table.

"Thank you so much, Roxanne," looking at Beverly, "Is something the matter, Beverly?" Turning to Roxanne, "Did you upset Beverly, Roxanne?"

"You know me, Alex."

Turning to Beverly, "I am sorry for leaving you alone with Roxanne, whatever Roxanne said to upset you, I apologies. I had forgotten how malicious and jealousfull she can be at times."

"Since you put it so bluntly Alex, I will leave you two love birds together."

"Please do that Roxanne," holding Beverly's hands immediately in his gently stroking it, "Will you be alright?"

"I am fine but can we get out of here, please?"

"I already ordered dessert, just don't let what Roxanne said bothered you. We recently broke off our friendship, so she is agitated especially seeing you with me, it is not you she is angry with, it is me.

Look try and relax as you can see our desert is here, and it looks so scrumptious, let not make Roxanne ruin our evening?"

Hearing his phone ringing after we had eaten our desert, trying to find it, "Oh God, when did my phone fell on the floor, it's a good thing it rings?"

Taking the phone up quickly Alex listen to the person speaking, standing up, he said, "Sorry Beverly," placing the money for their dinner on top of the table then gives her twenty dollars.

"You can pay for the taxi fare, I must go, there is an emergency and I have to report to the office."

Saturday morning Alex had his breakfast then dress. Taking his briefcase with the contract, going to the office first, then leave for Mr. Millington office.

Standing in Mr. Millington's music store for exactly ten o clock with the contract for him to sign.

Waiting while he read through the contract properly, then answered the few questions he ask before he did any signing.

Hearing his satisfaction before he put his signature, saying his thanks. Alex shake his hand, "It will be a pleasure doing business with you Sir."

Leaving Mr. Millington office for half ten then stop along the way and get a dozen white roses, hoping with all his heart that he meet her at the gravesite.

Reaching by the cemetery in Almond street for eleven, knowing she comes around this time but there were no yellow roses by the grave.

Instead it had two roses planted at both sides of the tomb. It looks freshly planted, Alex turn looking around knowing in his heart she was here not to long ago.

Seeing the soil was freshly dug up scoping around, thinking, 'Maybe she is still around, but as the minutes passed by discouragement creeps in.

Causing him to feel so downtrodden, as hopelessness infiltrates his mind weakening his heart, flushing away the hope he builder up for the last few day.

Without thinking twice Alex rest the roses on the tomb then return to his van.

In the van resting his head on top of the steering wheel, having a difficult time accepting the fact that, 'if he really wants to see Diandra, then he must go to her home.'

Taking a few deep breaths feeling as though the air was being snuff out of his nostril, Alex then step out of the van once more.

Returning to the gravesite, still hoping, only this time the tears rolls down his face as loneliness zoom's in overshadowing his entire being.

Alex felt the burning desires he had for the last few days to see her has consumes him.

In all the years being apart, never have he felt so alone and the urge to see her was so strongly, returning to the van this time driving away.

Unconcern of where he was driving but continues driving on the stretch. Reaching the town when the light change to red and he stop.

Alex only realize he was in Longfield while waiting on the light to change. Looking around, 'Was I so distracted thinking about Diandra that I have driven all the way down here?'

Glimpsing this person as she gets on the bus, her hair was long and sort of brownish, reddish color, but Diandra hair was long and black.

Diandra hair was never so neat, after mom died she never know how to manage her hair. This person had her hair neatly comb and it was double up reaching to her hip.

This person was well dressed, and had a beautiful bag hanging on her shoulder. Shaking his head hearing the honking of the horns as the light change.

Driving to the service station filling up the tank, trying to reason in his heart, wondering, 'If that person could be Diandra.'

Leaving the station finally deciding after weighing the thought, if to go and visit or if not?

Reasoning it out when it struck him, 'Diandra was never able to tend to herself and four years won't make any difference.

Concluding in his mind that he was mistaken, but he wasn't too far from her home, I will pass by hoping to get a glimpse of her.'

Driving slowly almost reaching the house seeing the beautiful roses, and it seems she had recently painted the house in this papaw color with cream on the edges and on the fence, 'It looks good.'

Noticing the front door open, Alex continues to drive about a hundred feet away, and park up.

Angling the review mirror, so as she step out he could see her. "Lord please let me get a good glimpse of her."

When she did come out, unable to believes his eyes, "Dear God she looks so fair and beautiful, even more, beautiful than when we were married.

Any color would take her complexion, she looks amazing." Unable to take his eyes off her until she went inside the house.

Resting his head on the steering wheel, Alex whispers, "Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayers."

Recalling the woman once more that was entering the bus, 'Could it be her? Nah that woman looks much more sophisticated.'

Seeing her head band up, Alex was satisfied with what he saw, just closing his eyes, feeling the driving force that had him longing these last few days, has finally subsided.