
The Awakened Supreme

Planet Gaia underwent a major catastrophe causing the dimensional twist opening a gap for beast/monsters pouring out like a tidal wave. It not only happened in a single place but all over the world. The world was turn into chaos animals also began to mutate causing havoc everywhere they go. Humans became their prey for their weapon and other technology was useless until some altar appeared causing people to mutate and gain power to transform to various beast or animals. They call themselves Beast Hunters. Watch how the story unfolds as the Mc began his journey to became a Beast God. (credits to the image owner)

Three_Eyed_Cat · Fantasy
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4 Chs


It was Blake Carter his high school tyrant/bully. Blake already awakens a fire element two years ago and especially because he and the chairman's daughter were friends while he was being ignored was the reason for being beaten up.

The beating last for a few minutes until he was black and blue and no longer able to move properly.

"Ptui!" Blake spit in disgust as how he looks.

"Let's leave this loser here after all he can no longer able to participate the trial until the next year"

"Yes! Yes. Young master let's leave this p**e of s**t."

"That's right young master after all he cannot beat you and don't have enough money to buy a skill book."

Leaving him lying on the cold floor the trio decided to start their own journey.

S**t those F*****s I thought.

My whole body is aching after I took a beating and despite of my training and grievance all I could do is let them beat me unless I want to die or reincarnate if there were another one.

S**t all my effort and those times of suffering just to get this chance. F**k!, F**k! this life another year of my life will be wasted again.

He cursed Blake entire lineage for what he has gone through. Despite suffering from his broken ribs, bleeding wounds and other bruises or injuries he stood up and walk back to the trial exit knowing many people would give him judging eyes.

As he walks down the platform, he underestimated the people's enthusiasm as many reporters run up to him to inquire why did he go out early and what happened to him.

"Excuse me sir! What happened to you?" The nearest reporter asked, but before his question was answered Alexander suddenly pass out.

Governments doctors pass through the crowd and preliminary treat his injuries before he was moved to the hospital.

Alexander's Pov

Argh! This pain is worse than I imagine it seems I got 3 or more broken bones, and had had to rest for a few weeks to fully recover.

F*****g hell! It seems my journey isn't good as I imagined after all I am about to die.

My eyelids turned heavy as I my eyesight turned dim but before it fully closed, I saw a glimpse of a few doctors coming my way.

Argh! S**t! I take back what I said, my time hasn't ended yet. I thought then my mind turns blank as the pain of my injuries and the loss of blood took a toll on me.

3rd person Pov (Narrator)

Alexander didn't know how much time has passed as he started to regain consciousness and remember what happened.

He thought he was somewhat Lucky for being alive yet he will suffer more. As he started to look around the room, he imagined how much money has his treatment cost as he doesn't have enough savings. Walking to the mirror he looks at himself bandaged all over his broken arm and body. He looks at the clock and it seems that he is out for half a day. As he is looking himself at the mirror the door opens and an old man walks in and look at himself.

"Ow! Young man it seems that you got a good body. Walking this fast despite your injuries you could be a great martial artist a pity you exit the trial early." He said with regret, but before he could answer the man throwed a metal box containing with some things the couple left behind.

"Luckily I always carry it with me, your mother and father were a great hero kid" he said smiling. He also gave Alexander a military salute honoring his deceased family before walking out.

His mind momentarily blank out for what he suddenly heard. Now he knows where his parents are. He was saddened for the fact that he doesn't remember a thing or even saw their picture but at least he knew that they, like any other Superhuman protected all of them as a hero. Looking at the metal box he reaches out to open it but it was tightly locked. He tried many ways to open it but it all came to waste but before he could remove his hand away from it his medallion started shining

As the box also did. He tried placing the two closes to each other and as he expected after searching for a couple of minutes there was a slot in the box.

He put his medallion in the slot and it opened. The metal box contained with some letters, some pictures, a book, and some map with weird symbols on it. And it also seems that the map dates for a few hundred or thousands of years.

He took a closer look at the photos and before he knew it his eyes were producing tears nonstop. He was saddened for he did not have any memories of them and at the same time proud of what they have done to humanity. He saw his mom looking at him when he was a child with a smile that would shake everyone's heart and beside him was a man with a sharp feature as you could see to a combatant/soldier.

They both have gifted looks and that's were his physical feature which he was proud of came from. He browses for a couple more of the photographs and before he knew, it was already noon.

He put all the items inside the box and close it. He was about to get up to get himself discharge because as the time goes on the more money he had to pay when the door opened.

"Ow! young man just a couple of hours ago you were at deaths door luckily you were here on time" The Doctor said.

"Mary! hurry up and get these young man's lunch so that I could get him his medicine already."

"Yes Doctor" the nurse replied.

"Here is your lunch sir have a good time" she said before hurriedly going out the door.

"Forgive her young man its just that she is always busy by the way my name is Dr. Joseph Ravera, you can call me Dr. Ravera or anything you like and if you are wondering why I am here it's because I was told to take good care of you and the fee was already paid by Officer Ramirez.

"Officer Ramires? who's that?" Alexander asked as he slightly tilted his head.

"Ow! I see that man has still his peculiar attitude eh. It was the man who visited you earlier."

"I see" he immediately replied as he remembered the old man who delivered the box to him.

"You need for a week utmost so that you could get discharged and walk normally but without doing rigorous exercises and activities." Ravera said as he walk up to him and injected a medicine to his medicine.

"My jobs done already, you just need to rest and your good to go young man" Ravera said as he walks to the door waving him goodbye.

"Well it seems that i gotta rest and think what i would do next after i got out of this hospital" Alexander said to himself out-loud.

He spent a few hours making plan about his work, school, practice and things that he want to achieve in life and before he goes to bed he realize that he have not explored the content about the mysterious old map.

He decided to understand the map even though it was already late at night and discovered that the text on the map was said to be one of the oldest and hardest language in the world and although the worlds technology is now advanced allowing fuel less plane and cars to work due to mana and the great worlds AI that houses most of the worlds text, lore, myths and scientific researches it still took some time before the process has finished and the map is largely similar to the Mayan language.

He took the photo and let the computer translate it before going to bed. Waking up in the morning although full of energy Alexander cant move rigorously as he is still injured. His mind was full of expectation of what would the map bring him. As he opened the computer he was dumbfounded as the translation which could almost translate all language is quite broken. He read the words and it just doesn't make sense. There are things he could understand but if he thoroughly read it the words seemed broken almost written by a few years old kid.

Despite the setback Alexander's determination surge even more as he decided to learn the Mayan language himself but he decided to rest for a few more days in order to get permission to be discharged.

Alexander took some breakfast and focused on researching about the said language focusing on its Civilization so that he could understand more of the story.

Hi! I'm using some myths and stories and if i quite explained it wrongly please leave a message so that i could know more. If you have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I also decided to use more stories that i like and although i would make mistake please know that this is an alternate world not Earth but I would still gladly use your suggestion.

Comment your desired stories or myths maybe i would gain inspiration because of it.

Three_Eyed_Catcreators' thoughts