

The thirst for power drove Arkanta to join forces with the enemy pack so they could kill the Alpha and Luna of the Haptia pack not sparing their child. Tiran, the Alpha and Sarya his mate endured the fight just for their child and they did everything so she could survive. They had been betrayed by the only people that they trusted. Ones they called family! Hidden in a thick bush, she watched her parents die infront of her. It was by sheer luck that she was saved and harbored by another pack. Just like Arkanta, she grew up thirsty but unlike him, she had no desire power. She swore not to rest until those who took over the Haptia pack are on their knees. She had lost both his parents in one night. Nothing else made sense to her except one - Revenge!

Viola_Nyakora · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Blood shed! Light shed!

Laura watched how her mother was being treated. She was not far so she heard their conversation. She tried to be obedient and dared not make a sound or even move.

Tears trickled down her eye, she did not sniff out of pure instinct. She didn't know if she was supposed to fear anything. She wasn't told not to cry. She clenched her fist as she placed it on one knee. She held one hand on her knee and scratched herself in the process. Blood oozed from the wound but she did not feel the pain. it was as if she was numbed.

Her eyes wanted to close but she could not allow them. She could not leave her mother alone and she felt that she needed her. She was young but the bond they had shared with her parents was strong enough.

She watched as her uncle was all over her mother. She could not understand. She knew nothing of what was going on but her mother's face was enough to tell her everything. She needed not to be told.

"Go around! Look for the girl and bring her to me!" Arkanta ordered when he finally raised his head. He released Sarya abruptly which led her to fall down in the process.

She hissed at the pain. Her wounds were not planning to heal anytime soon and she was frustrated. The thought of them finding her daughter scared her and she clenched on the grass beneath her skin. She looked up at the moon. The moon was not that full but she just wanted to pray. Thinking of seeking the moon goddess' guidance suddenly made her heart ache. Where was she when everything was going astray? Where was she when her mate was stripped of his life and rendered helpless? How could she forsake her people. She was hurting. The bleeding of the scars and wounds that had been there since they started running was not the cause. Her heart was aching. She was losing her sanity.

Arkanta's men looked around the place in vain but none of them dared to go back and report. They feared his wrath. He had become a monster and his anger had risen to their minds. They could not dare to disappoint him. Each of them waited for at least one of them so they could follow.

Laura was still young and her wolf had not yet come out and with the wrappings Sarya did on her, she could not be sniffed even with Arkanta's power. She laid behind the thorns still. She had dozed off and was woken up by her mother's screams. She got startled and covered her mouth with an attempt not to make any sound.

Arkanta was holding her mother's hair and dragging her around the spot they stood at. He dragged her around him to achieve a circle. Sarya's pain exceeded her strength. She knew she would not survive it and she wanted to see her daughter one last time. It was the only chance she had with fate.

Her eyes were getting weak and her wolf had already given up. She was fighting a losing battle. Her eyes shifted to try to look at the place her daughter was but suddenly restrained herself from it. She could not let Arkanta sense anything or follow her eyes because she was the only one who knew where she was. The pain was becoming unbearable.

"Where is she?" Arkanta uttered while his eyes blazed only this time with anger and frustration. She was the only lead remaining. He knew that his good-for-nothing minions had not found anything yet so they would not have dared to show their faces.

"Just kill me Arkanta, you will never know where she is," Sarya managed to utter in between gritted teeth her voice husky and her muscles twitching. Arkanta let go of her as she landed down with her thud. Her muscles broke.

"I am going to look for her myself," he said as he turned around to leave. "We will see where your arrogance takes you." He headed deeper into the forest. He knew that she would not be far. He estimated a five meter radius at largest and started to look around.

Sarya had lost hope and in that moment of despair, she looked up at the moon and started to plead with the moon goddess. "Infront of you moon goddess is your appointed servant. You appointed me as the Luna to serve the people of the Haptic pack. You offered protection to us and right now moon goddess, we need it more than ever. Protect the heir to the pack. Be her guider and let her walk in your presence." Her head was weak. She tried to look up but it was spinning. She fell unconscious.

Arkanta looked around desperation kicking in. He found one of the Haptic wolf he had sent out standing and doing nothing in particular. He stared at him with anger and went on to slice his neck. His sight irritated him. He could not take in disobedience.

Laura looked at her mother fall weak. She did not see her moving again and now she was going crazy. She had lost her father, how could she lose her mother as well in one night. She was young and naive but that night had shed not only blood in their land but light in her eyes

She cried not caring about the sound of her sobs anymore. She was living for the only people that had given her life but now, she didn't see any reason to. She knew her uncle was looking for her. Would he dare to kill her too? Surely he couldn't be that merciless. Was he really?

Arkanta was walking around when he heard sobs not far from where he was. His ears were sharp. His eyes shone with happiness. He looked at the direction and smiled, "let's see who we have here,"

His heart was at rest and now that he was finally getting what he wanted, he could not ask for anything more. He had dreamt of the power for too long a time. He could not go back now not even if he wanted to. His journey to victory was coming to an end. The trophy was his and he was heading for it. He looked around and tried to listen again to the sobs. He followed the path and came across a thick bush that was wide enough to make a fence.

Laura watched as the man approached her and her heart was dying. She closed her mouth with an attempt to cover her sobbing. She was now afraid for her life.