
The Beach In The Fantasy World

"Huh?" "Save the world?" "Help those in need?" "Why in God's name would I care about that if I won't get anything that I want in return?" "Go bother someone else, I have better things to do." "Now let me grind in peace or I'll destroy everyone and everything you love, weakling!" A beautiful, kind and pure soul from the modern world got transmigrated to another world of fantasy and magic set in the medieval era. Trapped and stranded in a new world, the beautiful, kind and pure soul decides to climb the ranks with the power of friendship and hopes to one day become an outstanding citizen who is loved and respected by all. ******************************** I don't know why I can't add the exact tags I want for female-lead novels so I'm just going to write them here • #genderswap • #transmigration • #weaktostrong • #overpoweredprotagonist • #villain • #ruthlessprotagonist • #evilprotagonist • #action • #fantasy • #mature • #sliceoflife • #slowburn ******************************** WebNovel - 3 chapters per week Patreon - at least 5 chapters per week https://www.patreon.com/Immortal_Shades https://twitter.com/copperpen1814

Immortal_Shades · Action
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232 Chs

First Holy Mission Complete

Vivian was walking and heading to the Library Room.


She had already done her morning routine and had breakfast before heading here. Her eyes were still a little red and there were dark and heavy eyebags under her eyes.


'After this I'm going to sleep for a bit and then do a quest at the Adventurer's Guild and level up my [Throw Mastery]…'


'And after that, train my Magic Arts once again…'


'Oh shit…!'


'I also have to take another Holy Mission…'


'Yeah, I'll do that after I complete this current one…'


She finally arrived at the Library Room and swept her gaze around the area.


The desk where the librarian would sit was empty and there was no one else inside the library.


'Did I come too early…?'


'But it's open…'


"Sister Vivian?" a female voice called out her name from behind.


She turned around and saw the person she was looking for.


"Sister Annabelle, good morning. I'm here to take the exam."


"Good morning, too. Of course, please take a seat and wait for a moment."


"Thank you, sister," Vivian and nodded before heading to one of the tables.


A few moments later, Annabelle brought a sheet of paper along with a pencil and eraser and gave it to Vivian.


"Sister Vivian, may I inform you that while you're answering this test paper, you're not allowed to leave this room or talk to anyone else but me until you're finished. Also, you must have a score of at least more than 50% correct answers in order to pass. If you can't, you will have to be tutored once again before you can retake this test."


"Okay, sister. Thank you."


Vivian began answering.


The topic was similar to the mock exam that Marie gave Vivian -- about the religion and history of the Temple of Priests. It also had 3 sections: multiple choice, true or false but she had to point out why the statement was false, and essay.


A few minutes later…


Vivian finally finished answering and got up from her seat to head over to Annabelle and submit her test paper.


There were other people inside the room already.


However, Marie wasn't present, but Carr and Said were.


"Sister Annabelle."


Annabelle raised her head and looked at Vivian.


"Already done, sister?"




Vivian handed over the test paper along with the pencil and eraser.


"I'm going to check this now. You can wait or you can come back later."


"I'll just wait here."




Vivian went back to her table.


A few minutes later, Sister Annabelle got up from her seat and went over to Vivian with the test paper.


"Congratulations, sister. You passed the test. Your score is 30 over 30. I'm very impressed!" she said and smiled as she gave the paper to Vivian.


"Thank you, sister," Vivian said and smiled back.


"Sister Marie told me that before being tutored by her you actually didn't know how to read and write but already mastered the alphabet on the first session and could already write and read a book. And on the next day, you read another book and asked if you can take the final exam."

"What can I say? Sister Marie is a great tutor. I wouldn't have made such quick progress if not because of her."


Annabelle nodded in satisfaction.


Whatever that satisfaction meant, Vivian couldn't really tell. For all she knows it could be that she's impressed with Vivian and Marie's performance or how Vivian praised Marie's efforts.


"Go to the Mission Room and submit that paper to Brother Ezekiel. And may the God of Light continue to watch over you as always."


"Um… Yeah, you too, sister."


Vivian got up from her seat and left.





Vivian entered a large room that looked similar to the main hall of the Adventurer's Guild.


She went over to one of the counters.


"Hi, you're Brother Ezekiel, right?"


It was the same man that gave Vivian the Holy Mission to learn how to read and write, but it had been days since she last seen and spoke to him so she wasn't sure.


"Yes, I am. How may I help you, sister?"


"I was told by Sister Annabelle to submit this to you."


Vivian handed the test paper to him.


He checked it and immediately noticed something.


Unfortunately, Vivian didn't check her test paper while heading here because all she cared about was completing the mission. After all, it wasn't exactly a hard one. As long as one knew the details of the topic and combined with Vivian's experience in studying at a private religious school, it was a piece of cake for her to ace it.


Had it been math or science, it would be a different story.


If only Vivian checked her test paper, she would've noticed that Annabelle had written some notes at the top right of the paper. 


Ezekiel put the test paper down and grabbed another piece of paper. He wrote something on it and then gave it to Vivian.


"Congratulations, Sister Vivian. You have completed your first Holy Mission. Please give this paper to the Mission Rewards counter over there to claim your reward," he said and pointed.




Vivian went over to the Mission Rewards counter.


"Hi, I'm sure to claim my reward," she said and handed over the piece of paper that Ezekiel gave her.


The woman behind the counter accepted it and immediately read it.


"Your reward is 1 gold coin and 1 coupon for 1 silver-grade equipment. Do you want the gold coin to be changed into 10 silver coins?"


"What?" Vivian asked and her brows knitted. "Wait, I'm confused. What 1 coupon? I mean, as far as I know, the reward for the Holy Mission I took was 1 gold coin. Was there an update or something that I wasn't aware of?"


"No, sister. A coupon is given to a member who performed excellently during a Holy Mission. May I ask what was the Holy Mission you took?"


"To learn how to read and write and then pass a written exam."


"Then it means you must've done something excellent like maybe get a perfect score."


"I see…"


"There's nothing to worry, sister. This is how the Temple of Priests conducts things. They always make sure to reward its members or anyone who performs well or goes way and beyond in completing a Holy Mission for the sake of humanity."


"I see, I understand."


"So do you want the gold coin to be changed into silver coins?"


"Should I, sister?"


"If I may explain, sister, since you're a brown cloak and you probably aren't aware of this yet, all Holy Missions have a minimum reward of 1 gold coin. Because of that, it can be hard sometimes for Priests like us to go around buying normal everyday things, especially outside of this compound."


Vivian recalled the prices of the food, lodging and other things.


'Well, I guess that makes sense…'


'Even I would get pissed if I was a business owner and a customer buys something only worth 5 copper coins and gives me 1 gold coin…'


"About the coupon, where and how will I use it?"


"You can use it at the Blacksmith shop."


"I see. Please change the gold coin into silver coins."


"Okay, sister."