
The Aurelian Empire

"When Verlian, a god condemned to walk the sinful Earth alongside humans and Ravynne, a girl sacrificed by her poverty stricken village just because she refused to marry a king, come to gether under the same roof - all hell breaks loose. He doesn't want to waste his time on a girl that is useless to his goal but at the same time, he can't bring himself to throw her out as he was. She doesn't want to give her ex-village the satisifaction or blessings of her death and is willing to do whatever she can to survive. ...but wait, it turns out they have the same goal. Follow them as they come together to seek revenge against those who wronged them and attempt to create a new era!"

Thalia_Ilace · Fantasy
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42 Chs

A Child Free of Sin

Ashke, Verlian and Ravynne sat in the small stone confines of Verlian's home. Ravynne sat on the bed while Verlian and Ashke stood before her. Their shadows danced across the wall behind them thanks to flames from the fireplace. The scent of fresh firewood burning filled the air. Despite the warmth from the fire and all of the furs on the bed, Ravynne found herself shivering. She twiddled her thumbs nervously as she waited for one of them to begin, a sense of doom coming over her.

Verlian stared at her with concern but did not say a thing. His long black hair was tied up in a high ponytail and the additional layers of his pelts added to his shape, making him look even more intimidating than normal. He stood firm and looked over at Ashke who was running his fingers through his fire red hair and huffing out in frustration. The two locked eyes and Verlian prompted him to begin.