
The Beautiful Female CEO Fell in Love with Me

A talented trader in a company and a well-known financial queen. Their first encounter was when they were drunk. He stumbled back to the company to get his cell phone and found that there was still someone in the president's office! In a drunken stupor, he staggered to the door and kicked it open! Suddenly, a drunken man and a sober woman found themselves in a unique situation, which led to an unforgettable story between them.

wu2024 · Urban
Not enough ratings
39 Chs


Muge returned to his room.

He immediately turned on his Alienware laptop and started playing GTA, one of his favorite games.

The open-world game allowed him to connect with many friends.


As Muge was deeply immersed in the game,

In Hangcheng, at the Bojingting residential complex,

Which was one of the luxurious housing estates in the city, known for its spacious flats and river-view apartments,

Inhabited by individuals of considerable means,

In unit 1601 of building 6,

In the living room,

Jiang Yanfei was sitting cross-legged, chatting with a female friend who was equally as attractive as her.

"So you're saying that your little genius employee confessed to you?" asked Chen Wan'er, Jiang Yanfei's close friend.

Chen Wan'er looked incredulous at the moment.

Then she exclaimed in surprise:

"Unbelievable! How dare that guy confess to you? Is he blind?"

"Wan'er, what do you mean by that?" Jiang Yanfei retorted.

"Who would fall for a frozen iceberg like you?" Chen Wan'er joked.

Jiang Yanfei petulantly popped a chip from the bag into her mouth and said,

"Is it really that unbelievable? Humph!"

She had just mentioned the incident with Muge to her friend, but Chen Wan'er's reaction was unexpectedly strong, and she even teased her about it.

Actually, it wasn't Chen Wan'er's fault.

The two had grown up together, and Chen Wan'er had never seen Jiang Yanfei show any interest in a guy before. If she didn't know her well, she would have thought her friend was a lesbian!

"So, did you agree to him?" Chen Wan'er asked eagerly, her curiosity piqued.

Jiang Yanfei shook her head, then nodded.

"What does that mean? Did you agree or not?" Chen Wan'er was puzzled by Jiang Yanfei's ambiguous response.

"I agreed to try dating and see how it goes!" Jiang Yanfei clarified.

Upon hearing this, Chen Wan'er was shocked and stared at her friend in disbelief.

"Whoa, Jiang Yanfei, what are you thinking? You just agreed to him like that? Isn't that too rash?"

"Do you even know him well? Do you know about his family background?"

"So many second-generation rich kids in Hangcheng have pursued you, but you've never given them the time of day!"

"And now, you've been caught by a regular guy?"

Before, Chen Wan'er had thought that her friend had high standards and was too proud.

She had never shown any interest in the rich second-generation kids in Hangcheng.

But now, she had apparently been won over by a regular company employee?

Chen Wan'er didn't quite understand Jiang Yanfei's choice!

"Wan'er, don't call him a regular guy, it sounds so harsh!" Jiang Yanfei protested.

"Muge is not a regular guy. By the way, what's your understanding of a regular guy?"

Chen Wan'er thought for a moment and said,

"Someone who is incompetent, ugly, poor, has low taste. Maybe I have a stereotype."

Jiang Yanfei smiled and said,

"Well, Muge is none of those things!"

"How so?" Chen Wan'er was now genuinely curious about this Muge.

"First of all, he's not ugly. Secondly, he's very capable. He's only been in the company for less than a year, but he's already earned over 4 million yuan in salary and commissions."

"He graduated from a prestigious university."

"His father is an aerospace engineer with an annual salary of over 2 million yuan."

"His mother is a special-grade teacher in a middle school, earning about 600,000 yuan per year."

"They also own a supermarket, valued at around 20 million yuan."

"His younger sister, Mutong, is a freshman at Hangcheng University of Finance and Economics."

"They have two properties, both in desirable locations in Ningcheng."

The financial industry involves a large amount of funds, so detailed background checks are conducted on all incoming employees.

This is why Jiang Yanfei was able to learn about Muge's family background so quickly.

After hearing this, Chen Wan'er nodded slowly and said,

"Impressive, his family's financial situation is quite good. They are already considered as high-income earners."

At this point, Jiang Yanfei asked,

"So, does this qualify as a regular guy?"

Chen Wan'er blushed a little and then awkwardly said,

"You're right, my mistake. He's not a regular guy. Although they are not a wealthy family, they are still considered high-income earners. Both his parents are intellectuals, coming from a scholarly family. It's a good match."

"By the way, do you have a picture of him?"

Chen Wan'er was now very curious about Muge's appearance.

Jiang Yanfei opened the company's database, found a picture of Muge, and showed it to Chen Wan'er.

"Wow, he's quite handsome!"

"So, how far have you two progressed?"

Chen Wan'er now had a better understanding of Muge and overall, he seemed like a good catch.

"We're just starting out," Jiang Yanfei said with a smile.

"And you're chatting with me instead of your boyfriend?"

Chen Wan'er asked in surprise.

"We're not chatting," Jiang Yanfei replied.

"Why not?"

"We don't even have each other's WeChat."


Chen Wan'er was speechless. They were dating, but they didn't have each other's WeChat?

"This guy is interesting," she said.

"He managed to win over our CEO Jiang Yanfei, but he doesn't even have her WeChat. His heart is too big, isn't it?"

"Are you two sure you weren't tied together by the Moon God with steel bars?"

Chen Wan'er was now really impressed by the two of them.

"How are you going to date like this?"

"Are you dating the air?"

Jiang Yanfei shook her head and said,

"I don't know."

The truth was that Jiang Yanfei had never been in a relationship before and didn't know how to proceed.

She was a complete novice in the dating world.

"You two are ridiculous!"

"You don't even have each other's WeChat. Could it be that you didn't give him yours?"

"That's right. You're the group owner of the company's big group chat. You can't just go to the employee area and ask for his WeChat."

Jiang Yanfei thought for a moment and said,

"In the company's big group chat, I'm the group owner. He should know that."

Chen Wan'er rolled her eyes.

"Wow, this guy is something else. He knows you're the group owner, but he still hasn't added you. Now I'm starting to question his motives for confessing to you."

Jiang Yanfei nodded slightly.

"I have my doubts too. I think he might be a bit unreliable."

"What do you mean?"

"I have a feeling that he might be a seasoned player in the dating game, a Casanova of sorts. After all, he's handsome, capable, and comes from a good family. He probably dated a lot in school."

"Oh my god, Jiang Yanfei, you..."

At this point, Chen Wan'er was really stunned by her naive friend's lack of experience in relationships.

"So you're suspecting him of being a playboy who has been in many relationships and might even be cheating on you?"

Jiang Yanfei didn't deny it but nodded instead. In truth, she was still confused about how she had agreed to date him in the first place.

"I really don't know what to say to you, Jiang Yanfei. You're really out of this world."

Chen Wan'er thought for a moment and then her eyes lit up.

"I think I need to help you investigate him."

"Let's see what kind of person he really is. That way, you'll feel more at ease, and so will I!"

"How are we going to investigate him?"

Jiang Yanfei asked curiously.