
Chapter 1. Meeting with the Author?

I woke up in a house. Not a familiar place.

- Damn, it hurts my head. Where am I? The last thing I remember is a squeaky sound ...

Looking around, I noticed a computer table, where the sheets were scattered. Picking up one, I decided to read.

- "Have you ever felt special, as if the world revolves around you?" What the hell? .. "Forgive uncle, and look, I'm dying with a smile." Is this ... the moment of my death described here?

What the hell?!

- (Not too gloomy happened?)

Turning to the sound, I saw a young man of about twenty with a mug of aromatic coffee.

- (I wanted to show people the seriousness of the situation and at the same time the optimism of the protagonist.)

"Who are you?" I asked, taking a couple of steps back.

- (Well, yes, where are my manners, you can call me Aidan, I am the author of this work.)


- (Exactly, no one has ever imagined it like that, in this case, let's say that I am God, in some way this is true.)

-The God? It turns out, I really died.

- (That's right.)

-And what is this place, the afterlife?

- (No, of course, this is my house, do you want some coffee?)

-No thanks.

- (I see you finally calmed down. Have a seat, I'll explain what is happening here. Have you read the stories about rebirths?)

- Wait, will I be reborn? In another world? Cool! And give a super ability?

- (Hush, hush. Usually we push this whole crap out to the higher Gods. They are just what you are doing. And meeting the author is like ... well, in general, we usually don't do that. But I decided to make an exception.)

-Do you call yourself an author, because you, like, write the stories of this world?

- (Native, you can't even imagine how right you are now. Well, let's talk about you better, but my readers should know at least something about the main character.)


- (Hmm, hard case.)

Then he pulled out a folder from nowhere.

- (So, your name is Oko, we'll omit the surname because you don't like it. For 20 years, I lived in Russia with my parents for 11 years. After my parents died, I moved to live with my uncle in Italy. He became known as the "prince of the mafia." Donated 815 million . dollars to charity funds.)

-This was not my money, but uncles.

- (Well, that was your pocket money. You could spend it on anything. In any case, this money saved a lot of lives, and "a lot" is still poorly said.)

Well, yes, uncle watched very carefully where his money was going. And he was not against this decision. He said that it was my money and I can dispose of it as I want.

Ask why I needed it? Maybe the death of my parents affected me so much. Maybe I just wanted to do good deeds. The reason is not so important, right?

- (In general, I decided to make you the main character of this work. You will move between the worlds that you choose and live in them.)

- What is the catch, what should I do in return?

Too good to be true.

- (There is no catch, just live for your pleasure. You have always been an optimist, do not be gloomy, away from doubts. But like any self-respecting fellow, you have to do something?)

"Gather a harem" I said, putting my finger up.

- (That's right, you understand me! Do not let me down, my faithful Friend.)

He said, also putting his finger up.

- (I entrust this difficult mission into your hands. And since this mission is very complicated, you must be a real imbe to complete it. Since you are the main character, I met me all the more, and he became my father, I'll give you have a choice of ten abilities, choose wisely.)

My eyes grew to the size of a saucer.

-Aaaa ... Hold me seven!

- (Well, am I cool? Okay, come on, choose.)

-Okay, you said that I will move between worlds?

- (Yes, you will move to the worlds that you know, but first, we will not break traditions, we will go to the world of Naruto.)

"In that case, I want an ability that will move me between the worlds when I want and where I want!" I issued a desire.

- (Well done, well thought out this moment. But I ask you, please do not ask for the strength of Superman as well.)

-Hmm ... why?

- (Then they will accuse me for plagiat. Do I need it? No!)

- I didn't understand anything, but somehow, I didn't want Superman's strength. To be honest, I never liked this character. I want the strength . I'm talking about the "Ghost Rider." - I smiled like the happiest clown.

-(Great choice!)

"That's just that, I want to have all his abilities, while not turning myself into a burning skeleton."

- (Consider, why exactly this character?)

- Yes, he's a walking cheater. Firstly, the rider is absolutely immune to any physical damage. He won't even get anything from Superman's blows. Then regeneration, which is a hundred times better than Wolverine. Endless stamina. And his strongest weapon is the "Punishing gaze." As for me, this is his coolest ability. - I admired that my eyes sparkled.

- (Two are, eight are left)

-Flash ability, namely its speedforce.

Well, what if you correctly unleash the potential of speedforce, you can move at infinite speeds. After all, speedforce is speed itself.

- (And you turn out to be a strategist. Flash could not use speedforce to the full from outside the human body. And you, having the body of a ghost rider and its infinite endurance, will create just a hell of a mixture. Yes, and accelerated flash metabolism will no longer be a weakness.)

How everything is laid out in the spirit. Well, in general, he is right.

-Further, I want to have control over time and space.

- (Haha, you even thought of this moment. To stop the flow of time when you will move to another world is very clever. )

"Thank you," made a small bow, "In addition, I wish to have the power of one of the seven eternal Deaths from DC.

- (And what features did it attract you?)

Having said that, he looked at me intently.

-The power of resurrection, of course. Death knows everything and about everyone who has ever lived, lives or will live.

- (I will give you all her abilities, except for her power in magic.)

It seems that the power of Death is too great.

"Well, sixth, I want to wield the power of Creation." I said.

- (Explain)

-Materialization, the power to create from nothing.

-( I understood you.)

-Ability to change reality .- My eyes have probably turned into diamonds from shine.

- (Come on, come on)

- Well and the main dish is the power of the eyes of Amazo, a robot from DC.

As for me, it was the most cheat character of DC. After all, with one glance he copied the forces of all members of the Justice League.

- (Well, finally, how could it be without an ability that allows you to copy other abilities. Well done, my filed, there are two more desires left.)

- Exactly, there are two more. Hm ...

Well, what else should I ask? I'm already imbalanced. Nothing comes into my head. I do not want to spend them on any cheap abilities.

- (What, you can not make a choice?)

Do I have everything written on my forehead?

-(And there is.)

-Enough to read other people's thoughts, this is not decent.

- (No, no, that you, just everything, really, it is written on your forehead. Since you can't decide, let me help you decide.)

-Truth? Good, "I agreed.

- (In that case, I offer two strongest abilities. The first is called the "Wisdom of Solomon")

-This ability will make me smart?

- (With this ability, you will become the smartest creature in the universe. Telepathy, telekinesis, empathy, absolute memory, all the possibilities of your brain will be available to you.)

-Yes, I'll be super smart! Let's play chess later.

- (True, there is one caveat. I'm afraid even with this ability, you will not be subject to "female logic")

- Well, this is not a solvable mystery ...

- (But don't be upset, the last ability will be the most useful of all. "Dominant")

- What is this skill?

- (Dominant is the key to creating a harem. With this ability, you will be the most attractive man for girls. But do not flatter yourself, it's not so easy to conquer them, you understand the "female logic" yourself. And yet, the main benefit of this ability is that girls already subdued by your charm, courage and an aura of an alpha male will be more tolerant of having a harem. The dominant will grant a bunch of other abilities that you will figure out later.)

And why didn't I think of such an ability myself? Yeah…

- (I think it's time to get ready for the journey. Let me give you my last present.)

Clicking his fingers, a chain appeared in his hands.

- (What a racer without his own chain?)

Is he serious ?! Damn, how cool it is!

- (You are connected with each other, so you can't lose him. I also made him indestructible. Extend your hand.)

I sharply felt the chill on my left hand. For a second, the whole arm from the shoulder to the arm was entwined with a long chain. It seemed to me that we are a single whole, not separable, as if the chain was originally in me, was an extension of my hand. Suddenly, the chain materialized into an image on my arm, as if I had stuffed myself with a tattoo. But I know that I can wake her up when I want.

"Cool!" I shouted in delight.

- (Listen, if you suddenly need me, just say "Author" and I'll come ... maybe ... well, in general, if I don't be busy, drop by, ha ha ... And take it.)

He handed me a book.

- (All your abilities and their characteristics are described here. Read them before using them. Well, or, come on, as in Mother Russia, first we do, then we read. Come on, activate your first ability.)

Well, I'll try to open the portal.

- (Good luck, Oko.)

-Thank you. -Thanking, I took a step. (Thank you? Hmm ...HEHEHEHEHEH)

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