
The barber:Dc

Jayden, a talented and ambitious boy, has always dreamed of becoming a Barber. However, his aspirations seem out of reach in his ordinary life. One fateful night, as Jayden was walking back home he encounters a woman in danger and tries to save her...unfortunately, because of his recklessness, he died... But that wasn't the end for him as he awakens in a realm beyond imagination, finding himself reincarnated into the DC Universe. Now trying to live out his lifelong dream, Jayden must navigate this new reality where superheroes and supervillains coexist. . . . . . My last story wasn't really starting off well so I decided to change it for this dc one while I fine-tune and mark out the other one that I'll upload into another story category. I'll be honest here I've never read a dc comic in my life but I love the movies and have been reading up on my favourite characters. I'm still confused about the whole rebirth thing and the new 52 but I'm trying. In any case, most of my knowledge will be from the movies, some videos I've seen from Kinglion, variant YouTube and of course the wiki. I've been recommended to watch the young justice TV show, static and other animated stuff so while writing this I'll watch some of that stuff in my free time. Also just a reminder, I'm not a professional writer and don't claim to be, I'll make mistakes, so pointing out those mistakes would be much appreciated. Then with nothing more to say I hope you enjoy my story, and if not then thanks for trying it out. ......................

John_Len_2493 · Others
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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Jayden's breaths were calm as he dragged the defeated villains, Black Mask and Penguin, towards the exit of the tomb.

The weight of his actions, the culmination of his anger and determination, lingered in the air around him but slowly it started to fizzle away.

He knew he had made a significant impact, not only in avenging Lola but also in bringing down two notorious criminals.

As Jayden emerged from the tomb, his dark eyes scanned the area, searching for any signs of the men who had pursued Lola and Lily.

But the corridor remained silent and empty, the only sound being the echo of his footsteps as he continued onward.

Reaching the outskirts of the excavation site, Jayden found a secluded spot where he deposited the unconscious bodies of Black Mask and Penguin.

He knew it was only a matter of time before they would be discovered by the authorities, and their reign of terror finally brought to an end.

With a sense of relief and satisfaction, Jayden turned away from the defeated villains.

He knew his actions would not go unnoticed and he had accepted the risks that came with that but hopefully, he covered his involvement well enough that he hadn't left clues that could expose him.

As he retraced his steps, Jayden's thoughts turned to Lola.


In the aftermath of the confrontation, news of the failed heist and the defeat of Black Mask and Penguin spread throughout Gotham City.

The GCPD launched an investigation into the incident, unravelling the connections and motives behind the criminals' actions.

On the rooftop of the Comic-Con centre, Batman stood in the shadows, his cape billowing in the wind as Commissioner Gordon approached him. The night sky provided a fitting backdrop for their conversation, the city's lights sparkling below.

Gordon, his weary eyes reflecting the weight of recent events, greeted Batman with a nod. "Batman, we need to talk. The chaos that unfolded inside the Comic-Con centre, the excavation, the traps... We need answers."

Batman's voice was deep and resolute as he addressed the commissioner. "Gordon, it appears that Black Mask and Penguin were behind the disturbance. They sought to unearth the treasures hidden within the tomb. But what they found was not material wealth, but a chamber filled with deadly traps. They paid a heavy price for their greed."

Gordon furrowed his brow, processing the information. "Deadly traps, you say? And what happened to them? Are they still a threat?"

"The tomb claimed its toll," Batman replied grimly. "Many of their men perished, and Black Mask and Penguin barely escaped with their lives. But their ambitions have been shattered."

Gordon sighed, realizing the gravity of the situation. "I see. So the treasure they sought was nothing more than a myth?"

"Yes," Batman affirmed. "The tomb was empty. No riches, no artefacts. Only death traps guarding its sacred grounds."

Gordon shook his head, a mix of frustration and relief crossing his features. "All that chaos, and for what? It's hard to believe they risked so much for empty promises."

Batman's voice held a note of warning. "Greed blinds even the most cunning criminals, Commissioner. Black Mask and Penguin were no exception. They fell victim to their own desires."

As Gordon finished jotting down the last details of their conversation in his report, he turned around to address Batman once more, only to find the rooftop empty. The Dark Knight had vanished, as enigmatic as ever.

Gordon couldn't help but smile to himself, his admiration for the caped crusader evident. "Always disappearing, leaving us with more questions than answers." he muttered under his breath.

In the wake of the failed heist, the GCPD would continue their investigations, piecing together the remnants of the criminals' plans.

Black Mask and the Penguin were found and were going to be sent to Arkham asylum.

But the true nature of the tomb and its origins would remain a mystery, its secrets forever locked away.

As Gotham City returned to its uneasy calm, Commissioner Gordon couldn't shake the feeling that there was still much he didn't know.


(Midtown - Gotham City Convention Centre: Time before Destruction - 0 hours 0 minutes remaining)

Lola's heart was still racing as she reunited Lily with her mother. The relief that washed over her was indescribable.

Seeing the little girl safely back in her mother's arms brought tears of joy to Lola's eyes. She smiled, grateful that Lily was finally out of harm's way.

Just as Lola was about to turn around, she felt a presence behind her. Startled, she spun around, only to come face to face with Jayden. Surprise flashed across her face, quickly followed by pure elation.

Without a second thought, she leapt into his arms, wrapping her arms tightly around him.

"Jayden! You're safe!" Lola exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of worry and relief. She held onto him, not wanting to let go. She leaned back slightly to look at him, her eyes scanning his body for any signs of injury. "Are you okay? Did anything happen to you?"

Jayden's eyes softened as he held Lola close, his heart still reeling from the pain and loss he had witnessed. He gently cupped her face in his hands, his thumbs caressing her cheeks. "I'm okay, Lola. I'm right here." he reassured her, his voice filled with tenderness. "But tell me, are you alright? Were you in danger? What happened?"

Lola's smile wavered slightly as she recalled the harrowing moments she had endured. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her voice. "I... I was in danger. Black Mask and Penguin, they had planned to kill me. But I was saved, just in the nick of time by one of the Teen Titans." she explained, her voice tinged with gratitude.

Jayden's eyebrows furrowed in concern as he absorbed her words. "The Teen Titans? Who saved you?" he asked, his eyes searching hers for answers.

Lola nodded, her eyes glimmering with appreciation. "It was Starfire. She appeared out of nowhere and used her powers to shield me from harm. I owe her my life, Jayden. Without her, I don't know what would have happened."

Jayden's grip on Lola tightened, his heart overflowing with gratitude and admiration. "Starfire... she saved you," he whispered, his voice filled with awe. "I don't know how to repay her, but I will find a way. She has my deepest gratitude."

But what Jayden was saying and thinking were two completely different things.

In fact, it wasn't Kori who had saved Lola but Jayden who had disguised himself as her and quickly escorted her out before running back into the tomb.

And this time he really made sure that Lola was safe by having one of the Teen Titans meet Lola and escort her outside.

Lola leaned into Jayden's embrace, her body seeking comfort and reassurance. "I'm just glad we're both safe." she murmured, her voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and relief.

"Hey, Jayden." Lola suddenly called out to Jayden.

"Yeah, Lola?" He responded.

"The next time I ask you out on a date let's just do it at home, yeah." Lola joked and Jayden burst out laughing before saying.



(Midtown Gotham: 08:15 PM)( Address: Lola and Selina's apartment building)

Lola had led Jayden by the hand as they entered her home, a sense of calm settling over them.

They stepped through the door and were met with the sight of Selina, who looked both relieved and worried at the same time.

When Selina saw the two, without hesitation she rushed forward, enveloping both Lola and Jayden in a tight embrace.

"Oh, thank goodness you're safe!" Selina exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine concern. She held them close, as if afraid to let go. "I heard about what happened, and I couldn't stop worrying. I'm so sorry I wasn't there with you."

Lola smiled warmly, her heart touched by Selina's genuine care.

She gently pulled away from the hug, placing a hand on Selina's arm. "It's alright, Selina. We understand." she reassured her. "We made it out okay, thanks to the Teen Titans."

Jayden nodded, a grateful expression on his face. "Lola's right. We had some unexpected help, and we managed to come through. We're safe now."

Selina nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. She had just come back from a heist and she wasn't in the greatest of moods this week so she kind of blew them off.

But when she had returned and turned on the news her heart had sunk to her stomach hearing about the attack that had happened at the Comic Con.

She was about to run over there herself to make sure the two were safe but that was when they had entered the apartment.

Deciding to take a break from the events of the night, the trio made their way to the living room.

They settled on the couch, surrounded by a cosy atmosphere. Lola grabbed a bowl of popcorn, while Jayden and Selina grabbed some drinks.

As the movie began to play on the screen, the tension and worries of the night started to fade away.

They laughed at the comedic moments, shared whispered conversations during the intense scenes, and found solace in the simple act of being together.

At that moment, surrounded by the warmth of friendship and love, Lola couldn't help but feel a sense of peace.

The events of the night had been harrowing, but she knew she had her loved ones by her side.

First Selina, particularly the sister she never had and now Jayden. Lola chuckled Before reaching for Jayden's hand under the blankets.

End of the Comic Con ark now back to cutting more hair.

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