
The Beautiful Female CEO Fell in Love with Me

A talented trader in a company and a well-known financial queen. Their first encounter was when they were drunk. He stumbled back to the company to get his cell phone and found that there was still someone in the president's office! In a drunken stupor, he staggered to the door and kicked it open! Suddenly, a drunken man and a sober woman found themselves in a unique situation, which led to an unforgettable story between them.

wu2024 · Urban
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39 Chs


Chen Wan'er gave a mysterious smile.

Chen Wan'er and Jiang Yanfei had completely opposite personalities.

Jiang Yanfei was rational and didn't fall in love easily, while Chen Wan'er liked to have fun but was also the kind of person who could rise unsoiled from the mud, playing in the world.

So, facing this kind of probing, she was very adept.

"Think about it, who does Muge usually have a good relationship with in the company? Someone really close, is there anyone?"

Jiang Yanfei didn't understand why Chen Wan'er was asking this.

"What do you want? I don't want to investigate him."

Chen Wan'er's face was full of concern.

"My dear lady, I didn't ask you to investigate him."

"Then what do you want to do?"

Chen Wan'er didn't want to explain and asked directly,

"Don't worry about that, you'll know later. Just tell me, who has the best relationship with Muge in the company? Not just an ordinary one."

Jiang Yanfei thought for a moment and recalled that there was always a guy chatting beside Muge every time she went to his department.



"Wang Wei. Wang Wei has the best relationship with Muge. Every time I go to their department, Wang Wei is always beside him!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Wan'er smiled happily and excitedly said,

"Great, call Wang Wei and ask him to lend you his WeChat for a while. Just say it's for work and you need to hide your identity!"

Jiang Yanfei listened and felt that this wasn't a good idea.

"This isn't good. Who would give their WeChat to their boss? It's their privacy after all!"

Chen Wan'er shook her head speechlessly.

"My dear sister, just try it. What if he agrees? Besides, you're such a goddess president, I don't think he'll refuse."

Jiang Yanfei gave Chen Wan'er a look and handed her the phone.

"You contact him yourself, I'm not doing it."

Jiang Yanfei thought that if she was ever found out, she could just say it was her best friend.

"Xiao Fei, I couldn't tell before, but you're like this. Sigh, whatever, who am I to judge since I'm your best friend?"

"For your future happiness, I'm willing to take the blame for you!"

So Chen Wan'er took Jiang Yanfei's phone.

She quickly found Wang Wei in the work group chat, clicked on his profile picture, and sent a voice call.

Soon, Wang Wei picked up.

"Hello, Ms. Jiang."

Imitating Jiang Yanfei's tone, Chen Wan'er quickly responded,

"Um, Wang Wei, do you have time now?"

"Yes, Ms. Jiang, what can I do for you?"

"Well, there's a problem with one of the company's projects at the moment. Would it be convenient to borrow your WeChat for a while? I need to eliminate spies from other companies, and currently, you're not a suspect."

"Ah, is it really this serious? Alright, Mr. Jiang, I'll send you my WeChat ID and password then!"

"Oh, by the way, don't delete any chat records of the company's employees, just handle your own privacy!"


Then the two hung up the phone. Chen Wan'er gave Jiang Yanfei a proud look and said:

"Haha, mission accomplished, but it seems like your employees' aren't very vigilant."

"Don't be so pleased with yourself!"

The two bickered for a moment, and soon after, Wang Wei's WeChat credentials were sent to Jiang Yanfei's phone.

"Bingo! It's done. Now let's test Muge!"

"How are we going to test him?"

Jiang Yanfei was still confused.

"My dear, now that we have Wang Wei's WeChat, we can use his identity to test Muge. Men are usually honest with their brothers. We can find out if Muge is a scum or not by using Wang Wei's identity."

"But what if they find out when they meet on Monday?"

"That's why I said to keep it a secret earlier!"

Alright, Jiang Yanfei was convinced by her best friend, and the next moment, she felt a surge of excitement for no apparent reason.

"If we test him and he turns out to be a bad guy, then we'll handle it accordingly. If not, even if he finds out later, it won't be a big deal. By then, if your relationship is solid, why would you fear such a minor issue?"

Instead of logging in to WeChat on their phones, the two decided to use the computer.

Since the computer could synchronize recent messages.

Moments later, Wang Wei's WeChat was successfully logged in on the computer. After a quick glance, it was evident that the current chat windows were all from colleagues at the company, indicating that his privacy settings had been appropriately managed.

"Let's take a peek at their chat history first and try to imitate their tone!"

Chen Wan'er said excitedly to Jiang Yanfei. Somehow, people always find thrill in engaging in such activities.

Jiang Yanfei leaned in curiously, her eyes wide as she gazed at their chat records.

Jiang Yanfei also curiously leaned in, her eyes wide as she gazed at their chat records.

[Wang Wei: Wanna play some games, Amu?]

[Muge: Log in, dad will carry you!]

[Wang Wei: My Mu bro, want to go for some barbecue tonight?]

[Muge: Are you treating or am I?]

[Wang Wei: Can you treat, please?]

[Muge: Get lost, asshole, you have no filial piety!]


As the two continued to read, their initial excitement turned into disappointment. These two only talked about playing games, discussing barbecue, or where to find good food.

It was all useless chatter, and they found no useful information. They then took a look at Muge's Moments.

It was quite simple, with one photo of a new car and another screenshot of some sneaker purchase.

"He seems like a pretty straightforward guy," Chen Wan'er commented, feeling somewhat lost.

"Alright, let's stop looking and just get to it!" she exclaimed.

Jiang Yanfei's curiosity was piqued, and she eagerly said, "Let's begin. You do it."

"Okay," Chen Wan'er nodded and opened up Muge's chat window to start typing.

[Wang Wei (fake): Hey Amu, what's up?]


Meanwhile, in Ningcheng, Muge was lying in bed reading a novel after finishing a game.

Suddenly, a message popped up on his phone from Wang Wei. As he was about to reply, a voice sounded in his head:

[Ding! Facing the probing of Fake Wang Wei (real Jiang Yanfei's best friend), make the following choice.]

[Choice 1: Answer the question honestly and receive a cash reward of 1 million yuan.]

[Choice 2: Answer the question like a naive man and receive the reward of God-level medical skills.]

With the options presented by the system, Muge didn't hesitate for a moment.

"Choice 2!"

As soon as he made his selection, Muge felt a surge of knowledge about medicine flood his mind.

It felt incredible.

At that moment, Muge smiled at his phone screen. He realized that Jiang Yanfei had enlisted her best friend to test him.

He wondered how Jiang Yanfei got Wang Wei's WeChat credentials, but quickly dismissed the thought. Considering Wang Wei's character, it wasn't surprising that he would engage in such submissive behavior.

A sly grin spread across Muge's face as he understood what was going on. So, they were using Wang Wei's identity to probe him. Very clever indeed. Bring it on.