
The Beautiful Female CEO Fell in Love with Me

A talented trader in a company and a well-known financial queen. Their first encounter was when they were drunk. He stumbled back to the company to get his cell phone and found that there was still someone in the president's office! In a drunken stupor, he staggered to the door and kicked it open! Suddenly, a drunken man and a sober woman found themselves in a unique situation, which led to an unforgettable story between them.

wu2024 · Urban
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39 Chs

be rear-ended by my future sister-in-law

The pleasant two-day weekend passed quickly.

Muge is not a person who enjoys liveliness, preferring solitude and spending time alone. During weekends, he likes to do his own thing.

This weekend in Ningcheng, he simply stayed at home for two days.

He played games for two days, as men often harbor a child-like spirit deep inside.

When no one is around, he releases this inner child, but when out in public, he carries himself as a man and strives to live diligently.

Becoming the pillar of support for his family.

At 5 am, Muge had already packed up, taking advantage of his parents still sleeping.

He quietly left the house.

Arriving downstairs, he followed his usual routine of driving his car to the entrance of the residential area and having a casual meal of pancakes, fried dough sticks, and tofu jelly.

Then, he embarked on his journey back to Hangzhou.

Muge had been maintaining this weekend routine for almost a year.

As soon as he got onto the highway, Muge turned on the car stereo and immersed himself in the music while driving.

However, for some reason today, his mind kept wandering, and as he was about to reach Hangzhou, Muge slowed down the car, changed the song while driving.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang!

Muge lurched forward.

"Damn, can't you drive? Really frustrating!"

Muge immediately turned on his hazard lights, restrained his emotions, and then pushed open the car door to get out.

To his surprise, he saw a BMW 5 Series had collided into the back of his car.

At this moment, a girl also got out of the BMW 5 Series.

Although she was very pretty, Muge had no interest in admiring her beauty at the moment.

"Hello, I'm really sorry. I just spaced out. I apologize, sir!"

As soon as she got out of the car, the girl apologized to Muge.

Ignoring her apology, Muge walked to the back of his car to assess the damage.

It seemed like he was going to be late today.

The girl quickly followed behind him.

"Sir, I'm sorry. I'll compensate for the damages."

Initially, Muge really wanted to get angry, but he held back his temper. After all, he was now a proud owner of a Mercedes-Benz.

"It's okay, it's just a minor issue. We can handle it through insurance," said Muge calmly.

"Oh, okay. Thank you, sir," replied the girl, relieved.

The girl hadn't expected the handsome young man in front of her to have such a good temperament.

When she hit his car, she was quite frightened.

"What were you thinking about just now when you spaced out?" asked Muge, as they waited for the police and towing service to arrive.

"Well...it's not really spacing out. It's just...I stayed up too late yesterday and felt sleepy," explained the girl, blushing slightly.

"Oh, you..." Muge didn't know what to say.

"By the way, sir, can we add each other on WeChat? It'll be easier to discuss the insurance claim later. I'm really sorry," she requested.

Without hesitation, Muge took out his phone and showed her his WeChat QR code.

They then added each other as WeChat friends.

"Sir, what's your surname?" asked the girl timidly.

"My name is Muge."

"And yours?"

"I'm Jiang Feixue," she replied.

Upon hearing her name, Muge felt a momentary surprise as it sounded similar to Jiang Yanfei, differing by only one character.

"Do I know you?" he asked curiously.

"No, I don't think so. It's just that my name sounds similar to someone you know, right?" she clarified.

Muge nodded slightly.

Silence ensued between them until Muge realized he would be late and decided to call his manager, Mr. Zhang.

"Mr. Zhang, I've been involved in a rear-end collision. I'll be late getting to the office," informed Muge.

"Mr. Muge, as the vice president, you don't need to report to me," said Mr. Zhang with a helpless chuckle.

"Are you okay? Should I inform Ms. Jiang?" he asked, concerned.

"I'm fine. Don't tell her. It should be quick. Can you come pick me up at the highway exit?" requested Muge.

"Sure, I'll be there now," agreed Mr. Zhang before ending the call.

Turning to Jiang Feixue, Muge said, "You should call someone to pick you up, don't you think?"

Jiang Feixue suddenly realized she had forgotten to do so.

"Oh yes, you're right. Thank you for reminding me, sir," she said gratefully before dialing a number.

"Hello, sister, I've been in a car accident!"

"Where are you? Are you alright? Wait there, I'm coming right away!"

"I'm about 3 kilometers away from the Hangzhou exit on the highway."

"Okay, I'm on my way. It's good that you're fine."

After saying that, the other person hung up the phone.

Jiang Feixue looked at Muge with an embarrassed smile.


On the other side, Jiang Yanfei, who had learned that her sister had been in a car accident, also hurriedly left the community.

Just as she was about to get into the car, a call came in. She picked it up and saw that it was from Manager Zhang.

"Hello, Manager Zhang, what's up?" Jiang Yanfei asked as she drove.

"Miss Jiang, I need to take a half-day leave," said Manager Zhang.

"What's wrong with you?" Jiang Yanfei asked coldly.

"It's not me. It's Muge. He's been in a car accident, and I need to go and see him now," explained Manager Zhang.

The sound of brakes squeaking could be heard.

Jiang Yanfei was taken aback and quickly asked, "How is he? Where is he now?"

"It's okay, just a minor issue. He got rear-ended. He's on the highway now, about three kilometers away from Hangzhou. He asked me to meet him at the exit," said Manager Zhang.

After hearing Manager Zhang's words, Jiang Yanfei was stunned. She immediately thought of a possibility - that her sister had rear-ended Muge.

So she said, "Manager Zhang, you stay at the company. I'll go there. I'm nearby anyway."

"Alright, then I'll leave it to you, Miss Jiang," said Manager Zhang.

After saying that, Jiang Yanfei sped towards the highway exit.

On the other side, the traffic police quickly arrived to handle the scene and took Muge and Jiang Feixue off the highway.

把文中的Mu Ge改成Muge后,整段英文如下:

Just after getting off the highway, Jiang Feixue saw her sister's car and said to Muge,

"Little brother, my sister is here. Has your friend arrived?"

Muge had just learned on the police car that Jiang Yanfei was coming, and he smiled bitterly. Then he said,

"She should be here soon."

As soon as Muge finished speaking, he saw someone hurriedly getting off a Maserati parked at the highway exit.


"Jiang Yanfei!"

In the next second, Muge and Jiang Xuefei exchanged a glance.

"Your sister is Jiang Yanfei?"

"Little brother, is your friend my sister?"

Both of them smiled, and on the other side, Jiang Yanfei, who had come to them, also looked at them with a bitter smile.

"Are you two okay?"

"We're fine, sister. It was my fault for rear-ending Brother Mu."

Note: In the last sentence, "Brother Mu" should also be changed to "Brother Muge" to maintain consistency. So, the corrected sentence would be:

"We're fine, sister. It was my fault for rear-ending Brother Muge."

Continuing with the rest of the corrected paragraph:

"Sister, do you know Brother Muge?"

Faced with Jiang Xuefei's question, Jiang Yanfei blushed and then said boldly,

"He's your brother-in-law!"

Muge was shocked, and Jiang Xuefei was also shocked.