
The Beautiful Female CEO Fell in Love with Me

A talented trader in a company and a well-known financial queen. Their first encounter was when they were drunk. He stumbled back to the company to get his cell phone and found that there was still someone in the president's office! In a drunken stupor, he staggered to the door and kicked it open! Suddenly, a drunken man and a sober woman found themselves in a unique situation, which led to an unforgettable story between them.

wu2024 · Urban
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39 Chs

Some people, please don't have such dirty thoughts

Jiang Yanfei really didn't expect to introduce herself so boldly.

Although they had now confirmed their relationship, according to Jiang Yanfei's original plan, they needed to get to know each other better before making any decisions. But now it seemed different from what she had imagined. Maybe it was because of the trial run the night before yesterday.

Jiang Xuefei was surprised because she didn't know when her sister had found a boyfriend.

And today, it seemed like she might have rear-ended her own brother-in-law?

Jiang Yanfei sighed with relief when she saw that both of them were fine, and then turned to her sister and said, "I told you to go to bed early yesterday, but you didn't listen. Were you dozing off again today?"

When Muge heard this, he was surprised and looked at Jiang Xuefei. Damn, this girl was a repeat offender? This was even more outrageous than a female road killer!

Jiang Xuefei also saw the look in Muge's eyes and blushed. "Sister, I'll be more careful next time. Let's go now, I'm going to be late."

"You know what? Next time I'll have to get you a driver!"

With that, the three of them walked towards Jiang Yanfei's car.

As soon as they reached the car, Jiang Yanfei sat in the passenger seat, and Jiang Xuefei sat in the backseat. Muge understood what that meant and sat in the driver's seat.

"Where are you going now, Xuefei? I'll drop you off first," Muge asked as he fastened his seatbelt.

"Hangzhou University of Finance and Economics!"

Muge was surprised. Could it be that coincidental? His younger sister went to Hangzhou University of Finance and Economics.

But he quickly started the car and drove towards the university.

Sitting in the backseat, Jiang Xuefei was very curious about Muge.

So she asked, "Brother-in-law, when did you and my sister get together?"

Faced with this question, Muge was about to answer when Jiang Yanfei, sitting in the passenger seat, said, "Last week. And don't tell Mom, okay?"


"Oh, okay."

"So, who pursued who?" Jiang Xuefei was now extremely curious, but she also admired her sister's taste. Muge was really handsome.

"I did," Muge smiled slightly in the driver's seat. Jiang Yanfei was now able to introduce him to her family so generously. If he didn't reciprocate, it wouldn't be right.

Jiang Yanfei also gave him a surprised look and felt sweet in her heart: hmm, you still have a conscience.

At Hangzhou University of Finance and Economics, Jiang Xuefei said goodbye to the two of them and got off the car with a thoughtful expression on her face.

After Jiang Xuefei got off, it was just Muge and Jiang Yanfei in the car. For a moment, the car fell into silence.

Both of them, as singles who had never been in a relationship before, didn't know how to proceed.



After a moment of silence, they both spoke at the same time.

"You go first!"

"You go first!"

Jiang Yanfei now felt like she had done something wrong. She always felt that Wang Wei wasn't very reliable, and if he really told Muge about the incident the night before, she would be a little nervous. So instead of waiting to be confronted, she decided to speak first and give him a scolding.

So Jiang Yanfei said, "You know about what happened the night before last, right?"

"What happened?" Muge pretended not to know and drove seriously.

"You're still pretending? Don't you know who I was chatting with the night before last?"

"Okay, Wang Wei let it slip when we were playing games yesterday. He said you took his WeChat the night before last, so that means you were the one chatting with me the night before last?"

Muge directly made Wang Wei the scapegoat.

After hearing Muge's words, Jiang Yanfei thought to herself: Wang Wei really isn't reliable!

Jiang Yanfei saw Muge looking at her out of the corner of his eye, and she knew that he was about to be scolded. However, Muge knew that if he didn't want to be scolded, he had to take action, even if there were no conditions to create them.

So, before she could say anything, Muge quickly reached out with his right hand and grabbed Jiang Yanfei's delicate hand, holding it tightly.

Jiang Yanfei was momentarily stunned. At this moment, Muge was holding her hand, their fingers intertwined.

Surprisingly, Muge looked quite charming as he drove seriously while holding her hand.

Jiang Yanfei, who had originally intended to scold Muge, suddenly lost her temper and didn't know what to say.

Her beautiful face blushed slightly, and she tried to pull her hand away, but Muge held it tightly, not letting go. Giving up, Jiang Yanfei could only let him hold her hand.

But she still said in a coquettish tone, "You're such a pervert, always touching me..."

Muge turned his head to look at Jiang Yanfei and said, "What's wrong with me holding my girlfriend's hand?"

Then he took a moment to admire Jiang Yanfei's appearance today.

She was wearing a beige, tailored suit with light makeup that wasn't exaggerated but looked natural.

It had to be said that Jiang Yanfei's sense of style was deeply appealing to Muge.

Her already stunning beauty was complemented by a goddess-like aura, making her even more breathtakingly beautiful.

Jiang Yanfei said, "Didn't I tell you not to touch me without my permission? What makes you think you can just do whatever you want?"

Muge was momentarily at a loss for words.

Jiang Yanfei continued, "And another thing..."

"We just got together, no, I agreed to go out with you."

"Isn't going out together the same as being in a relationship?" Muge couldn't help but interject.

"Don't interrupt me. Where was I? Oh, right. We just started dating, so can you please have a healthy mindset and not always think about weird things?"

Muge was confused. What weird things? What was she talking about? I just held her hand, how does that make me have an unhealthy mindset?

"What weird things am I thinking about?" he asked.

Jiang Yanfei blushed and glanced at Muge before saying, "Um...you know, like...paying the rent or something. And having some kind of spiritual fantasy."

Muge was left with a black look on his face. What the hell was she talking about?

Just because I held her hand, does that mean I want to pay the rent? Why would I even think that?

And what the hell is "spiritual fantasy"?

Suddenly, Muge remembered the chat he had with her best friend the night before last.

He seemed to have made a joke about Jiang Yanfei being on his bed, waiting for him?

Oh, that's right. Now he understood where the problem lay.

Everything was clear now. So this was what it meant to lift a rock and drop it on your own feet?


"Er, well, I'll try my best in the future," he said awkwardly.

Jiang Yanfei nodded, not correcting the phrase "try my best" because she was also feeling extremely embarrassed inside.

After all, this was her first relationship, and she didn't know if what she said was right or not. But Jiang Yanfei was a traditional person, and she couldn't help it.

So the two of them fell into silence again until they arrived at the company.

Back in her office, Jiang Yanfei finally realized something was wrong. This wasn't how she had planned to scold Muge. Why had she spoken so gently just now?