
The barber:Dc

Jayden, a talented and ambitious boy, has always dreamed of becoming a Barber. However, his aspirations seem out of reach in his ordinary life. One fateful night, as Jayden was walking back home he encounters a woman in danger and tries to save her...unfortunately, because of his recklessness, he died... But that wasn't the end for him as he awakens in a realm beyond imagination, finding himself reincarnated into the DC Universe. Now trying to live out his lifelong dream, Jayden must navigate this new reality where superheroes and supervillains coexist. . . . . . My last story wasn't really starting off well so I decided to change it for this dc one while I fine-tune and mark out the other one that I'll upload into another story category. I'll be honest here I've never read a dc comic in my life but I love the movies and have been reading up on my favourite characters. I'm still confused about the whole rebirth thing and the new 52 but I'm trying. In any case, most of my knowledge will be from the movies, some videos I've seen from Kinglion, variant YouTube and of course the wiki. I've been recommended to watch the young justice TV show, static and other animated stuff so while writing this I'll watch some of that stuff in my free time. Also just a reminder, I'm not a professional writer and don't claim to be, I'll make mistakes, so pointing out those mistakes would be much appreciated. Then with nothing more to say I hope you enjoy my story, and if not then thanks for trying it out. ......................

John_Len_2493 · Others
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92 Chs

Chapter Sixty-Six

(Location: Rome - Italy)

As the cruise ship docked at the port of Civitavecchia, the excitement among the passengers was palpable.

Jayden, Lola, and Selina were among the first ones to disembark, eager to explore the historic city of Rome.

The trio stepped onto the cobblestone streets, ready to immerse themselves in the rich culture and history.

They got into the taxi that they had ordered first and it only took around an hour to get to the city.

Their first stop was the iconic Piazza Navona.

One of the most remarkable squares and one of the best places to visit in Rome.

The square owes its elongated shape to its original purpose as a Roman athletics stadium.

Interesting sights on the square included several fountains, such as the 'La Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi' by Bernini, an interesting obelisk, and the excavations of the old stadium of Domitianus. 

The trio walked around visited a few cafés, watched some lively street performances and just walked around having a good time.

As they walked around the magnificent city, Lola gasped in awe, her eyes widening with wonder. "Wow, it's even more beautiful in person!" she exclaimed, snapping a photo to capture the moment.

But Selina and Lola were bumbed that they wouldn't be able to see the Leaning Tower of pisa, as it was located in another city.


The trio then made their way to the Colosseum.

As they approached the ancient amphitheatre, Selina couldn't hide her excitement. "This is one of the most iconic landmarks in the world. The history and stories within these walls are simply fascinating," she said, her eyes gleaming as she read its history on a plack.

Lola nodded in agreement, her camera clicking away as she captured every angle of the impressive structure. "I can't believe we're actually here! It feels like stepping back in time."

Jayden smiled, soaking in the joy and enthusiasm of his lover's. "It's incredible to think about all the events and spectacles that took place right here in this very arena." He wished he could have seen it in its prime.


After exploring the Colosseum, they meandered through the bustling streets of Rome, savouring the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and indulging in delicious Italian gelato.

They visited the magnificent Vatican City, gazing up at the awe-inspiring St. Peter's Basilica.

Selina marvelled at the breathtaking artwork and architecture, her eyes filled with appreciation.


After visiting the Basilica they didn't have much time left so they chose to visit one last location.

The Trevi Fountain of Rome...

The most famous fountain in Rome and perhaps even the world must be the 'Fontana di Trevi', or Trevi Fountain.

This baroque fountain, located on the Piazza di Trevi, was built in the 18th century. The landmark and monument displays the god of the sea, Neptune on his chariot.

Their visit or Rome sightseeing just wouldn't have felt complete without tossing a coin in the Trevi fountain.

Their faces glowed with joy as they got back on the boat. They rejoined the cruise ship, ready to share their day with Harley and Ivy.


(Location: Ostia)

Meanwhile, Harley and Ivy had their own adventure in the city of Ostia, exploring ancient ruins and hidden gems.

Or so they had hoped.....

In a twist of fate, Harley and Ivy found themselves in an unexpected and absurd predicament – a gunfight with the Italian mafia.

How did this all happen?

Well, it started innocently enough with Harley's nature getting the better of her.

As they strolled through the charming streets of Ostia, Harley's eyes fell upon a colourful display of candies in a quaint little shop.

Unable to resist her sweet tooth, she cheekily swiped a handful of candies from the jar, unaware that the shop was actually owned by the son of a notorious mafia boss.

As Harley munched on the stolen candies, Ivy shook her head in amusement. "Harley, you have money, just pay for them."

Harley grinned mischievously, "Hey, it's just a bit of harmless fun. Besides, they won't even notice a few candies missing."

But as fate would have it, the young boy's cries of distress reached the ears of his mafia boss father.

In a matter of minutes, a group of stern-looking men surrounded Harley and Ivy, guns at the ready.

"Uh-oh, looks like we've got ourselves into a sticky situation," Ivy remarked, her cool composure unwavering even in the face of danger.

Harley chuckled nervously, "Yeah, well, who knew stealing candy could lead to a run-in with the mafia?"

The mob boss approached them, his eyes blazing with fury. "You think you can steal from my son, and get away with it?"

Harley attempted to diffuse the tension with her trademark humour. "Come on, boss, it was just a little candy. How about I make it up to you with a joke?"

To their surprise, the mob boss cracked a slight smile. "Alright, let's hear it."

Harley launched into a series of jokes, some funny, some not so much, but it was enough to distract the mob boss and his henchmen momentarily.

Seizing the opportunity, Ivy unleashed a burst of her pheromones, causing the men to become dazed and disoriented.

With their adversaries momentarily incapacitated, Harley and Ivy made a swift escape, zigzagging through the narrow streets of Rome.

The Pheromones Ivy made were unfortunately not potent enough to keep them in control for long.

"This wasn't exactly how I imagined spending our day in Rome," Ivy remarked dryly as they weaved through the bustling crowds.

Harley laughed, adrenaline pumping through her veins. "You can't say it wasn't exciting, though!"

As they continued their daring escape, Ivy heard a whisper in her ear and quickly spotted a nearby alleyway that seemed to lead to a dead-end.

However, she heard the whisper yet again and quickly found a hidden latch that opened a secret passageway.

"Quick, this way!" Ivy called, and they ducked into the hidden pathway, leaving the mafia baffled and lost.

The passage led them to a hidden garden, lush with vibrant flowers and foliage. Harley grinned, "Well, well, looks like your plants saved our hides again."

Ivy smirked, "Plants can be quite useful, you know."

As they caught their breath, Harley playfully nudged Ivy. "Guess we'll have an epic tale to tell back on the cruise ship."

Ivy chuckled, " Sure, but this time, let's try to stay out of trouble, shall we?"

With a nod, Harley agreed, "Deal. But no promises."

While Ivy was walking forward Harley paused, her eyes widened as she stumbled upon a shiny, glowing rock amidst the Flowers.

It emitted an otherworldly light that seemed to dance in her hands, captivating her like a moth to a flame.

Intrigued by its mysterious allure, she couldn't help but feel an inexplicable connection to the strange artefact.

However, instead of showing it to Ivy, Harley decided to keep the glowing rock to herself for now. Curiosity got the better of her and she grabbed it.

With a mischievous grin, she tucked it securely into her pocket and caught up with Ivy.


(Location: Unkown)

Meanwhile, in another part of Rome, a room filled with mobsters buzzed with tension. The air was thick with anticipation as two bosses pulled up.

Each boss carried a briefcase with the potential to bring fortune that could lead to power or ruin.

The mob boss, distinguished by his feathered hat and sharp demeanour, clicked his fingers with an air of authority.

In an orchestrated display of precision, his men masterfully incapacitated everyone in the room, leaving only the mobsters and their loot.

One of the men nodded at the boss while wiping some blood from his cheek and silencer.

Once the room fell silent, the mob boss retrieved his phone and dialled a number.

Three rings later, the call was answered, and he spoke with a voice both menacing and confident.

"I have the package," he declared, a smug smile crossing his lips. "We're willing to make the exchange in two days."

On the other end of the call, the mysterious voice on the line agreed with a tone of approval. "Good. We'll meet on the Sss Santana for the exchange."

The deal was set, and the plans were in motion. The mob boss closed the call and examined the contents of the briefcase with satisfaction. The stakes were high, but he relished the thought of the power and wealth it could bring him.

With the exchange scheduled and the clock ticking, the mob boss and his men made their exit from the room, leaving behind a trail of blood and bodies.











Just finished watching Nimona, it was fucking amazing. Balled my eyes out at the end but then I was happy...I recommend it to anyone who hasn't watched it, it's on Netflix.

Three chapters today. See you in the next one.

John_Len_2493creators' thoughts