

Have you ever felt special? Like the world revolves around you? Did you feel like the main character of a picture? So here I am!

Always wanted to do something grand so that the world remembers me. And now, lying on a hospital bed and dying of cancer - it seems nonsense and a stupid undertaking. Blood runs cold ...

If you were struck by lightning or hit by a car, you might just die instantly. You don't expect this, it just happens before you even scare you. And just lying in expectation of death, realizing that you have a couple of days left, that's really scary. No ... dying is very scary!

The door to the room opened, I saw a familiar face.

-Well hello, Oko ... How are you today?

-Hi uncle, yes it's a sin to complain, I blur in my signature smile.

My uncle is a charming middle-aged man with a very kind face. If you meet one on the street, then without a doubt you will think: "you can trust him."

Uncle Fabio is really very kind, which does not correspond at all to his work. And we, attention, drum roll ... the head of the Italian mafia. Yes Yes!

- As always optimistic, even now you continue to smile.

"With a smile, everything becomes much easier and then, why be sad, die — just with a smile, as the famous pirate king Roger did." I answered all the same, smiling.

Forgive me Oko, I can do nothing.

-You already did, uncle. You raised me, cared for me, loved, for this I am immensely grateful to you.

-With my upbringing, I am still surprised how you did not turn into a spoiled fat man.

-That's exactly hehe ... hehe-heh ..

-Oh, how are you? Urgently doctor !!!

- No need, uncle. A trembling blows through me ... Damn, how cold it is ...

"Oko, hold on!" He shouted, still holding my hand.

"Forgive uncle, and look, I am dying with a smile," I whispered with all my strength and my hand hung limp.

Stupid sound ... I never liked how this device beeps to check the stability of the pulse.

What can I say. The unknown is scary. But once you look into the eyes of death only once, more than one look does not have the power to scare you ...

Heh ....Muahahahaha

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